Thrush is an extremely unpleasant fungal disease that causes a lot of discomfort. It is also considered very common. According to statistics, approximately 75% of women have ever experienced its symptoms. Fortunately, modern medicine is successfully fighting pathology, and the pharmaceutical market has a large selection of suppositories and tablets for thrush. Both are usually effective. But still, curing candidiasis is not so easy, because sometimes the fungus can be resistant to selected drugs.
In this article we will talk in detail about the most effective tablets and suppositories for thrush, which are popular with doctors and their patients.
Symptoms of thrush and causes that cause it
To quickly cure candidiasis, first of all, you need to recognize the disease in time and determine its cause. Unstarted pathologies are much better amenable to therapy. And by eliminating the cause that causes it, the patient may not worry about the possiblerelapse.
Traditionally it is believed that thrush is a female disease, but it also occurs in men. You can recognize it by the constant itching of the genitals, which does not subside and eventually develops into a burning sensation. Another symptom is white discharge, which in its structure resembles cottage cheese. If you do not start treatment, then swelling of the genital organs appears, and then pain during intercourse or going to the toilet.
Choosing which pills or suppositories for thrush a woman should take should be her doctor. He should also be trusted to determine the cause of the disease. As a rule, candidiasis appears due to a violation of the microflora of the vagina. This can happen due to the use of hormonal contraception, weakened immunity or non-compliance with hygiene rules. Pregnancy or stress can provoke the disease. Sometimes thrush is caused by overuse of antibacterial intimate hygiene products.
It is worth remembering that before starting treatment, you need to eliminate the root cause of the disease. Otherwise, the thrush may return in a short time.
Suppositories or tablets: which is better for thrush?
The selection of drugs for candidiasis is not an easy task. The fact is that the fungus that causes the disease can be resistant to many medicines. Therefore, before starting treatment, a smear is often taken to determine the level of severity of the course of the disease. And only after that drugs are prescribed.
In a severe form of the disease, it is advisable to prescribe suppositories and tablets at the same time. Thrush, if poorly treated,can develop into a chronic form. Then getting rid of it will be even more difficult. And such complex therapy helps to quickly rid the body of the fungus much more effectively.
If candidiasis is not running, then most often pills are still prescribed. It is believed that they are more effective than tablets, since suppositories act directly in the very focus of infection. In this case, the antifungal agent is able to quickly penetrate into the mucous membrane of the affected area. At the same time, they not only kill the fungus, but also relieve inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms. The duration of the course of treatment with candles is usually 2 weeks.
Pills are able to get rid of candidiasis in a shorter time. They usually need to be taken within 2-3 days. This is considered their main advantage. In addition, they have an antifungal effect not only on the affected area, but also on the entire body. However, they also have enough contraindications and side effects.
As a rule, doctors prescribe pills for advanced and chronic forms of the disease. They are also used for treatment and men. In other cases, the use of suppositories is considered appropriate.

Tips for suppository therapy
You need to choose both suppositories and tablets for thrush after consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled treatment can lead to the fact that candidiasis will flow into a chronic form. At the same time, it is recommended to carry out therapy for both partners, since in a man thrush is often asymptomatic, therefore, froma woman can become infected with the fungus again.
Suppositories should be inserted deep into the vagina. This is usually done before bed. The course of therapy will depend on the severity of the disease. Do not use candles during menstruation. It is also better to refuse unprotected sexual intercourse during the treatment period. It is recommended to wear loose and comfortable underwear and to observe hygiene rules carefully.
A huge number of suppositories are presented on the pharmaceutical market, which differ from each other in composition, form of release, contraindications and side effects. We present the following list of effective and inexpensive suppositories for thrush:
- "Zalain";
- "Livarol";
- "Irunin";
- "Macmiror Complex";
- "Clotrimazole";
- "Candide B6";
- "Daktarin";
- "Gino-Pevaril";
- "Ifenek";
- "Nystatin";
- "Iodoxide";
- "Lomexin";
- "Fluomizin" and many others.
We will tell you more about the most common suppositories below.
Candles "Livarol"
In pharmacies you can find both expensive and cheap pills and suppositories for thrush in women. Unfortunately, it is impossible to call the Livarol drug budgetary, but it is still often prescribed, because it is highly effective. The cost of one package containing 5 suppositories starts from 430 rubles. Ten candles will cost 600-800rubles. The price will also depend on the region of purchase.
The active ingredient of the drug is ketoconazole. It is distinguished by its speed. You can get rid of thrush with the help of these suppositories in 5-10 days. Another advantage is the almost complete absence of allergic reactions in patients. Very rarely, they complained of irritation and redness after injection.

