"Smecta" in case of poisoning is used most often. According to its chemical properties, the drug belongs to the group of intestinal adsorbents, and according to its pharmacological action, it belongs to drugs for the symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea. How to use "Smecta" and what is its advantage over other drugs in this group?

Composition of the drug
"Smecta" in case of poisoning acts effectively and quickly due to its composition. The main substance is a powder of natural origin from the group of aluminosilicates, like clay. The international name is dioctahedral smectite, or diosmectite.

It is extracted naturally from natural rocks. To improve the taste and obtain a more stable suspension, when diluting the drug with water, glucose, saccharin and vanillin are added to the composition. The children's version of "Smecta" is released with orange flavor.
How Smekta works
The action of the drug is based on its ability to selectively adsorb toxic substances and create a protective barrier together with intestinal mucus. "Smecta" in case of poisoning takes on poisons, toxins, pathogenic bacteria and even viruses. Thanks to its specialThe crystal structure of smectite has a selective effect, does not remove vitamins and microelements from the body. In the intestines, it is not absorbed and passes in transit, leaving naturally and taking with it the products of poisoning.

The second, no less useful effect of "Smecta" is its ability to increase the amount of intestinal mucus. Forming bonds with the glycoproteins contained in it, smectite stabilizes the mucus in the intestine and improves its protective properties. Therefore, the impact of aggressive factors - hydrochloric acid in the stomach, bile acids in the intestines, bacteria and their toxins, as well as toxic substances that come from outside - is significantly weakened. Possessing enveloping properties, Smecta slows down the rate of absorption of poisons and toxins from the intestines into the bloodstream.
Adult dosage
"Smecta" for diarrhea is taken in the following doses:
- Single dose - one sachet (3 grams),
- Daily dose is three sachets (9 grams).
Before use, the powder is diluted in water (about 100 ml), pouring it out and stirring constantly. A cloudy slurry should form. When standing, the powder partially settles, it can be mixed again without losing the effectiveness of the drug.

How to drink "Smecta" in case of poisoning: after washing the stomach, dilute one packet, drink the mixture. If there is no vomiting, drink the second packet after two hours. Then take according to the instructions, focusing on the manifestations of poisoning - diarrhea and vomiting.
Use for diarrhea
"Smecta" for diarrhea is taken three times a day, one sachet. The drug is effective in food poisoning by poor-quality products, bacterial (salmonellosis, colibacillosis), fungi, poisons of the chemical industry. Used for allergic digestive disorders and drug poisoning.

As a rule, if the disease proceeds without complications, it takes about three days to restore normal stools. After the diarrhea stops, you can continue taking the drug for several days, as it has protective properties against the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, damaged during the illness. It is not recommended to take the drug for more than seven days.
The use of "Smecta" for vomiting
The drug has no antiemetic effect. However, "Smecta" in case of poisoning is able to stop vomiting and reduce nausea. This is due to the fact that poisonous products bind and are removed from the body faster.

Since vomiting is a protective mechanism aimed at getting rid of toxins and removing them from the stomach, the removal of poisons with enterosorbents stops vomiting. "Smekta" with nausea will help only if the process is local in nature and the central nervous system is not involved. Some fungal toxins, drugs stimulate the vomiting center in the brain. In this case, "Smekta" is powerless, it will takeadministration of specific antidotes.
With severe vomiting, taking any medications inside is problematic. If the powder that was just swallowed came back with vomit, then another dose of Smecta should be taken, since the previous portion did not enter the intestines and did not have time to act. In the case when you need to do a gastric lavage from a poison that has recently entered the body, you can do this with a large amount of warm water, dissolving two bags of Smecta in each liter. The drug will adsorb the poison in the stomach until vomiting occurs.
Drug Benefits
Compared to other enterosorbents, Smecta has a number of advantages:
- It has selective sorption properties.
- Smectite particles have a delicate texture and smooth surface, do not injure the intestinal mucosa.
- The drug has enveloping properties.
- Rarely causes allergic reactions.
- Virtually no side effects.
Often they ask if Smektu can be used during pregnancy. Yes, the drug can be taken by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children of any age.
Disadvantages of the drug
"Smecta" for food poisoning is not shown to every patient. Do not prescribe the drug in the following cases:
- Intestinal obstruction.
- Malabsorption syndrome.
- Fructose intolerance.
With prolonged use of the drug for more than a week or with a significant excess of the dosage, a decrease in the activity of intestinal motility is possibleand constipation.

A minor drawback of the drug is that it is necessary to prepare a suspension from the powder before use. If smectite is first poured into a glass, and then water is poured, hardly soluble lumps form. If you follow the breeding instructions, there are usually no difficulties.
Like all enterosorbents, the drug should be taken separately from other drugs, taking a two-hour break between them. Otherwise, Smekta will slow down the absorption of the drug from the intestines or partially absorb it, weakening the effectiveness of the treatment.
How to give to children
Smecta is widely used for poisoning in children. In this case, the dosage will depend on age.
- Children under one year of age, the daily dose is a maximum of 3 grams (1 sachet).
- From one year to two years, give 1-2 sachets per day (maximum daily dose of 6 grams).
- After two years, 2-3 sachets per day (up to 9 grams) are prescribed.
If the dosage is accidentally exceeded, nothing bad will happen. Short-term constipation is possible, which is undesirable in case of poisoning, because toxic products must be removed from the body.
"Smecta" in case of poisoning in children is diluted in 50 ml of water, milk mixture, fruit puree. It is advisable to use water, as dairy products somewhat reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Small children do not need to be given a single serving all at once. You can dilute a third of the sachet in 20-30 ml of liquid and give one teaspoon for 1-2 hours. Then take a break for two hours and give the next portion. Most kids do not like the taste of Smekta. Some prefer the orange flavored remedy, while others prefer the regular powder mixed with fruit puree.
"Smekta" for alcohol poisoning
Hangover syndrome is nothing but poisoning of the body with the decay products of alcohol. Basically, nausea and headaches are due to the formation of acetate compounds in tissues in large quantities. In this case, the drug will not particularly alleviate the symptoms. But if a person has consumed low-quality alcohol or has exceeded the dose, then taking adsorbents somewhat improves the situation.

"Smekta" in case of poisoning - the instruction does not specify whether it is alcohol poisoning or not - it is taken according to the general scheme - one sachet three times a day. If you abuse the amount of alcohol, you can drink three bags with a break of two hours. The main thing is not to exceed the daily dose of 9 grams. This method is not recommended for people prone to constipation.
Will "Smekta" help in case of poisoning, if the poisonous substance came not through the mouth, but, say, through the respiratory tract? No, in these cases all enterosorbents are useless.
"Smecta" is taken in case of acute and chronic food poisoning, as well as if poisons enter the body through the stomach and intestines. The drug is not absorbed into the blood, but remains in the intestinal lumen, binding and removing toxic substances from the body. Diosmectite, which is the active substance of the drug, hasselective sorption action, which distinguishes it from activated carbon. Like all adsorbents based on clay substances, diosmectite has the ability to increase the amount of mucus in the stomach and intestines, improve its gastroprotective properties in relation to hydrochloric acid, bile, bacteria and their toxins. To fully restore bowel activity and stop diarrhea, it is necessary to take "Smecta" in a course of three to six days.