"Sabal-Prostate": indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Sabal-Prostate": indications, instructions for use, reviews
"Sabal-Prostate": indications, instructions for use, reviews

The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the body and such a serious disease as prostatic hyperplasia. "Sabal-Prostate" is an improved medicine that allows you to fight prostatitis. Despite the fact that it consists of natural ingredients, it should not be used without the advice of a doctor. In addition, before buying a medicine, you must carefully study the indications for taking the drug and instructions for its use.

Issue form

The drug is produced in three forms: granules, capsules and drops. Therefore, everyone can choose for themselves the most convenient method of application. Granules of white or cream color. The medicine is sold in blisters, jars and vials with a dosage of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 g. Capsules contain 0.2 g of the active substance. The drops are transparent in color and are sold in dark glass with a dropper for more convenient use. The liquid form contains ethanol, so it has a characteristic alcohol odor. Drops are released25 and 50 ml.

capsules "Sabal-Prostate"
capsules "Sabal-Prostate"

Indications for use

"Sabal-Prostate" helps tissues regenerate faster, eliminates swelling and inflammation. The drug has the ability to improve blood circulation in the vessels and normalize the process of urination. Prescribe medicine for certain pathologies:

  • With benign prostatic hyperplasia. What it is, every man who has this disease knows. It is never asymptomatic, and therefore medications are simply necessary in this case.
  • With prostate adenoma complicated by abacterial prostatitis. The disease disappears after 2 months of regular use of the drug.
  • For abacterial prostatitis.
  • When potency is weakened, sensations decrease during intimacy.
  • For urination disorder.

Also, the drug can be prescribed as a prophylactic against genitourinary diseases. You can not take the drug on your own, without the advice of a doctor. This can aggravate the condition and worsen the symptoms of the disease.

indications for the use of the drug
indications for the use of the drug

Composition of the medicine

The main active ingredient of the drug is the fruit of the sabal palm. It was they who served to create this drug and its name. In medicine, a dry extract of palm fruits is used. They have a fleshy texture, rounded shape and dark blue color. At the moment they are one of the most popular sources for synthesizing natural remedies in the fightwith inflammation of the prostate.

Other effective ingredients of Sabal-Prostate include Echinacea purpurea and ginkgo biloba leaf extract. The substances contained in these plants improve the quality of blood vessels, prevent the appearance of blood clots and restore blood circulation in the prostate gland. Thanks to these properties, congestion resulting from adenoma resolves.

sabal palm fruit
sabal palm fruit

The principle of action on the body

The effectiveness of the drug is ensured by its natural composition, which was formed due to the successful combination of all components and dosages of active substances necessary to support the he alth of the male reproductive system. The positive impact of the tool lies in the following principles of its action:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect. It helps to fight acute and chronic prostatitis. The plant components in the composition of the drug provide poor conditions for pathogens, and also act on the opportunistic microflora as an antiseptic.
  • Diuretic effect. Thanks to him, tissue swelling disappears, blood circulation improves, and the normal process of urination resumes.
  • Normalization of hormonal levels. This happens due to zinc in the composition of the drug. It is he who is responsible for the production of testosterone.
  • Immunostimulatory effect of the drug helps the body fight the acute and chronic course of the disease. In addition, the effectiveness of taking other drugs with a similar effect increases.
  • Gainblood circulation in the small pelvis, which entails the stimulation of potency. This naturally normalizes sexual activity.

Unlike other drugs produced synthetically, Sabal-Prostate is gentle, but no less effective if taken within the period indicated in the instructions.

taking the medicine "Sabal-Prostate"
taking the medicine "Sabal-Prostate"

Instructions for use

You need to take this homeopathic remedy depending on its form of release. Granules are taken 8 pieces three times a day. They must be placed under the tongue and wait for complete dissolution. The course of treatment in this case is at least 30 days.

Capsules should be drunk in smaller quantities. For a monthly course of treatment, you will need to drink only 1 capsule per day. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe capsules up to 4 times a day.

The liquid form of the medicine is drunk 8 drops, dissolving them in water. Reception is the same as for granules - 3 times a day. The duration of treatment in this case can last up to 2 months. Regardless of the form of release, the drug must be taken before meals or one hour after it.

Based on the instructions for use, "Sabal-Prostate" has almost no contraindications. It should not be used by those under the age of 18, as well as in the presence of individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug. The cost of funds ranges from 200 to 400 rubles.

taking capsules
taking capsules

Drug reviews

Based on the feedback on "Sabal-Prostate", the effect of the application appears in at least 3week of regular intake. Patients suffering from abacterial prostatitis noted a good result after 2 months of treatment. Men noted that the disease completely left such a course of therapy and did not return after its completion. However, despite the effectiveness of treatment with this remedy, many speak of the importance of a he althy lifestyle while taking it.

Those who regularly took the Sabal-Prostate medicine, but did not give up bad habits, and also abused junk food, note that they were not able to completely defeat the disease. Therefore, it is very important to conclude that taking the drug should be combined with a he althy lifestyle, moderate physical activity and proper nutrition.
