"Ambrobene" in its action refers to mucolytics - drugs that reduce the viscosity of sputum. Its active ingredient is ambroxol. The drug is prescribed for a wet cough with viscous, difficult to separate sputum. This symptom is manifested in various diseases of the lungs and bronchi. The effectiveness of "Ambrobene" increases with treatment, accompanied by an abundant drink of liquid - water, tea, compote, juice, etc. With a dry cough - "Ambrobene" is ineffective.

"Ambrobene" for inhalation
One of the forms of release of "Ambrobene" is a solution that can be used for drinking and doing inhalation with it. For convenience, a measuring cup is attached to the medicine package, which will allow you to dose the product correctly.
When using the inhalation method of treatment, "Ambrobene" must be mixed with a solution of sodium chloride (saline). Then inhalation with saline and Ambrobene is already carried out. Dosage of thesecomponents are prescribed by a doctor.
Inhalation Benefits:
- reduces the bitter taste of the medicine;
- the drug penetrates directly into the lungs, bypassing the digestive system;
- small particles of the drug easily penetrate the cells and tissues of the affected respiratory organs, and the effect of the treatment comes quickly.
"Ambrobene" for inhalation: indications
The drug is effective in the following diseases:
- obstructive bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- bronchiectasis;
- pneumonia.
And also with other pathologies accompanied by a wet cough.
After diagnosing the disease, the doctor may prescribe inhalation with saline and Ambrobene. Dosage, instructions for use of these drugs must be strictly observed to avoid side effects.

Inhalation with "Ambrobene" should be carried out using special inhalers such as a nebulizer. Nebulizers - inhalers, whose action is based on splitting particles of liquid medicine into tiny droplets - mist. In them, heating and the formation of steam does not occur. The unchanged solution enters the human body by dispersion and inhalation.
Advantages of a nebulizer over a steam inhaler:
- no danger of getting burned by hot steam;
- without heating, the medicine retains all its beneficial properties;
- solution in the right concentration reaches the affected organs and acts faster;
- possibility to carry out inhalation at a distance.
The last advantage is convenient when inhalation is given to children. Sometimes it is not easy to persuade a child to sit quietly by the inhaler if he is passionate about the game. Or the child is sleeping, and in order not to wake him up at the time of inhalation, you can simply install a nebulizer near the patient. The medicine will be sprayed into the air and enter the body when inhaled. True, the concentration of the therapeutic solution in the body will be lower than when inhaled through the nozzles of the nebulizer.

Saline solution for inhalation
Almost all medicines placed in a nebulizer must be diluted. The most common dilution agent is saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution or Ringer-Locke solution or any other with a pH not exceeding 6.3). So, for example, inhalation with saline and ambrobene is carried out. The dosage of drugs and solutions will depend on the age and condition of the patient.
Saline solution moisturizes the mucous membrane of the mouth, larynx and contributes to a better liquefaction of sputum and a decrease in sore throat. Sometimes saline is used for inhalation without the addition of other drugs, especially if the disease is mild.

Inhalations with "Ambrobene" at home
Before inhaling, carefully read theinstructions for use of the medicinal product.
Inhalations can be done at home. Only for children under two years of age, this procedure is recommended to be done in the presence of a doctor.
Breathe normally during the procedure, calmly. Taking deep breaths can cause coughing and the procedure will have to be interrupted.
Dosage "Ambrobene" for inhalation
In order for inhalation with saline and Ambrobene to be carried out correctly, the dosage (how to breed, we will now tell) of these components should be the same - 1:1.
For example:
- Dosage for children under 6 years old - 1 ml each.
- Dosage for children over 6 years old - 2 ml each.
- Inhalations with Ambrobene and saline for adults: dosage - 2 ml each.
And if the child does not sit directly with the inhaler at the mouth, but breathes the solution at a distance (sleeps or plays during inhalation)? Then the dosage of "Ambrobene" for inhalation to children with saline may be higher. But even in this case, the amount of the drug should not exceed 5 ml, so as not to cause an overdose in the body. The same rule applies to adult patients.
In order to properly inhale with Ambrobene and saline, the dosage of these funds can be carried out using a measuring cup, which is already included with the medicine, or with a syringe.
The syringe is especially handy if you purchased saline in a large container (economical option). To maintain the sterility of the solution in the container, it is necessary to remove from itcover the metal shell, wipe the rubber cover with an antiseptic (alcohol) and, piercing it with a needle, draw the right amount of saline into the syringe. After that, the needle can be left in saline for later use.
The temperature of the finished solution should be comfortable - about 36 0C, like body temperature.

Rules for inhalation with "Ambrobene"
Duration of inhalation:
- for adults and children over 6 years old - 5 to 15 minutes;
- for children under 6 years - 3 to 5 minutes.
The course of inhalation treatment is 5-7 days. Inhalations are carried out 1-3 times a day, 1.5-2 hours after meals.
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- Ambroxol intolerance.
"Ambrobene" when treated by inhalation has much less contraindications than when taken orally. However, do not neglect the advice of a doctor, because each organism is individual.
Here are some recommendations:
- you can not take "Ambrobene" at the same time as cough medicine, as this will make it difficult for sputum to escape from the lungs;
- Patients with bronchial asthma must take bronchodilators before inhalation;
- during the first hour after inhalation, it is advisable not to eat, drink or go out into the cold;
- during pregnancy and lactation, only a doctor can prescribe the drug;
- if you treat the patient with the use"Ambrobene" inside and inhalation at the same time, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage so as not to exceed the daily dose.

Inhalations with "Ambrobene": reviews
When treating with Ambrobene for inhalation, the following reviews were noted:
- no contraindications for gastrointestinal disease;
- the effect of treatment by inhalation occurs faster than with the usual intake of "Ambrobene";
- the bitterness of the medicine is less felt, and children are more willing to inhale;
- helps well at the initial stage of a cold, avoiding its development;
- when inhalation with saline and Ambrobene is carried out, the dosage (reviews confirm this) is very simple and quickly remembered;
- inhalation immediately relieves cough and moisturizes the mouth and throat;
- sometimes after inhalation, itching in the mouth may occur;
- phlegm quickly becomes thin and easily passed;
- cough from painful becomes productive, and sputum is easily expectorated;
- relatively inexpensive drug, and it lasts for a long time.
More and more people prefer the Ambrobene solution for inhalation in the treatment of colds. However, not always only this drug is able to get rid of the disease, therefore, before starting treatment, you must first consult with your doctor and follow his recommendations.