Many men are interested in what is the most effective cure for prostatitis, since this disease causes discomfort and prevents them from leading a full life. It is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner, as the disease can progress and turn into complex forms.
Indications for the appointment of "Ceftriaxone"

After the age of 45, the prostate gland in men no longer functions so actively. Under the influence of external factors, the organ can become inflamed and enlarged. In such cases, patients often hear the diagnosis "prostatitis" or "prostate adenoma". The urologist prescribes "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis if:
- The prostate gland has greatly increased in size.
- There is a strong inflammatory process of the pelvic organ.
- There is a sharp and cutting pain in the perineum during the emptying of the bladder.
- There are sexual issues.
In frequentcases, if a man has problems in the reproductive system, this process does not occur asymptomatically. Already at an early stage of the disease, the general state of he alth worsens. There may be blood in the urine. If the disease is too advanced, then there is a prolonged stagnation of urine in the pelvic organs. Some experts at the initial stage of treatment of prostatitis use a massage technique. Many men independently prescribe "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis. Customer reviews should not be the basis for choosing a medicine, since each organism is individual. Self-medication can hurt yourself a lot.
When the prostate mucosa is irritated, juice is released, with which harmful microorganisms come out. As practice shows, the main cause of the development of such diseases in men is infection. In the event that this method of treatment was not effective, the doctor prescribes medication taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Contraindications for use

There are a number of contraindications to the use of "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis. These include:
- kidney disease;
- asthma;
- cancers;
- hypersensitivity to one of the components;
- hyperbilirubinemia in a newborn.
Before using the drug, it is important to consult a doctor. Self-medication can hurt.
Drug dosage
The initial daily dose is (depending on the complexity of the coursediseases) 1 - 2 g 1 time per day or 0.5 - 1.0 g every 12 hours (2 times a day), the daily dose should not exceed 4 g.
It is important to know that the dosage and treatment regimen of "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis will be determined strictly by the doctor, taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body.
Types of drugs and their effect on the prostate

In our time, there is a wide range of drugs that can improve the functioning of the prostate gland. Among the main varieties are tablets and capsules. Tablets have a dense texture, and capsules consist of gelatin shells, inside of which there is a drug.
Injections "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis help relieve inflammation of the gland and restore its full-fledged work. This method of treatment is often used in practice, because due to the rapid penetration into the blood, the agent provides an instant effect. The main symptoms of the disease disappear almost instantly. Administered intramuscularly or intravenously.
Candles have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. They must be inserted into the anus. It is most convenient to do this in a supine position, while bending your knees slightly. After all the actions, it is advisable not to get up immediately, as the candle may leak out. The course of treatment is approximately 7 days.
Instillations are used in a hospital setting. The advantage of treatment is that the drug is delivered to the main focus of the inflammatory process. Thisthe method is painful because the drug is administered through a catheter.
Microclyster helps relieve inflammation, but is not effective enough to combat the disease. It will not replace a full-fledged treatment, since this is one of the traditional medicine.
Antibiotic treatment

If the patient has a severely inflamed prostate gland, then antibiotics are indispensable. These tablets are conditionally divided into penicillin, tetracycline, cephalosporin and fluoroquinolone groups. The duration of the course of treatment of prostatitis with "Ceftriaxone" will depend on the overall clinical picture of the patient.
Tablets "Sulfa-P" are most often prescribed by urologists. They are made in Israel. The drug has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms and relieves inflammation. A positive result can be observed after 7 days of taking the medicine. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the physiological characteristics of the patient and on the stage of the disease.
Most often, the doctor recommends taking a pill at night or in the morning. The course of treatment is approximately two to three weeks. Experts advise to have an active sex life while taking the medicine, if it does not cause severe pain and discomfort. Contraindications - diseases of the kidneys and blood. If there is a malignant tumor or other pathology of the thyroid gland in the body, then it is not recommended to take the pills. The main disadvantage is the high cost.
Treatment of prostatitis with "Ceftriaxone" helps to normalize workreproductive system in men. It is forbidden to take the drug if there are diseases of the kidneys and other organs. Bronchial asthma and allergies are the main contraindications for taking. The duration of the course and dosage strictly depend on the form of the disease and the patient's well-being.
In order to prevent the disease, urologists prescribe Prostamol Uno. The drug helps to eliminate inflammation and improve the outflow of urine. Recommended after meals.
Anti-inflammatory drugs

It is necessary to eliminate severe discomfort and soreness first of all. Many urologists note the effectiveness of Vitaprost suppositories, since all the components that make up the drug not only stimulate metabolic processes in the gland, but also relieve inflammation and correct urodynamics. Treatment is carried out in a course. It is necessary to enter into the anus 1 suppository per day. The drug is also prescribed in the case of a chronic disease or after surgical interventions. The duration of treatment is about 14 days.
The medicine "Prostatilen" strengthens the vascular system, relieves swelling and inflammation, improves blood circulation and positively affects the activity of the smooth muscle of the representative organ. Improves the protective function of the body. Assign at any stage of development of prostatitis and in case of prolonged urinary retention.
"Prostalamine" is an effective dietary supplement. The drug corrects the metabolic process and relieves inflammation.
Before buying a drug,the stage of development of the disease, human physiology and doctor's recommendations should be taken into account. Therefore, when one of the signs of the disease appears, it is necessary to immediately pass an analysis for bacterial culture, a general clinical blood test and undergo a digital examination. Based on the results of the study, the specialist selects the medicine.

