Aloe vera gel is a jelly-like transparent dense substance located under the skin of the leaves of the plant. Its beneficial properties were known as early as the 2nd millennium BC. e. Aloe vera gel (plant juice) is mentioned in such significant books for mankind as the Torah and the Bible, in the ancient Eber papyrus from Egypt, the works of Pliny the Elder and Paracelsus, Hippocrates and Aristotle.
Useful properties of the plant
Christopher Columbus took this unpretentious plant on his distant expeditions, and its juice more than once saved sailors from the danger of infection when injured and even from hunger, maintaining the strength of people until they arrived at the nearest shore. Nowadays, it is included in both medicines and body care products.

Today, the use of aloe vera gel in cosmetology is a common practice when it is necessary to moisturize or rejuvenate the skin of the face. The properties of plant sap have been studied by scientists for a long time, especially its effect on the human body. In the process, it was revealedthe following beneficial ingredients in aloe vera gel:
- It contains about two hundred useful substances, including 12 vitamins needed by the human body daily.
- Amino acids, some of which are essential.
Important to know: human protein contains 20 amino acids, aloe vera gel contains 18 of them.
- Lecithin (ester, E322), without which the human body cannot function properly.
- Anthraquinone (from the class of quinones) has a slight laxative effect, as Pliny the Elder wrote about in his writings.

This is not a complete list of substances that make up the juice of the plant. Let us consider in more detail the mechanisms of its influence on the human body.
Scope of application
Scientific laboratories in different countries continue to study exactly how aloe juice affects the skin and internal organs of people. So, it was revealed that:
- Using aloe vera gel for the face promotes collagen production. This discovery was made by scientists from Texas, proving that the fibroblast cells responsible for its synthesis reproduce 8 times faster under the influence of plant juice. In cosmetology, the gel is often included in anti-aging creams.
- The presence of hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration to the skin. This property is useful not only for restoring water balance in the dermis, but also in cartilage tissue, in the vitreous body, which contain it in their composition. Therefore, so often in medicines aimed atrestoration of cartilage or eye tissues, a concentrate from this plant is included. Soviet ophthalmologist V. Filatov conducted experiments with the effect of agave juice on the vitreous body.

- The ability of aloe vera gel to regenerate cells is so high that when treating burns or open wounds on the skin, it is restored at such a speed that scars and scars do not have time to form at the site of damage.
- Aloe juice successfully restores the acid-base balance of the human body. These figures apply to both topical and oral use of aloe vera gel.
It is difficult to list all the useful properties of the plant, but most often its juice in the form of an extract or concentrate is found in cosmetics for face and body skin care.
Ingestion: regimen
Drinking Aloe Vera Gel is a highly sought after product from the German manufacturer LR. As a dietary supplement, the drink has established itself as an effective tool for the prevention and relief of the symptoms of the following diseases:
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Metabolism and obesity.
- Skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis and others.
- Allergies and inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.
To use the drinking gel as a prophylaxis, you need to drink 100 ml of the drink daily in 3 doses a couple of minutes before meals. The course lasts 2 months.

For the treatment of diseases, the following scheme is prescribed:
- 1-4 days - 1 tsp. three times a day;
- 5-8 day - 1 tbsp. l. three times a day;
- 9-12 days - 20 ml three times a day.
Following rate - 30-50 ml three times a day until complete recovery.
It is important to remember: in no case should you replace a course of therapy prescribed by a doctor with aloe vera drinking gel. Dietary supplement is not a medicine and the way it affects the disease is different from the medication. Drinking gel, rather, includes the protective functions of the body, strengthening them, directing them to the root cause of the disease. This takes a lot of time, so consultation with the attending specialist is required before starting the reception.
This drink can be given to infants as a defense or treatment for infectious diseases. The dosage depends on the age: the number of drops is equal to the number of months of the child. You need to drip into your mouth just before feeding.
Gel in cosmetology
Many cosmetologists, knowing the unique ability of the gel molecules to “go” into the deep layers of the dermis, recommend using it before applying the usual cream. In this case, only the presence of confidence in the quality of the care product is required. This means that the amount of natural substances in the cream must prevail over preservatives and stabilizers.
According to the reviews, aloe vera gel just works wonders when needed:
- Intensively moisturize the skin, restore its elasticity and smoothness.
- Get rid of youthful acne and blackheads.
- Rejuvenate skin by eliminating wrinkles.
- Reduce or completely removestretch marks.
- Save skin from UV exposure and protect from sunburn.

As such, no contraindications have been identified for external use of the gel, only personal intolerance is possible, which is extremely rare.
Home use
Although many cosmetic brands use aloe gel in their products these days, there is nothing more reliable than a homemade product. For example, a mask for very dry skin:
- cucumber oil - 5%;
- distilled water - 75%;
- aloe vera gel – 4-7%;
- NUF "Intensive Moisturizing" - 5%;
- if desired, your favorite flavor - 1-3%;
- leucidal preservative - 5%, which enhances the effect of the mask due to its antibacterial and fungicidal action.

You can also wipe your face with fresh aloe juice, but remember that for the first few minutes you will feel tightness of the skin, which will quickly pass.
Aloe vera gel is an effective remedy for solving skin problems and treating certain diseases. It is especially recommended to prevent dehydration of the skin, strengthen the body's defenses and prevent infectious diseases.