"Exhol": instructions for use, reviews, photos, release form, composition

"Exhol": instructions for use, reviews, photos, release form, composition
"Exhol": instructions for use, reviews, photos, release form, composition

In our body there is a unique organ capable of recovery - it is the liver. Under the influence of various adverse factors, this gland experiences tremendous stress, and its cells die or are reborn into adipose tissue. In the treatment of the liver, a number of drugs are used, one of which is Exhol. Instructions for the use of this medication, indications, contraindications, features of therapy and other useful information are presented in this article.

Form and composition

This drug is available in the form of capsules, each of which contains the active substance - ursodeoxycholic acid in the amount of 250 mg, as well as auxiliary components: silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, calcium hydrogen phosphate dehydrate, povidone, lactose monohydrate and others.

How does the drug work?

Features of the pharmacological effects of the drug "Exhol" instructions for use describe as follows: it is a hepatoprotective drug with a choleretic effect.

exhol instructions for use
exhol instructions for use

The active substance has the following effect:

  • reduces the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver, reduces its absorption in the intestine and content in bile;
  • increases the quality of cholesterol dissolution in the bile excretion system, stimulating the formation of this secret and lowering its lithogenicity;
  • stimulates bile acid levels;
  • increases secretion of gastric and pancreatic secretions;
  • increases lipolytic enzyme activity;
  • has a hypoglycemic effect;
  • stimulates partial or complete resorption of cholesterol-type stones;
  • reduces saturation of bile with cholesterol, mobilizing it from stones;
  • has the properties of an immunomodulator, regulating the response mechanisms in the liver;
  • reduces the expression of antigens concentrated on the membrane system of hepatocytes;
  • regulates the number of T-lymphocytes, interleukins-2;
  • reduces the number of elsinophils.

What is the pharmacokinetics of the drug?

The drug "Exhol", instructions for use of which are described in this article, is characterized by a high degree of absorption in the small intestine and the ability to cross the placenta. The indicator of the maximum concentration of the drug substance in the blood is reached after 1-3 hours and is 5.5 mmol / l. Ursodeoxycholic acid is highly bound to plasma proteins and metabolized in liver cells to taurine and glycine conjugates, which are excreted into bile. Metabolic products are excreted with feces by 50-70%. A small amount of unchanged active substance enters the intestine, whereis transformed by bacteria into lithocholic acid, which is sulfated in the liver and completely excreted from the body by the intestines.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Direct indications for taking the drug "Exhol", instructions for use calls the following conditions:

  • primary biliary cirrhosis with no signs of decompensation;
  • the need to dissolve small and medium-sized cholesterol stones, subject to the functioning of the gallbladder;
  • gastritis (biliary reflux);
  • active chronic hepatitis;
  • liver disease in alcoholism;
  • primary sclerosing cholangitis;
  • cystic fibrosis of the liver;
  • non-alcoholic steatohepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia.

With these indications, Exhol capsules and tablets are often prescribed by a doctor and demonstrate high efficiency.


The drug containing ursodeoxycholic acid is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • presence of hypersensitivity to drug components;
  • absence of normal function and gallbladder empyema;
  • presence of stones with a high proportion of calcium, detected by X-ray;
  • fistula in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • cholecystitis or cholangitis in the acute stage;
  • decompensated cirrhosis of the liver;
  • infection of the gallbladder, its ducts and intestines;
  • pregnancyand lactation;
  • Children under 3;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • obturation of bile excretion pathways.
exhol instructions for use reviews
exhol instructions for use reviews

In the presence of these contraindications, it is not recommended to prescribe Exhol to patients. The instruction indicates that this remedy did not show a negative effect on the fetus when studied in animals, however, there were no adequate studies in pregnant women.

Special Instructions

In a special way indicates some of the nuances of taking the "Exhol" means of use. The doctors' comments about this drug are positive, but they draw the attention of women of childbearing age to the fact that additional contraception should be taken care of when treating with this pharmaceutical product. In addition to hormonal contraceptives, the effectiveness of which is reduced, barrier methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy should be used. It is not recommended to thoughtlessly prescribe treatment with Exhol for pregnant women. The instruction indicates that in this situation the risk to the mother should be higher than the risk to the fetus. Lactation should be stopped if this drug is taken by a breastfeeding woman.

If the child has reached the age of 3, then, if necessary, the drug "Exhol" can be prescribed to him. Instructions for use for children call for caution when treating babies under 4 years old, as they may have problems swallowing the capsule.

How to apply the medicine?

The best guide to treatment with Exhol -instructions for use. A photo of this tool will help you protect yourself from buying fakes.

