In the article we will consider laxatives without taste and smell.
Almost every person has encountered such an undesirable and unpleasant phenomenon as constipation in his life. To date, pharmacies offer a large selection of laxatives in the form of tablets, suppositories, drops, solutions that can have an effective effect.
Varieties of laxative medicines
All fast-acting laxatives can be roughly divided into 4 categories:

- Annoying. They are the most common and at the same time dangerous laxatives. These drugs cause a laxative effect by irritating receptors located in the large intestine. The effect of drugs in this group begins 6-11 hours after use. Such drugs are quite dangerous, as they have a number of contraindications and negative effects, and their long-term use can lead to the development of lexative disease. People oftenlooking in pharmacies for a laxative without taste and smell of quick action.
- Volumetric. These funds are of natural origin. They are well absorbed by the body, but not digested. The means of this group include flax seeds used at home, wheat bran, sterculia, agar-agar. When entering the intestine, these substances absorb water and lead to stretching of the intestinal walls and subsequent excitation of the propulsive wave. These funds are effective 12 hours after use.
- Laxative prebiotics. These include food ingredients that are not digested in the upper intestine. Once in the digestive organ, these funds stimulate the growth of fermented milk flora. The most popular odorless and tasteless laxatives are: fructooligosaccharides, Lactulose, Inulin. The use of such drugs leads to the normalization of the intestinal microflora and, as a result, normalizes the activity of the intestine. The main negative effect of drugs in this group is flatulence, which disappears a few days after use.
- Osmotic. Laxatives of this group differ from other drugs in their effectiveness. These include: magnesium hydroxide, sodium, magnesium sulfate, Karlovy Vary s alt. These products are distinguished by the absence of taste and smell. Their effect is due to the ability to retain water in the intestines, which leads to softening of feces and increased pressure in the rectum.

Plant laxatives
To eliminate constipation, it is recommended to use drops or suppositories containing herbal ingredients. Among these drugs should be highlighted: "Mukofalk", "Naturolax", "Fiberlex", "Citrucel". The active components of these drugs absorb fluid in the intestines, which contributes to an increase in the volume of feces in it. As a result, they are excreted from the body.
If the patient suffers from chronic constipation, then tasteless and odorless herbal laxatives in the form of tea, tablets, powders can achieve good effectiveness. However, it is not recommended to use them for more than two months.
Most effective and safe
The most effective and safe herbal preparations are buckthorn bark, dandelion, sorrel, dill, pharmacy rhubarb. The strongest laxative effect is observed when using pharmacy rhubarb. In accordance with the instructions for use, it should be taken in small doses, and the duration of therapy should not exceed 14 days.

Let's take a closer look at strong, odorless laxatives.
Often there are positive reviews about such products as Guttalax, Laxigen, Bisacodyl.
The active substance in Guttalax is sodium picosulfate, which stimulates the mucous membranes of the large intestine and improves peristalsis. The main indications for hisreception are: normalization of the process of defecation with hemorrhoids, constipation, provoked by hypotension of the large intestine, dysbacteriosis, the use of drugs.
Guttalax drops and tablets have a mild laxative effect.

Among the advantages of the drug:
- Fast onset - laxative works 5-8 hours after use.
- Allowed for use in children.
- There are no flavorings in the composition, so the drug has no smell.
- Has a convenient release form.
- It can be added to food, as the drug has no aftertaste.
The main disadvantages are:
- In most cases, prolonged use leads to the development of laxative disease.
- Addictive.
- May cause side effects: allergies, diarrhea, nausea, cramps, vomiting, fainting, dizziness.
- Has many contraindications.

Laxigen Laxative
It is a laxative of synthetic origin. The main active ingredient in its composition is phenolphthalein solution. In its effect, the drug is similar to anthraglycosides. It acts mainly on the large intestine. The indication for its use is constipation.
Among the advantages of the drug:
- Quick effect onset.
- Available for children over 3 years old.
- Absenceflavors included.
- Convenient release form.
- Affordable.
The main disadvantages of the drug with a solution of phenolphthalein are:
- Cannot be used for intestinal obstruction.
- May cause hepatitis and nephritis as side effects.
It is a laxative drug with an irritant effect. As a result of the influence on the receptors of the intestinal mucosa, the secretion of mucus increases, the movement of feces accelerates. The main active ingredient in its composition is bisacodyl.
The drug is indicated for use in constipation, provoked by weak peristalsis, intestinal hypotension (after childbirth, in elderly or bedridden patients), in order to cleanse the intestines before surgery. The manufacturer produces a medication in the form of rectal suppositories, tablets and dragees.

Pros and cons
"Bisacodyl" has certain advantages and disadvantages.
- The desired effect is achieved after using one tablet, so there is no need to increase the dose.
- Able to increase peristalsis.
- Approved for use in patients aged 2+.
- Provides a quick effect - the effect develops after 5-8 hours.
- Affordable.
- Using higher dosages results in diarrhea.
- Maybeprovoke pain in the intestines.
- Requires careful use in pathologies of the liver, kidneys, during pregnancy, in the lactation period.
- Has a number of contraindications: appendicitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, intestinal obstruction, cystitis, peritonitis.
- Cannot be used for a long time.
What other drugs are available?
No less popular tasteless and odorless laxatives are: Duphalac, Normaze, Lavacol, Forlax, Osmogol, Tranzipeg, Microlax.
Ogarkov's drops are also popular for constipation. They are the most popular and in demand on the market, as they have a quick therapeutic effect and a minimum number of contraindications.
The following features of Ogarkov's laxative drops can be distinguished:

- The composition of the drug includes only natural and safe ingredients that almost never cause allergic reactions.
- High level of effectiveness in the treatment of constipation of various nature.
- Help relieve stomach cramps and eliminate gas.
- Restore stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Drops remove toxic substances from the body.
- Stop the process of putrefaction of decay products in the intestinal system.
- Minimum number of contraindications.
It should be remembered that only a doctor can choose the safest and most effective laxative. Therefore, if a problem as delicate as constipation occurs, a specialist should be consulted.
We looked at how to choose a laxative without taste and smell.