Assign "Livarol" usually to those women who first encountered thrush. But for the treatment of chronic forms, it may not be suitable, since the fungus quickly gets used to and adapts to ketoconazole. You can not enter candles in the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, suppositories can be used for treatment, but only with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.
Suppositories "Zalain"
For the complex treatment of thrush with suppositories and tablets, the drug "Zalain" is often prescribed. Its only drawback is its high cost. For 1 suppository, you will have to pay about 500 rubles. But you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of candidiasis in 1 application.
The active ingredient of suppositories is sertaconazole. The suppository is inserted deep into the vagina at night once. Sometimes doctors recommend additional drinking and pills to consolidate the effect. If the symptoms persist, it is recommended to repeat the procedure in a week.
The most common side effects are itching and burning. The drug can be used during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation. The only thingcontraindication - hypersensitivity to the components that make up the suppositories.

Inexpensive candles "Clotrimazole"
Among cheap suppositories and tablets from thrush, the drug "Clotrimazole" is popular. Its cost is only 30-60 rubles per package, which consists of 6 suppositories. The drug is also considered effective, but it also has many disadvantages. For example, the fungus quickly gets used to its active substance, which is why only those women who first discovered thrush can use suppositories. Suppositories should be administered at bedtime inside for 6 days, 1 piece each.
Quite often there are also side effects - allergic reactions, frequent urination, vaginal discharge, headaches. Candles are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation.
Drug "Gino-Pevaril"
Often, doctors, prescribing suppositories and tablets for thrush, opt for the drug "Gino-Pevaril", as it is highly effective. Its cost can vary from 400 to 800 rubles. The more suppositories in the package, the higher the price.
The active ingredient of these suppositories is econazole. In one suppository it can contain either 50 or 150 mg. The duration of treatment also depends on this amount. So, suppositories of 50 mg should be injected into the vagina for two weeks. Even if the symptoms of thrush disappeared earlier, the course is still neededfinish. Candles of 150 mg are used for three days. After the end of treatment, a smear is performed. If the fungus has not succumbed to therapy, then it is prescribed again.
The active substance of the drug penetrates into the systemic circulation, so its use is prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the later stages, you can use candles only under the supervision of a doctor. They are also contraindicated during breastfeeding. Side effects are rare. Most often, patients notice local allergic reactions in themselves - a rash and severe itching.

Capsules "Fluomizin"
Introduction of suppositories can be uncomfortable for some women. Especially for them, special candles were developed in the form of tablets from thrush. They also need to be inserted into the vagina, but due to their small size, there is practically no discomfort. A popular option is Fluomizin tablets. It is an antiseptic drug that is used to treat many gynecological diseases.
Its active ingredient is dequalinium chloride. Tablets must be inserted into the vagina for 6 days, 1 piece each. It is forbidden to use them during pregnancy. During menstruation, you need to stop treatment, but after that, be sure to continue it.
Do not use tablets for ulcerative lesions of the vagina and cervix. Women who have not yet begun to have sex should also refuse treatment. Among the side effects, allergic reactions are most often seen - rash and hives.
The cost of a pack of 6 tablets is about 550 rubles. It is designed for just one full course of treatment.
Treatment of thrush with pills
It has already been noted above that suppositories and tablets for thrush can be used both individually and as part of complex therapy. Their purpose depends on the severity of the disease. So, tablets are prescribed for advanced thrush, as well as for men. Their action is also aimed at the destruction of the fungus, however, they cleanse from it not only the affected area, but the entire body. Tablets need to be taken for a much shorter amount of time, but it is not recommended to interrupt treatment after the symptoms of thrush disappear. It is necessary to strictly observe the duration of the course indicated by the doctor.
In pharmacies you can see completely different types of drugs that differ in side effects and contraindications, as well as cost. At the same time, if desired, inexpensive medicines can also be purchased. We list the most common:
- "Nystatin";
- "Pimafucin";
- "Itraconazole";
- "Irunin";
- "Clotrimazole";
- "Diflucan";
- "Flucostat";
- "Nizoral";
- "Mikosist" and others.

