Most people have ever experienced discomfort due to bloating. This is an unpleasant sensation that greatly affects well-being and physical activity. It can be caused by both overeating and a serious pathology. This is a fairly common problem, so there are many drugs that can quickly alleviate the patient's condition. What pills to take for bloating? We will tell in this article about the most popular and effective medicines that can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
What to take for bloating and gas?
Do you often get unpleasant gas in your stomach? You can get rid of it with the help of many drugs. There are many medicines on the pharmaceutical market that differ not only in cost, but also in the principle of action. How to choose the right tool? Of course, it is best to undergo an examination before taking it and identify the cause that causes bloating. In this case, the doctorwill be able to choose a medicine that will not only save the patient from gas formation, but also prevent its reappearance.
Based on patient feedback, the most popular remedies for bloating are inexpensive and safe medications. Most often, people take activated charcoal or Smecta. They are able to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms. There are practically no side effects when taking them. However, in the pharmacy you can buy more modern and effective drugs. The following groups of drugs can cope with the problem:
- Enterosorbents. These are activated carbon, "Polysorb", "Enterosgel" and some other means.
- Defoamers. The most popular drug in this group is "Espumizan".
- Enzymes. These drugs include Mezim.
- Probiotics. This group of medicines includes drugs such as "Lineks", "Hilak forte" and some others.

In addition, folk remedies can be used to treat bloating. But they can be used only after consulting a doctor in order to prevent possible complications. Consider below the most popular drugs from the groups described above.
Activated carbon
This is the safest and most cost-effective way to help with gas formation. It refers to enterosorbents. When it enters the intestines, the drug absorbs excess gases, and then, together with them, is excreted from the body. In addition, the tablets help with diarrhea and food poisoning. But they also have disadvantages. Together with gases, they can remove beneficial substances from the body. That is why it is not recommended to use them for the treatment of gas formation for a long time. One tablet contains 250 mg of the active ingredient.

How to take activated charcoal for bloating? With flatulence, it is recommended to take 1-2 grams orally 3-4 times a day. Tablets should be washed down with clean water. The course of admission can last from 3 to 7 days. Coal is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and ulcerative lesions of the stomach. With prolonged use, constipation may occur.
How to take charcoal for bloating in young children? It is worth noting that the tablets should not be taken by babies under 3 years old. In other cases, the dosage for gas formation in children should be prescribed by the attending physician.
In the reviews, patients speak positively about activated carbon. They call it inexpensive and safe. However, in their opinion, it is not effective enough. More effective drugs can be purchased at pharmacies.
This is another sorbent used in violation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also effective for the treatment of gas formation. It is produced not in tablets, but in the form of a powder. This is a fairly common drug that has a lot of positive feedback from patients. They note that the powder has a pleasant taste, easily copes with diarrhea and bloating. It can also be used to treat children and pregnant women. The absence of side effects is another advantage that patients have positively evaluated. Only in very rare cases, constipation or allergic reactions may occur. However, the drug costs much more than activated charcoal.

How to take "Smecta" with bloating? For the treatment of flatulence, adults need to take 3 sachets per day orally. The drug should be diluted with warm water. Babies are recommended a smaller dosage - 1-2 packets per day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 7 days.
Mezim forte
If you don't know what to take for bloating and gas, then try this inexpensive and effective remedy. It is produced in tablets and belongs to the group of enzymes. The substances included in its composition increase the rate of breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Patients often speak positively about him. They like its efficiency and cost. At the same time, "Mezim forte" can be used for a long time. And after taking the pills, there are practically no unpleasant side effects. However, he could not help some patients, which they mentioned in their reviews. Also, it should not be used in people suffering from acute pancreatitis and galactose intolerance.
The dosage of the drug is usually prescribed individually by the attending physician. However, in the absence of contraindications, it can be used without consulting a specialist. With flatulence, it is enough to drink 1-2tablets before meals without chewing them. For children, the dosage is also prescribed only by a doctor.
This is another sorbent that can deal with both food poisoning and flatulence. If you do not know what to take with heaviness and bloating without consulting a doctor, then Polysorb will be a safe option. It is produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. It contains only silicon dioxide. In addition, reviews of "Polysorb" are most often positive. Patients who took it for bloating note that the drug quickly and effectively eliminates the symptoms of gas formation. They also liked the convenient packaging and low price. The drug has practically no contraindications. It can be used by young children, pregnant and lactating women.
How to use "Polysorb" for the treatment of bloating? The powder must be diluted with water. And the specific dosage will depend on the weight of the patient. It should be taken 1 hour before meals.
What to take with bloating for an adult? In case of disruption of the intestines, doctors recommend the Linex remedy, which contains bifidobacteria, which normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. The medicine is also taken for poisoning, constipation and diarrhea, belching and nausea. Judging by the reviews, the drug is well tolerated by patients, so there are no side effects when taking it. It also has no contraindications, it can be taken by pregnant women and young children. However, patientsnegatively about its high cost. In addition, Linex contains lactose, so the drug is not suitable for people suffering from lactose intolerance.

