The best analogue of "Levomekol": description, instructions

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The best analogue of "Levomekol": description, instructions
The best analogue of "Levomekol": description, instructions

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"Levomekol" is a public and effective topical preparation with a combined composition. It is produced in our country and has been successfully used by more than one generation. All the necessary information about Levomekol ointment: instructions for use, analogues in Russia and abroad, and other necessary facts about the drug are in this article.

Mechanism of drug action

Ointment "Levomekol" refers to dehydrating and antimicrobial drugs for external use. It is a yellowish substance in tubes or flasks made of tinted glass. Its cost is very affordable - about 50 rubles.

analogue of levomekol
analogue of levomekol

The active ingredients of the ointment are two main components:

  • dioxymethyltetrahydropyrimidine or methyluracil (7.5 mg/g), which stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • chloramphenicol (40mg/g), which is an antibiotic active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms such as staphylococci, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeroginosa.

Chloramphenicol has an important feature:it penetrates deep into tissues, but the integrity of the cell membrane is not violated. On the contrary, the substance has a stimulating effect on regenerative processes. The presence of pus and necrotic formations does not reduce the effectiveness of the antiseptic.

When is the ointment used?

"Levomekol" is used in the treatment of purulent wounds in the stage of inflammation. The ointment is indicated in the presence of bedsores, boils, advanced hemorrhoids, corns, herpetic ulcers, inflammation of the ear canal, acne, lymphadenitis. Levomekol has proven itself well in the following medical fields:

  • in ENT practice for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis with confirmation of the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora;
  • in dentistry, the ointment is used for stomatitis, periodontal disease, trophic ulcers and other inflammatory processes that occur during tooth extraction and implantation;
  • in gynecological and urological practice "Levomekol" is prescribed in the postpartum and postoperative period, with colpitis, balanitis and balanoposthitis.

Levomekol ointment is used in several ways:

  • in the form of dressings for skin lesions;
  • in the form of tampons for gynecological and urological diseases;
  • through a catheter in a cavity with suppuration;
  • in the form of turundas for ENT diseases;
  • topically by rubbing in dentistry or by spot application in acne treatment.

Features of taking the drug

When treating with Levomekol, the use of pyrazolone derivatives should be avoided,sulfonamides and cytostatics.

levomekol ointment analogues
levomekol ointment analogues

Using this product for more than 5-7 consecutive days is not recommended due to skin sensitization or hypersensitivity. This is due to the action of methyluracil and chloramphenicol, which are included in Levomekol (ointment). Analogues that do not contain these active substances will be a true alternative to this remedy.

Who is Levomekol contraindicated for?

Contraindications to the use of the ointment are the presence of hypersensitivity to chloramphenicol or methyluracil, psoriasis, children under 3 years of age, fungal skin lesions (including thrush) and eczema. In the presence of these conditions, the patient cannot use Levomekol. Analogues of the drug will become an alternative, but only a doctor should deal with the choice of a suitable remedy. During pregnancy and lactation, this drug is used with great caution in the presence of serious indications.

Are there any side effects?

When using Levomekol, side effects may occur in the form of itching, burning, hyperemia, swelling and rashes on the skin. There are cases of general weakness, dermatitis, urticaria and angioedema. In the presence of any of these phenomena, you should immediately consult a doctor, who usually recommends canceling Levomekol (ointment). Analogues can be prescribed after symptomatic therapy.


In some cases, this ointment is undesirable and dangerous to use, for example, in the presence of allergies or othercontraindications. The first document that you should read before using Levomekol is the instruction. Your doctor may prescribe analogues of this remedy from the following list of drugs:

  • "Bepanten";
  • Vulnuzan;
  • "Aloe Liniment";
  • "Aekol";
  • "Methyluracil";
  • Contractubex.

All these drugs are analogues of Levomekol according to the ATX level 4 code.


Outside of Russia, while traveling or traveling with us, unpleasant situations may arise that require the use of medications. And here the difficulties begin. The fact is that it is rather difficult to find many familiar domestic drugs abroad, and we do not know how to replace them. If you need Levomekol, you can find analogues in Europe. Bepanten will be an excellent replacement for domestic ointment.

Levomekol instructions for use analogues
Levomekol instructions for use analogues

The active substance of this drug is dexpanthenol, which normalizes cell metabolism, moisturizes, regenerates the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. This tool can be used on any part of the skin, including for the treatment of weeping wounds and areas with hairline. "Bepanten" is produced by the Swiss company Bayer and is available in the form of ointment, cream and lotion. The average cost of the drug is 480 rubles.

If you need an analogue of "Levomekol" for children, then it is difficult to find something more suitable than "Bepanten". It can even be used for newborn babies asmeans for the prevention and treatment of diaper rash, prickly heat, diathesis, burns and other skin lesions. Also, "Bepanten" can be successfully used to treat pressure sores, chronic ulcers, cracks in the anus or nipples during lactation, cervical erosion and other damage and inflammation of the dermis. A contraindication to the use of "Bepanthen" can only be an individual intolerance to dexpanthenol. Side effects from the use of the remedy are quite rare and may manifest as itching or hives.


