Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness

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Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness
Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness

Video: Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness

Video: Dermatitis pills: review of drugs, use, effectiveness
Video: Caspian Sea Facts! 2024, July

Dermatitis is a group of skin diseases of inflammatory origin. They appear due to the influence of damaging factors of a chemical, biological or physical nature on the skin. The treatment regimen is determined by the causes of the inflammatory process, the location of the sources, their vastness, and the rate of spread.

Pharmacological preparations for the elimination of dermatitis eliminate external signs and accelerate the healing process. In severe cases of the disease, drugs are prescribed in tablet form, which have a general effect on the body. What pills for dermatitis on the body exist?

dermatitis treatment pills
dermatitis treatment pills

Principles of treatment

Dermatitis belongs to the category of allergic dermatosis (a heterogeneous group of skin diseases, the leading role in the development of which is given to an allergic reaction of an immediate or delayed type), which manifest themselves against the background of an allergy of an immediate orslow type. These include:

  1. Actinic dermatitis (may be caused by sunlight, artificial UV sources and ionizing radiation).
  2. Atopic eczema (inflammation of the human skin, which is seasonal).
  3. Hives
  4. Toxicoderma (inflammatory process of the skin and mucous membranes, this disease is non-infectious).
  5. Seborrheic dermatitis (a chronic inflammatory disease that affects those areas of the scalp and trunk where the sebaceous glands are developed, the causative agent of dermatitis are yeast-like fungi).
  6. Drug dermatitis (inflammatory skin changes that occur with external, internal or parenteral use of a drug).

Causes of disease

Diseases are manifested as a result of exposure to the surface of the skin of harmful substances (exogenous causes) - drugs, sunlight, ultraviolet, radiation, household chemicals, waste products of microorganisms. They may also have endogenous pathogenesis (the causes are associated with disruption of the internal organs and systems).

Dermatitis tablets in adults block signs of allergic reactions, thereby improving the condition of soft tissues. Their choice depends on the cause of the disease, as well as the nature of the inflammatory processes.

Whatdrugs prescribed for dermatitis?

Two types of medicines are prescribed for the treatment of skin diseases:

  • systemic action - injections, tablets, capsules, suspensions;
  • local action - sprays, liniments, gels, creams, ointments, solutions.

In most cases, to eliminate the signs of the disease, restore broken skin, tablets from dermatitis on the face are used, which can have a systemic effect on the entire body.

Also, the treatment is reduced to the use of hormonal ointments and creams with anti-inflammatory and anti-exudative effects. They must be applied strictly in short courses, since corticosteroids provoke the occurrence of side effects, as well as reduce the protective functions of the body.

General principles for the elimination of allergic dermatitis with tablets:

  1. Enterosorbents cleanse the body of allergens and irritating trace elements.
  2. Antiviral, as well as antifungal, antimicrobial medicines eliminate the cause of allergies.
  3. Corticosteroids neutralize the inflammatory process, and also help restore the affected areas of soft tissues.
  4. Antihistamines eliminate itching, peeling, swelling and redness on the skin.

In dermatoses of autoimmune genesis, drugs in tablet form are recommended, which suppress the protective functions of the body - immunosuppressants. With prolonged use, they reduce the severity of inflammatory processes in the skin. This improves the overallcondition of the patient, as well as accelerated tissue repair.

Pills for skin dermatitis

Systemic drugs for dermatitis are used for moderate severity of the disease. Their substances enter the general bloodstream, therefore, they have an effect on the entire human body. The choice of pills is determined by the cause of inflammation in the skin.

With urticaria, antihistamines are recommended for use, with seborrhea (a painful skin condition caused by increased sebum secretion due to a violation of the nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands of the skin) - antifungal, and with pyoderma (dermatological disease that occurs under the influence of pyogenic bacteria) - antimicrobial medicines.

dermatitis pills
dermatitis pills

Allergic dermatitis

To decide which pills to drink for allergic dermatitis, you should identify the cause of its occurrence. Antihistamines for dermatitis in adult patients are prescribed in situations where the inflammatory process appears due to contact with irritating substances. They eliminate itching, rash, peeling, swelling of tissues. To facilitate general well-being, the following drugs can be used:

  1. "Loratadine" - for allergic reactions to insect bites, urticaria and itchy dermatoses.
  2. "Claritin" - to eliminate signs of nettle rash, hay fever (a seasonal disease caused by an allergic reaction to plant pollen).
  3. "Telfast" - for complex therapyseasonal allergic diseases.
  4. "Exifin" - with a complex course of allergic dermatoses that affect the skin on the trunk and limbs.
  5. "Zyrtec" - with atopic dermatitis in adult patients, accompanied by constant itching, exudative rash.

In the treatment of dermatitis, tablets can be combined with preparations based on herbal ingredients - corn or linseed oil.

allergic dermatitis pills
allergic dermatitis pills

Hormonal drugs

With a sharp spread of rashes, hormone therapy is used. Corticosteroid drugs are used in small courses of three to five days, which is associated with the likelihood of adverse reactions. Nettle rash and other types of allergic diseases are eliminated by the following medicines:

  1. "Triamcinolone".
  2. "Prednisolone".
  3. "Dexazon".
  4. "Fortecortin".
  5. "Megadexan".