The medicine comes in the form of capsules. They cannot be chewed and chewed. For the treatment of increased gas formation, patients should be taken orally after meals, 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day. You need to drink them with a small amount of liquid. For young children who cannot swallow the capsule whole, the powder in the capsule can be taken from a spoon and mixed with warm water.
If you don't know what to take for bloating and bloating, then try Motilium. This effective tool, which has a lot of positive reviews, is available in the form of tablets and suspensions. It is taken for many disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Doctors prescribe "Motilium" for flatulence, nausea, vomiting and belching. Judging by the reviews, it effectively copes with these problems without causing unpleasant side effects. The main disadvantage of the drug, patients consider its high cost. In pharmacies you can find similar medicines at lower prices.
Pills are taken orally half an hour before meals. If necessary, they can be used before bedtime. For the treatment of flatulence, it is recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day. Children are usually prescribed a suspension. It should also be taken orally before meals. The total duration of the course of treatment should notexceed 28 days. If bloating does not go away after taking the drug, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.
What to take for bloating not in pills? From flatulence, the drug "Enterosgel", produced in the form of a white paste, helps well, it does not have a pronounced odor. It is not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and is excreted from the body unchanged. Doctors prescribe the drug to adults and children for the treatment of acute poisoning and intestinal infections, with dysbacteriosis, food allergies and gas formation. Reviews of the medicine also receive most often positive. Patients note the convenient form and effectiveness. Relief after taking comes almost instantly.

Take the paste 1-2 hours before a full meal or other medicines. Before use, it can be diluted in a small amount of water. It is also recommended to drink the medicine with liquid. To get rid of flatulence, you need to take 1 tablespoon of the drug 3 times a day. For children, the dosage should be reduced to 1 teaspoon of paste. You also need to take it 3 times a day. The course of treatment can vary from 3 to 10 days. Re-admission is carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.
Hilak forte
What to take from probiotics for bloating? A popular drug in this group is the drug "Hilak forte", which effectively copes not only with gas formation, but also withdiarrhea, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders. Available in the form of drops for oral administration. Patients speak well of Hilak Forte drops. They note that the drug is well tolerated at any age. It quickly eliminates the feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. They also liked the form. Drops are very convenient to give to small children who simply cannot swallow large tablets.
With flatulence, adults are prescribed to take 40-60 drops 3 times a day, children - 20-40. After improvement, a single dosage can be halved. Drops should be diluted with a small amount of warm water. You can use them inside before and after meals.
If you do not know what to take from bloating, you can pay attention to the remedy "Espumizan". It is produced in capsules and emulsions and belongs to the group of defoamers. Its active substance is excreted from the body unchanged. Reviews "Espumizan" most often receives positive. Patients like the effectiveness, the absence of side effects and the pleasant taste of the drug. The emulsion is very convenient to give to children. However, some people complain that the medicine did not work for them.

Espumizan can be taken by both adults and children. It is consumed before or after meals. Sometimes, if necessary, you can drink the medicine at bedtime. The emulsion is usually given to children. The dosage of the drug should be chosen by the attending physician. As a rule, he prescribes 1-2 teaspoons ormedicine capsules 3-5 times a day.
What to take from bloating: folk remedies
If bloating is not a regular, but a one-time problem, then you can get rid of it with the help of traditional medicine. For example, dill is considered an effective remedy. With increased gas formation, a decoction made from its seeds does an excellent job. Dill greens can also be used, but are believed to be less effective.
What to take for bloated stomach and intestines? Decoctions of mint and thyme, parsley seeds also help well. From flatulence, you can drink an infusion of pharmacy chamomile. Millet is another effective remedy. It must be poured with a glass of boiling water, soaked until milky water appears and drunk before meals. Folk remedies can also be taken by children. For example, with bloating in babies, they can be given some dill water. However, if after taking a decoction or infusion your he alth has not improved, then you should seek help from a specialist.

Summing up
What can I take for bloating? There are many effective drugs on the pharmaceutical market, so it is best to entrust the choice of medicine to your doctor. And in order to prevent the return of unpleasant symptoms after a course of therapy, you should pay attention to lifestyle and nutrition. Smoked and fried foods, fast food, carbonated drinks should be excluded from the diet. You should also avoid foods that can cause bloating. Doctors advise limiting the intake of legumes, cabbage, milk and beer. ForBetter digestion of heavy foods is to add fiber to your diet. Most of it is found in fresh vegetables and fruits.