The drug is taken orally, preferably in the evening. It is not recommended to chew the capsules, it is better to drink a small amount of water. If the patient weighs less than 34 kg, then it is better to prefer a suspension with the same medicinal substance.

exhol instructions for use composition
exhol instructions for use composition

The dosage of the drug depends on the age and purpose of therapy.

For the purpose of splitting stones in the gallbladder and ducts, Exhol is taken in a daily amount of 10 mg / kg for 6-12 months and several months after achieving the result for prevention.

If the patient is treating reflux gastritis, then he is prescribed one capsule of the drug once a day for a cycle of two weeks to six months, and if necessary - up to 24 months.

Treatment of biliary cirrhosis is carried out according to the scheme: per day - 10-15 mg / kg with a duration at the discretion of the doctor.

For other diseases included in the list of indications for admission, the dosage of the drug and the duration of its administration is set by the doctor on an individual basis.

Also, a special approach requires the appointment of children and adolescents with the drug "Exhol". Instructions for use in children older than 3 years indicate the need to prescribe a dosage of 10-20 mg / kg of body weight per day. The exact rationing of the drug and the duration of therapy is set by the doctor individually.

Are there side effects and overdose with the treatment?

While taking the drug "Exhol" mayside effects such as:

  • back pain;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased activity of liver transaminases;
  • allergy;
  • Calcium saturation of gallstones;
  • recurrence of psoriasis;
  • allopecia.

If these effects occur, you should stop taking Exhol. Instructions for use, the composition of which is briefly presented in this article, indicates that there have been no cases of overdose of this drug.

exhol instructions for use release form
exhol instructions for use release form

However, if the patient has symptoms of intoxication, symptomatic therapy should be performed.

Combination with other medicines

Joint intake with aluminum-containing anthacyanins and ion-exchange resins reduces the absorption efficiency of Exhol. Lipid-lowering drugs, neomcin, estrogens or progestins increase the saturation of bile with cholesterol and reduce the dissolution of stones.

Features of receiving funds

The first document that you should read before taking the drug "Exhol" - instructions for use. The release form of this drug in the form of capsules is most successful in relation to fully cholesterol stones, whose size does not exceed 15-20 mm. In this case, the gallbladder should be filled with these formations by no more than half, and the ducts have retained their function to remove bile by 100%.

In the process of therapy aimed at dissolving cholesterol deposits, it is requiredcontrol the activity of liver enzymes: transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, GGT and bilirubin. Cholecystography should be performed once every 4 weeks every 3 months of therapy. Every six months, the patient should undergo an ultrasound of the liver to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

exhol tablets
exhol tablets

When the complete splitting of stones was recorded, the use of "Exhol" should be continued for another three months in order to finally dissolve the invisible stones and prevent the formation of new ones.

If even partial dissolution of stones is not observed in the first six months or a year of treatment, then this means that it is not advisable to continue treatment due to its ineffectiveness.

Analogues and synonyms

If the patient for any objective reason cannot be assigned "Exhol", then it can be replaced by one of the synonyms:

  • capsules "Ursodeoxycholic acid";
  • Ursoliv capsules;
  • Ursosan capsules;
  • Ursodex film-coated tablets;
  • Ursorom Rompharm capsules;
  • Urdox capsules;
  • suspension for internal use "Ursofalk";
  • Ursofalk capsules;
  • Ursolit capsules;
  • Livodex film-coated tablets;
  • Grinterol capsules

If a patient has an individual intolerance to ursodeoxycholic acid, or it has shown its ineffectiveness in treatment, then this drug can be replaced with an analogue, which is the Cholenzym tablet form. This medicine is a combination drug consistingfrom dry bile, powdery dihydrated pancreas and mucous tissues of the small intestine of cattle. According to the action, "Holenzim" refers to choleretic agents.

exhol instructions for use photo
exhol instructions for use photo

This drug is contraindicated in hypersensitivity, acute and exacerbated chronic pancreatitis. As side reactions from taking this drug, allergic reactions may appear in the form of lacrimation, flushing and skin rash.

Cost and patient reviews

This drug is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company CJSC "Kanofarma production", which is located in the Moscow region. The cost of an Exhola pack on average in Russia is 125 rubles. Many patients note the effectiveness of this medication, the convenience of taking it and the affordable price. People with diseases of the liver and biliary tract note that good results have been achieved during the treatment with Exhol. Along with the effectiveness, patients note the good tolerability of this remedy.

It is worth noting that the description of this medicinal product is incomplete. For detailed information about the drug "Exhol", you should read in detail the instructions supplied with the medicine. Only the attending physician is engaged in the appointment of this remedy. Self-medication can be hazardous to your he alth.
