Can I give aspirin to a child? This question has become of interest to many parents recently. After all, no one had any doubts about this drug before. Everyone took it without exception, if it was necessary to bring down the temperature. But only medicine does not stand still. Scientists began to conduct a variety of studies that questioned the benefits of our today's remedy. So can children be given aspirin? We will try to answer this question further. In fact, if you carefully understand, then you should not have any problems and doubts.

In the old days
The most common manifestation of almost any disease is an increase in body temperature. At some point, it may become too high. To bring down the temperature, everyone was previously given aspirin. Child or adult, it doesn't matter. Just the dosage of this drug was different. And very quickly the body temperature returned to normal. Accordingly, the patient's condition improved.
Aspirin is a universal means of lowering the temperature. In its pure form, it can be found in any pharmacy. It is not very expensive, affordable for every citizen. But few peoplethought about the benefits of the drug.
Doubts after research
"Can children take aspirin?" - this question began to worry parents relatively recently. As already mentioned, scientists have questioned such a common and well-known drug. They began to conduct various studies that pointed to the questionable he alth benefits of the drug.
Indeed, aspirin quickly brings down the heat. But at what cost? Scientists after the conducted research came to the conclusion that aspirin is a toxic substance. And it must always be taken with extreme caution. And for everyone: both adults and the elderly. But should you give aspirin to your child?

Danger is near
The answer to this question each parent must give on their own. After all, only legal representatives are responsible for the life and he alth of the baby until adulthood.
Aspirin was given to children at a temperature all the time. More precisely, as soon as the body heated up to approximately 38.5 degrees. If the body allowed such an increase in temperature, it means that it is not able to cope with the disease.
It has already been said that scientists have questioned the drug in question. But how exactly? What surprised the most common aspirin of modern doctors so much? Studies have shown that children who were given this medication are more susceptible to Reye's syndrome, a toxic brain lesion. Also, the general condition of the child is seriously deteriorating. Yes, the temperature goes astray, but it can be replaced byside effects in the form of headache or stomach pain, vomiting and dizziness. In general, no one is immune from intoxication of the body. And so, more and more often, the question began to arise of how much aspirin is necessary for children. Can I give it or is it better to refrain from this medication?

Main component
It has already been said - only each parent of an individual child can answer this question. He decides how to treat. You can give aspirin to a child unintentionally. How does it work?
The fact is that aspirin is the main component of most antipyretics. You can find it in both children's and adult preparations. No wonder, because aspirin perfectly fights with any temperature! Therefore, if you decide not to give your child this component, carefully study the composition of any medication. Maybe it will contain aspirin!
Don't panic if your child is suddenly given our today's remedy. It all depends on the age of the minor. After all, from a certain point on, the drug does not cause much harm. Let's find out when it becomes safe for the baby.

Can a child (year old) take aspirin? Doctors do not recommend giving this remedy to newborns. However, up to 12 months, babies develop very actively, and their immune system is still underdeveloped. And there may not be a very good reaction to any drugs.organism. In any case, aspirin is a heavy drug. It is not given to newborns under any circumstances. Unless as a last resort, only if it saves the baby from death.
Doctors recommend replacing aspirin with some milder means of lowering the temperature. There are a lot of them. Just make sure that there is no mention of acetylsalicylic acid in the composition!
Middle age
Can a child really take aspirin? After the first year of life, the newborn begins, as practice shows, to get sick more often. Often, ailments are accompanied by fever. What should parents do? Should I pick up some special remedy to reduce the temperature, or can I just give an aspirin to the child?

After a year, aspirin is also not recommended. If you occasionally give this drug to a minor, nothing dangerous will happen. After all, aspirin saved everyone from high temperatures for a long time. And no one spoke about the dangers of this medication. Yes, you should not give aspirin to your child often. Even adults are not recommended to take it often, let alone children! But nothing bad will happen from one pill / sachet of the drug.
Still try not to get carried away. After all, aspirin is a powerful substance. And do not give it to your child often. It is better to limit yourself to Panadol. This is the most appropriate solution. At least that's what many doctors think. Give aspirin only when the temperature or abruptlygrows, or does not go astray. Save this medication for emergencies.
Green light
So when can aspirin be given to a child so that it is not dangerous to his he alth? Doctors do not recommend giving this medication to minors under the age of 14. It turns out that until the child has reached the status of a teenager, acetylsalicylic acid should not serve as an antipyretic for him. But after 14 years, you can use the drug in the same way as adults do.

In general, aspirin is not banned. This is a time-tested means of reducing temperature. If you have given it to your child and have not noticed any side effects, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Many children grew up he althy but took aspirin. Yes, it is indicated for newborns only to save lives, and for persons under 14 years of age it is prescribed only if necessary. But this is not a reason to panic if, instead of Panadol, the child was given acetylsalicylic acid. Just keep a close eye on the minor and do not give him any other third-party means of reducing the temperature.