Ammonia: instructions for use and reviews

Ammonia: instructions for use and reviews
Ammonia: instructions for use and reviews

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a very strong smell. It is part of various compounds, each of which has its own name.


  • when the molecules of ammonia (gas) and water interact, a compound is formed - ammonium hydrate;
  • an aqueous solution of ammonium hydrate is ammonia (the word "alcohol", in this case, means "spirit" - "spirit" "gas").
ammonia instructions for use
ammonia instructions for use

Ammonia in medicine

In medicine, a 10% ammonia solution is used and is often released under the name "ammonia". Therefore, if a pharmacy offers you ammonia instead of ammonia, know that this is the same thing.


The solution is clear, has a strong odor and evaporates quickly. Therefore, the container must be tightly closed.


Ammonia is a respiratory stimulant, local irritant, antiseptic and disinfectant.

Indications for use:

  • fainting(syncope) and collapse - to excite breathing;
  • toxic effect of alcohol - to stimulate vomiting;
  • surgical practice - for hand disinfection (method of S. I. Spasokukotsky and I. G. Kochergin);
  • neuralgia, myositis - pain relief;
  • insect bites as a distraction and disinfectant.


  • external - for eczema, dermatitis, skin diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • Children's age - up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • epilepsy.

Ammonia 10% (instruction for use warns) has some side effects:

  1. Don't breathe ammonia fumes for a long time, this can lead to headaches, symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting) and respiratory arrest.
  2. Do not use undiluted internally, it may cause poisoning and burn the digestive system.
  3. When used externally, irritation, burns, and an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, stop contact with the drug and rinse the skin and mucous membranes with plenty of clean water.

Issue form

The solution is available in vials of 10, 40, 100 ml and in ampoules of 1 ml. Vials should be tightly closed and not let the smell of ammonia out.

If you purchased ammonia in ampoules, the instructions for use will differ only in the way you open the container: you need to wrap the thin neck of the ampoule with a piece of cotton wool and then break it by applyinglittle effort.

Distributed without a doctor's prescription.

ammonia solution instructions for use
ammonia solution instructions for use

The effect of ammonia on the human body

When used correctly, ammonia solution has a positive effect.

  • when applied to the skin, it has a vasodilating effect, improves tissue regeneration, suppresses the source of the pathological process, reduces muscle tension, vasospasm, pain (distracting effect).
  • when inhaling the vapors of the drug, it excites the respiratory and vasomotor centers.
  • when taken orally (diluted), it increases the excitability of the vomiting center and provokes vomiting.

Help for insect bites

Ammonia is very suitable for relieving pain from insect bites. Instructions for use explains this by the fact that it activates substances that block pain impulses from receptors to the brain.

Therefore, it is often prescribed for insect bites to relieve unpleasant itchy, and sometimes significant pain at the site of the bite.

Must use 10% ammonia solution. Instructions for use are quite simple:

  • moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution and apply to the bite site for a few minutes;
  • if an allergic reaction or pain occurs, remove the cotton swab with the solution and rinse the skin area with clean water.
ammonia in ampoules instructions for use
ammonia in ampoules instructions for use

The action of ammonia in fainting

Even in the dissolved state, ammonia evaporates quickly, and its smell appears immediately afterbottle opening.

The surprisingly rapid effect of ammonia vapor on a person's condition is explained by the fact that this substance, when inhaled, enters the mucous membranes, sticks inside and irritates the nerve endings. This leads to excitation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers, which is manifested by rapid breathing and an increase in blood pressure.

That is why most often in medical practice an ammonia solution is used to bring a fainting person to life. After all, this condition is characterized by a decrease in pressure and respiratory depression.

Help with fainting

Fainting can happen quite unexpectedly to anyone. It occurs when you stay in a stuffy room for a long time, blood loss, lowering blood pressure, with some diseases, severe nervous shocks.

Therefore, it is advisable to always have ammonia on hand. The instructions for use recommend that, when fainting, slightly moisten a piece of any fabric or cotton wool (gauze, handkerchief) in an ammonia solution and bring it to the victim's nose for literally 1-2 seconds - no longer.

This almost always brings the casu alty back to consciousness and makes it easier to provide follow-up care if needed.

ammonia solution 10 instructions for use
ammonia solution 10 instructions for use

Ammonia in alcohol poisoning

Sometimes, with an excess amount of alcohol consumed, the provocation of vomiting helps to alleviate the condition. However, a person is not always able to evoke an appropriate reflex in himself. Then a solution can be very useful.ammonia. Instructions for use usually do not contain detailed information in this case. However, doctors recommend doing the following:

  • with average alcohol intoxication, drip 2-3 drops of ammonia solution into a glass of water;
  • with severe alcohol intoxication, increase the number of drops of the solution per glass of water - 5-6 drops.

The victim must drink this water, and then he will have a gag reflex. Even if this does not cause vomiting, it will help to quickly bring the person to his senses and simplify further assistance. Treatment must be supplemented with a large amount of drinking in the form of strong tea, coffee, fermented baked milk or kefir. It is also recommended to rub the affected whiskey with a solution of ammonia (ammonia) - this will clarify his mind.

Ammonia solution as a remedy for binge

It is quite difficult for a person who has been drunk for a long time to recover. To help him with this, you can use ammonia. Instructions for use of the drug officially does not give recommendations in this regard. This method is rather popular, but effective.

However, dosages should be strictly adhered to to prevent the side effects that ammonia can provoke. Instructions for use describe them in detail (they are also presented to your attention in the article).

So, after a long-term use of alcohol, a person should be given the following remedy to drink: 10 drops of ammonia solution in a glass of water. This drink should be given three times a day.

ammonia 10instructions for use
ammonia 10instructions for use

Ammonia for neuralgia and myositis

What else can be useful solution of ammonia? Instructions for use contain information on the treatment of neuralgia and myositis, but the details of its implementation are not described.

These recipes are varied and typical mainly for traditional medicine. There is no need to describe them all. Usually it all comes down to lotions and compresses (applications), which include ammonia.


Neuralgia is characterized by muscle pain caused by inflammation, pinched or irritated nerve endings.

In case of illness, ammonia can be used in the form of lotions, compresses. Do not use undiluted solution. It is better to mix ammonia with water, oil or cream in a ratio of 1:5, where 1 is a solution of ammonia (ammonia).

This method is more for pain relief than for full recovery. After all, the causes of neuralgia can be very different: from a cold to an injury.

In any case, if you experience a burning sensation or other uncomfortable sensations, you should stop the procedure, remove the compress and rinse the skin with water.

p p ammonia instructions for use
p p ammonia instructions for use


Myositis - inflammation of the muscles. The main symptom is pain at the site of inflammation: in the neck, shoulders, chest, back or hip.

Ammonia (ammonia solution), as well as with neuralgia, helps to reduce pain in this condition. Such treatment is considered symptomatic, not primary.

To the sore spotapply compresses, which include 1 part of ammonia and at least 5 parts of another component (water, oil, decoction, cream).

Before undertaking such treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