This drug is an analogue of Levomekol abroad. The ointment "Vulnuzan" is produced in Bulgaria by the company Sopharma. The composition of this preparation is unique, as it includes an extract of mother liquors from the Bulgarian Pomorie s alt lakes, which are rich in macro- and microelements, natural acids and alkalis, as well as colloids.

levomekol analogues cheap
levomekol analogues cheap

Vulnuzan ointment is a remedy of natural origin and serves as a biogenic stimulant. It can be used to treat abscesses, long-term non-healing and purulent wounds, trophic and varicose ulcers, cracked nipples and gum disease. If there is no allergic reaction, then even small children can use the ointment. However, in the presence of individual intolerance to the drug, a rash, urticaria or Quincke's edema may occur. Ointment "Vulnuzan" is affordable, its cost is 150 rubles.

Aloe Liniment

This analogue of "Levomekol" has an absolutely natural composition: aloe juice, eucalyptus and castor oil. The drug has an adaptogenic, regenerating,tonic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Levomekol analogues Russian
Levomekol analogues Russian

This drug is indicated for burns (not higher than 2nd degree), neurodermatitis, epidermatitis, psoriasis, lichen and other skin diseases and lesions. Caution should be exercised when using Liniment Aloe in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as allergic reactions may occur. For children under 12 years of age, the use of the drug is contraindicated. Pregnant and lactating women should only take it as directed by a physician. If you need to replace Levomekol, you should look for cheap analogues among domestic drugs, the price of which is much lower than for foreign pharmaceutical products. The cost of "Liniment aloe" on average in Russia is 84 rubles.


This analogue of Levomekol is produced in Russia and Ukraine. "Aekol" is an oily liquid containing acetate, menadione, betacarotene, retinol and sunflower oil as part of alphatocopherol. This remedy, due to its vitamin composition, has an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hemostatic effect, normalizes the permeability of capillaries and tissues.

Levomekol analogues
Levomekol analogues

"Aekol" can be used both internally and externally. Effectively, the remedy helps with rectal fissures, hemorrhoids, scleroderma, bedsores, trophic ulcers, colpitis, cervical ulcer, burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree, purulent wounds with necrosis and afterautodermoplasty. There are practically no restrictions for taking Aekola as a local remedy. An exception is an allergy to the components of the drug. However, for the use of the drug inside, there is an extensive list of contraindications, including children under 14 years of age, pregnancy, lactation, obesity, hypervitaminosis A and E, cardiovascular diseases, alcoholism and kidney disease. With the external use of Aekola, reactions may occur in the form of hypersensitivity or exacerbation of inflammation. When taken orally, a fairly large number of side effects are known, which are described in the instructions for the drug. The cost of the drug "Aekol" is 120 rubles.


This analogue of "Levomekol" is available in the form of ointment, suppositories and tablets. The main active ingredient is methyluracil or dioxymethyltetrahydropyrimidine, which is a stimulant of tissue regeneration. Candles are used for colitis, proctitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, sigmoiditis, cervical erosion, non-specific vulvitis, colpitis. Ointment "Metiluracil" is widely used to treat various wounds, abrasions, burns, cracks and scars. Topical application of the drug is unacceptable in case of excessive granulation.

levomekol instruction analogues
levomekol instruction analogues

As a result of the use of suppositories or ointment "Methyluracil", burning or rashes may occur, as well as more serious allergic manifestations associated with the patient's individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is noted that with the simultaneous use of the drug with antibiotics, there issynergy effect. For pregnant and lactating women, suppositories, ointment or Methyluracil tablets can be prescribed by a doctor only if there are serious indications. These drugs, which replace Levomekol, are Russian analogues and their price is quite affordable for consumers. Ointment costs 60 rubles, tablets - 200 rubles, and candles can be bought for 80 rubles.


This analogue of "Levomekol" is available in the form of an ointment, the active components of which are onion extract, heparin and allantoin. "Contractubex" has an antiproliferative, softening, smoothing and anti-inflammatory effect. The ointment is indicated for cicatricial growths of a hypertrophic and atrophic nature, keloid changes in the dermis, stretch marks, scars on the skin after acne, boils, burns, and for the prevention of pathologies of postoperative or post-traumatic sutures.

analogue of Levomekol abroad
analogue of Levomekol abroad

Contractubex has contraindications: allergy to ointment components, atopic dermatitis, alopecia, rashes in children. The use of the drug can provoke adverse reactions in the form of itching, erythema, urticaria, swelling, pain, pustular formations. When using an ointment to get rid of fresh scars, ultraviolet access should be limited, hypothermia and massage should be excluded, since these actions can reduce the effectiveness of the Contractubex components. This drug is produced by the German company MerzPharma. The cost of "Contractubex" is 700 rubles.

Each of these analogues of "Levomekol" has its own characteristics: indications,methods of application, doses and contraindications. In connection with these circumstances, the choice of an acceptable remedy should be left only to the attending physician.