The inflamed prostate provokes unpleasant symptoms in the form of aching pain. To eliminate the symptom, it is necessary to take painkillers. The anesthetic is produced in the form of tablets, capsules, suppositories, suppositories. For prostatitis, urologists prescribe suppositories, as they quickly eliminate pain due to deep penetration.
If the disease is not too advanced, the doctor prescribes "Analgin" to the patient. It is able to eliminate minor pain and reduce inflammation. Take the drug no more than once a day, because it has a particularly concentrated composition. Kidney diseases and tumors are considered contraindications for admission.
The drug "No-shpa" refers to antispasmodics. It effectively relieves pain and spasms. You can buy it at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Take 1-2 tablets twice a day. Not recommended for people who suffer from kidney failure. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then it is better not to take pills.
"Ibuprofen" is the most effective and safe medicine. Unlike other drugs, it does not disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does not irritate the mucous membranes.stomach. The tablets begin to work after 15 minutes, as the substance ibuprofen is deeply absorbed by the cells.
"Mydocalm" is an effective remedy that relaxes muscles. Thanks to this action, soreness and a feeling of pressure on the prostate disappear. Urologists prescribe the drug in the last stages of the development of prostatitis or if the disease is of a neurological nature.
It is important to remember that the disease must be treated, not masked. Therefore, one pain reliever is not enough to eliminate the symptom. Treatment should be comprehensive.
Alpha blockers

This type of medicine is expensive, but effective. The urologist prescribes drugs for chronic prostatitis. Thanks to them, you can achieve a full recovery in the shortest possible time. They can be both long-term and short-term. Among the most popular are Alfuzosin and Doxazosin. These drugs eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis. In addition:
- accelerate blood circulation;
- improve vascular function;
- restore sexual function.
In case of an overdose, a severe allergic reaction in the form of edema may occur. Alfuzosin is milder than Doxazosin.
"Tamsulosin" is the most popular drug among all groups of adrenergic blockers. Recovery is possible after 2 weeks of taking the medicine. Tablets have a positive effect on the nervousendings and eliminate the feeling of pressure on the organ. Accelerate the process of urine outflow and prevent fluid from accumulating in the pelvic organs.
The best immunomodulators
The most common cause of prostatitis is a viral infection. The action of immunomodulators is aimed at the protective function of the body. The drug acts at the cellular level. This type of medicine is necessary in order to eliminate the immune failure in the body. Among the most common immunomodulators are:
- "Polyoxidonium";
- "Immunofan";
- "Galavit".
Drugs stop the inflammatory process. Most often, the drug is prescribed in combination with other drugs. The main action is performed by monocytes and lymphocytes. These cells improve metabolic processes in the body by increasing the body's resistance to foreign bodies.
Effective dietary supplements
These are dietary supplements that compensate for the lack of vitamins and useful trace elements in the body. They need to be taken for a long time. Thanks to dietary supplements:
- metabolic process is activated;
- improves erectile function;
- immunity is strengthened;
- reduces inflammation;
- improves urination.
Drugs are produced in the form of tablets, capsules and powder. The most popular additives are "Stamax" and "Mail asset". Due to the fact that they have a natural composition, the drugs are not able to disrupt the functioning of the organs. In addition, additives:
- improve overall he alth;
- saturate the body with useful substances;
- strengthen the immune system.
Most often, urologists prescribe herbal dietary supplements in the early stages of prostatitis development or in combination with other potent drugs.
Popular Medicines
Based on patient feedback, it is possible to identify the most effective drugs. These include:
- "Prostamol Uno";
- "Ceftriaxone";
- "Afala";
- "Omnic";
- "Prostolamine".
All of them are effective and inexpensive, while being able to eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The effectiveness of the drug depends more on the competence of the attending physician, since many factors can influence their action. Important to consider:
- age;
- presence of other diseases;
- results of a medical study;
- form of disease.
Before taking any drug, you should consider the doctor's prescription. Regular medical check-ups are essential to prevent surgery.
Doctor's opinion
If a man has one of the signs of prostatitis, you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist is able to identify inflammation of the prostate and choose an effective remedy. If the disease causes discomfort to the patient, then the man can not do without painkillers. In the chronic form of the disease, which is caused by an infection, it is necessary to takeantibiotics. The duration of the course of "Ceftriaxone" for prostatitis is determined strictly by the doctor. On average, it is 5-15 days, depending on the specific situation.
The drug best relieves inflammation. If, according to the results of the study, the patient has problems with the protective function of the body, then dietary supplements are included in the treatment system. Expensive drugs always have cheap counterparts. Many analogues cause a lot of side effects. If you feel worse after taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. In this case, the medicine should be changed.