Dry cough requires special attention. Doctors call such a cough unproductive because it is not accompanied by sputum and removal of harmful inflammatory products and pathogenic microbes from the respiratory tract. There is a dry cough with various infectious diseases, allergic reactions, inhalation of dust and irritants, with colds of the bronchi and lungs. You can treat a cough on your own only with common colds or mild bronchitis. In all other cases, treatment should be under the supervision of a physician. The most affordable remedy to help cure a dry cough is a syrup containing a combination of drugs.
How to treat dry cough
With a dry cough caused by an infectious disease, it is required to increase the formation of bronchial mucus and activate the epithelium of the respiratory tract to bring it out. With frequentseizures are prescribed drugs that depress the cough reflex. Most of them have their contraindications and side effects.
Herbal preparations that treat dry cough have a minimum of contraindications. A syrup made from natural raw materials has practically no side effects, but acts more slowly and less effectively than complex preparations. When choosing a medicine, the age of the patient, the condition of the stomach and the cardiovascular system, how weakened the respiratory function is in general, how often the cough occurs and how much it interferes with recovery is taken into account. A good dry cough syrup contains drugs that inhibit the cough reflex, substances that stimulate sputum discharge and thin it. When the cough becomes wet, that is, bronchial mucus is secreted in large quantities, then cough suppressants should not be used.
Bronholitin Syrup
"Bronholitin" - a combined dry cough syrup for adults, which contains a non-narcotic antitussive drug (glaucine) and ephedrine hydrochloride, which has a bronchodilatory effect.

Effective in the treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In case of an overdose, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, sweating, difficulty urinating, trembling of the extremities occur. Contraindications are pregnancy and lactation, hypertension, insomnia, thyroid dysfunction, heart failure. The syrup contains ethanol.
Bronchicum TP syrup
This is a good dry cough syrup based on herbal preparations (thyme herb, primrose roots), but consider that it has mainly an expectorant effect. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Used for coughs with sputum difficult to separate. Contraindicated in severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, cardiovascular system, congenital glucose intolerance and insufficiency of sucrase and isom altase. The syrup contains 5.5% ethyl alcohol, therefore it is not used in patients with alcohol dependence, pregnant and lactating women. Possible adverse reactions: dyspepsia, nausea, gastritis, allergic rash, angioedema.
Codelac Phyto Syrup
Codelac Phyto is a dry cough syrup for adults containing codeine and herbal extracts. It is used to treat dry cough of any origin, in diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Depresses the cough reflex at the level of the central nervous system. Liquefies sputum, enhances mucus secretion, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action. With an overdose, symptoms of opiate poisoning develop: drowsiness, headache, vomiting, itching, incoordination, urinary retention, slowing of breathing and heartbeat. With prolonged use, addiction develops. "Codelac Phyto" is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, bronchial asthma, respiratory failure, is incompatible with alcohol and may affect the speed of reaction(during treatment it is not recommended to drive a car).
Gerbion Syrup
"Gerbion" - a good natural syrup for dry cough in smokers, with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Contains herbal ingredients (plantain and mallow extract) that have a softening and expectorant effect. It also inhibits the growth of bacteria and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, it should not be combined with other antitussive drugs. Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, fructose intolerance, glucose malabsorption.
Stoptussin Phyto Syrup
"Stoptussin Phyto" - dry cough syrup for adults based on plant extracts (thyme, thyme, plantain), it has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the viscosity of sputum.

The drug contains 3.4% ethyl alcohol. Not recommended for diseases of the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation. Side effects are minimal: allergic reactions may develop. It is prescribed to remove sputum that is difficult to separate from the respiratory tract in bronchitis and tracheitis.
Sinekod syrup
Drug - vanilla syrup for dry cough for adults, the main active ingredient of which is butamirate citrate. This is a non-narcotic antitussive, it depresses the cough center, improves breathing and expands the bronchi.

It is used only to suppress dry cough, does not contribute to sputum separation. It should not be taken in conjunction with expectorant drugs, as mucus will accumulate in the bronchi, which contributes to the development of infection. "Sinekod" can cause drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, drop in blood pressure.
Tussin Plus Syrup
"Tussin Plus" contains expectorant (guaifenesin) and antitussive (dextomethorphan) components. The latter refers to narcotic antitussives, therefore, in pharmacies, Tussin Plus is dispensed by prescription.

This is a very effective dry cough syrup for adults. Photos before and after taking the drug, according to doctors, show improvements in the bronchi on x-rays. It is used for symptomatic treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and colds. It has many contraindications characteristic of codeine and its analogues. It should not be taken with a wet cough with copious phlegm.
Linkas syrup
Dry cough syrup for adults, the photo of which is presented below, is a combined preparation made from natural raw materials. It includes more than ten names of plants. The drug reduces the intensity of coughing and at the same time helps to thin sputum, enhances the production of bronchial mucus, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, has sedative and anti-allergic properties.

Used to treat all kinds ofcough with sputum difficult to separate, including infectious diseases and smoker's cough. There are no contraindications, from side reactions an allergic reaction is possible with individual intolerance to the components. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, in case of diabetes, it should be borne in mind that the syrup contains sucrose.
Ascoril syrup
Dry cough syrup for adults "Ascoril Expectorant" has a bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic effect. The composition of the drug includes salbutamol, bromhexine hydrochloride, guaifenesin and menthol. It is prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and other diseases with a violation of the structure of the bronchi and alveoli. Expands the lumen of the bronchi, enhances ventilation of the lungs, promotes the formation and separation of sputum. The drug is dispensed by prescription. It has side effects: headache, dizziness, increased excitability of the nervous system, nausea and diarrhea, heart palpitations. Possible pink coloration of urine.
For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, colds and bronchitis, adults can take dry cough syrup on their own. Reviews of drugs indicate that it is better to drink herbal preparations and do not contain potent substances. For prolonged coughing attacks, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and prescribe the most appropriate drug.