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, so they instantly eliminate swelling, redness on the skin.

tablets for dermatitis in adults
tablets for dermatitis in adults


The drug belongs to the therapeutic group of antihistamines. They are used for treatment, which is aimed at eliminating the source of the pathological process in allergic reactions. Tablets are widely used for atopic dermatitis.

The active trace element "Zirteka" cetirizine refers togroup of antihistamines. It stops specific cell receptors that respond to the action of allergy neumediator compounds, in particular, histamine. Therefore, with an increase in the level of histamine in the human body as a result of the occurrence of allergic phenomena, the active substance has an antihistamine effect.

What are the pharmacological actions of Zyrtec?

The effect of the drug is the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Decreasing the severity of irritation on the skin, which is caused by the excitation of histamine sensitive endings.
  2. Eliminating soft tissue edema - blocking nerve endings to histamine.
  3. Decrease in convulsions of smooth muscles of hollow organs - a pronounced increase in muscle tone, provoked by histamine.
  4. Elimination of a rash on the skin, which is considered the result of an inflammatory process.

Also, "Zirtek" leads to a stable state of tissue immune cells, which, when an allergic reaction develops, synthesize histamine, due to which its level and other inflammatory mediators decrease. The active component of "Zirtek" does not provoke a sedative and hypnotic effect.

After taking the drug orally, the active ingredient is instantly and completely absorbed from the upper parts of the digestive system into the blood. It is evenly distributed throughout all tissues of the body with subsequent exchange in cells to inactive metabolic products. They are usually excreted from the body in the urine. Timehalf-life is about ten hours.

dermatitis which pills to take
dermatitis which pills to take


The drug belongs to the therapeutic group of drugs intended for oral use. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and are used in various pathological processes, primarily those associated with autoimmune diseases.

The active microelement "Prednisolone" is considered a synthetic chemical derivative of glucocorticosteroids. The active substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the drug has the ability to suppress the immune system. But the spectrum of impact today remains not fully understood. "Prednisolone" increases the reverse absorption of water and sodium ions in the kidneys, increases the breakdown of proteins in the body, inhibits the process of joining bone tissue, and increases blood sugar. With prolonged intake of the active substance into the human body, according to the feedback principle, the production of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the work of the adrenal glands, decreases. Therefore, after a long use of the drug, it takes at least one month to restore the normal functioning of the body.

After the application of "Prednisolone", the orally active component is instantly absorbed into the general circulation from the digestive organs, but a longer period may be required for the appearance of a stable pharmacological effect. The drug is evenly distributed throughout the tissues,where it acts on various nerve endings of cells, providing a therapeutic effect. The active component is exchanged and excreted only by the liver.

Infectious dermatitis

Infectious diseases of the skin are manifested by multiple rashes, as well as peeling, severe itching, the appearance of vesicles with exudate. To eliminate them, etiotropic tablets are used, which eliminate the source of the inflammatory process - the pathogenic flora.

Drugs for infectious dermatitis

In most cases, it is represented by fungi or bacteria, so the following pills for seborrheic dermatitis are used to eliminate them:

  1. "Ampioks" - complex antibacterial tablets that eliminate purulent inflammation of the skin surface in bacterial dermatoses.
  2. Terbinafine is an antifungal drug that eliminates the development of dermatophytosis, trichophytosis and candidiasis.
  3. "Orungal" is an antifungal drug for seborrheic dermatitis, as well as candidiasis, pityriasis versicolor and other dermatomycosis.
  4. "Flemoxin" is a semi-synthetic antimicrobial drug that stops purulent inflammation of the skin in bacterial dermatoses.
  5. "Oxacillin" is an antibiotic that eliminates staphylococcal infection.

To quickly alleviate general well-being, you can also use antihistamines - Cetrin, Erius, Tavegil.

pills for dermatitis on the face
pills for dermatitis on the face


The drug belongs to the group of antibacterial agents of the penicillin series, which has a wide spectrum of effects.

People who have a tendency to be allergic to drugs, before starting treatment with dermatitis tablets, it is imperative to test for sensitivity to the drug. The drug is not prescribed to patients who have previously had negative reactions to penicillin.

Duration of therapy must be completed. Termination of the course ahead of schedule promises the appearance of resistance of pathogens to the active substance and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. In this case, a person has to select another, more powerful antimicrobial agent. You can not use the drug for more than two weeks, since in this situation the likelihood of superinfection and exacerbation of all signs of the disease increases. In the absence of positive dynamics from taking the medicine, the patient should contact a medical specialist to clarify the diagnosis and adjust the therapy.

skin dermatitis tablets
skin dermatitis tablets


The spectrum of antifungal action is based on the disruption of the ergosterol compound process, which is considered an important component of the fungal cell membrane.

In patients with immunodeficiency and people with cryptococcosis of the nervous system, the drug is prescribed only if there are prohibitions on the use of first-line drugs. People with liver and kidney disease should be monitored forthe content of itraconazole in the blood and, if necessary, adjust the dosage. Orungal should be discontinued if neuropathy (an illness that can affect various parts of the body's nerve fibers) occurs.