Nystatin tablets
As a rule, doctors try to prescribe inexpensive suppositories and tablets for thrush so that the treatment does not hit the patient's wallet. Therefore, most often theyprescribed the drug "Nystatin". These are small yellow tablets that have an antifungal effect on the entire body. Their cost can vary from 50 to 100 rubles per pack.
They take this medicine not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of candidiasis. The dosage is prescribed individually by the doctor. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. The tablets should be swallowed whole, without chewing. You can take the medicine regardless of the meal.
A significant disadvantage of this drug is a large number of contraindications. So, tablets should not be taken if the patient suffers from pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and liver diseases. It is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Drug "Fluconazole"
Among inexpensive suppositories and tablets from thrush, the drug "Fluconazole" also shows high efficiency. If you want to save money, it is better to buy pills produced in Russia. Their price varies from 40 to 60 rubles. A foreign drug will cost much more. Its cost is approximately 170-200 rubles. The drug is available in the form of capsules.
If thrush was discovered for the first time, then just a single dose is enough to cure. It is necessary to drink 150 mg of the drug, and then see a doctor. Tablets are also used to treat chronic candidiasis. To do this, take 1 capsule every four weeks. The duration of the course in this case can vary from several months to a year.
Has a drug and its contraindications. Prescribed with cautionpatients suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Drug "Pimafucin"
Despite the availability of budget drugs in pharmacies, effective suppositories and tablets for thrush are often quite expensive. For example, the drug "Pimafucin" is distinguished by its speed, but its price is about 500 rubles.
Among its advantages is the almost complete absence of contraindications. As a rule, these pills do not cause allergies, itching and other side effects. In addition, it is not forbidden to be treated with this drug for pregnant and lactating women.
It is recommended to drink one tablet of "Pimafucin" four times a day. The duration of this course of treatment is about a week. If necessary, it can be repeated, since the drug does not lose its effectiveness with prolonged use. The fact is that the fungus is not able to develop immunity to the active substance of the tablets.
Itraconazole tablets
Effective suppositories and tablets for thrush do not need to be drunk for a long time. For example, "Itraconazole" must be taken within three days to get rid of the disease. At the same time, doctors prescribe it for the treatment of oral candidiasis. The drug is produced in the form of capsules. Their cost can be called average. For one package, you will have to pay about 350-400 rubles.
"Itraconazole" considered effectivea remedy for thrush, but it also has its contraindications. So, it is strictly forbidden to take pills during pregnancy. Lactating women will also have to choose another remedy or refuse lactation for the duration of treatment. Capsules should not be taken with medicines that affect heart rate.
Drug "Flukostat"
Another effective remedy for thrush is the drug "Flucostat". It is accepted by both men and women. At the same time, it is produced not only in capsules, but in the form of vaginal suppositories. The cost of the drug is about 400 rubles.
With the primary development of thrush, a single application of the capsule inside is sufficient. In the chronic form of the disease, you will have to drink the medicine for three days. The disadvantage of the drug is a large list of contraindications. It should not be taken if you have kidney or liver failure or lactose intolerance.

drawing conclusions
We remind you that only a doctor should decide how best to treat thrush - with pills or suppositories. Both of them show high efficiency and speed. Candles eliminate the fungus at the site of the lesion, and tablets - throughout the body. In any case, in order to quickly get rid of this disease, you need to go for an examination when the first symptoms are detected. The sooner candidiasis is detected, the easier it is to eliminate. There are many drugs for the treatment of thrush, so you can easily find an inexpensive one.remedy in both candles and tablets.