Colds are a generalized name for a large group of acute respiratory infections that are manifested by a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous cavities of the upper respiratory organs.
If a person has strong immunity, then he practically does not get sick. And an organism with weakened protective functions is considered a constant source of infection by pathogens. To combat colds, as a rule, antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, Rimantadine.
The drug is produced in tablets, which are intended for the etiotropic treatment of viral infections, in particular influenza. The trade name for rimantadine hydrochloride is "Rimantadine".

Causes of a cold
The common cold is a highly contagious infection that is fairly easily transmitted from one person to another, even with a minimal number of pathogens penetratingon the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.
This way of transmission of infection is explained by the tropism of the virus to the tissues of the human body. Getting on the epithelial tissue of the nose, the strains penetrate into the cell nucleus, where they are integrated into its structures. Further, viruses feed on the human body, actively spread, provoking a huge number of violations.
Today, there are more than two hundred varieties of viruses that belong to the respiratory group that can infect the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and cause symptoms that are known to everyone as a cold.
The main effect that modern antiviral drugs against SARS and influenza have is aimed at suppressing the enzymes that are involved in the division of viruses. They are used for preventive purposes to eliminate the first signs of the disease, as well as for delayed therapy.
They reduce complications by ninety percent. The most effective antiviral drugs for influenza and SARS contribute to the effective extermination of viruses. As a result, well-being improves.
What is in the medicine?
The main active trace element of the drug is rimantadine hydrochloride. Its concentration in one tablet is 50 milligrams. In addition, Rimantadine contains additional substances.

What properties does the drug have?
After taking the drug, the currentthe substance is slowly but completely absorbed from the intestine into the general circulation.
Then it evenly moves through all the shells, the active substance is excreted in the urine. The period of elimination of the drug from the body takes about thirty-six hours.

"Rimantadine": indications for use and contraindications
The drug is intended for oral administration in the etiotropic treatment and prevention of influenza in adult patients and children from seven years of age.
In addition, the drug is recommended for use in tick-borne viral encephalitis.

According to the instructions for use, Rimantadine tablets have certain restrictions, for example:
- Acute liver injury.
- Kidney disease.
- "Interesting position" of a woman.
- Breastfeeding.
- Up to seven years.
"Rimantadine" is advised to give to children who attend an educational institution during influenza epidemics. With a large crowd of people, there is a high probability of catching a viral infection, moreover, in children's groups they are transmitted from child to child quite quickly.
Even in a situation where a child has been given a flu vaccine, the medication will help the body cope with the disease more reactively and endure it in a milder form. If the child has not been vaccinated, then taking the drug will be appropriate.
Another destination to use"Rimantadine" in young patients is considered tick-borne encephalitis. This disease is named after the carrier - a tick that lives in forests, fields, as well as throughout the Russian Federation. What does Rimantadine help with?
The child is usually injected with immunoglobulin and prescribed "Rimantadine". Even if the blood test for tick-borne encephalitis is negative, these insects cause other diseases, including Lyme disease, and the use of the drug will help increase the body's defenses.
Therefore, before using the drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid he alth problems.
"Rimantadine": method of administration and dosage
Pills are taken after meals. For influenza, adults and adolescents are recommended by doctors to use 2 tablets 3 times a day on the first day of therapy, then two days up to 4 tablets a day. On the fourth day, two tablets are prescribed.

For children from eleven to fourteen years old, the concentration of the active substance is reduced by half (up to three per day), and for small patients from seven to ten years old, "Rimantadine" is recommended to be taken twice a day, 1 tablet. Duration of treatment - 5 days.
According to the instructions for use for Rimantadine tablets, it is known that the drug can be used prophylactically to prevent influenza. In this case, the drug is prescribed - for patients from seven years old, one tablet per day, for adultspeople need to take the drug at the same dosage, the duration of treatment is fifteen days.
To prevent viral tick-borne encephalitis - patients aged eighteen and over are prescribed up to 4 tablets (daily). The duration of therapy is three days. The procedure starts after a tick bite.
Are there any negative effects from taking the medicine?
Like any other drug, Rimantadine can cause certain adverse reactions if the pills are not dosed correctly.
From the side of the digestive system, vomiting, pain in the stomach, loss of appetite may occur. On the part of the central nervous system, the following unpleasant symptoms can be noted - dizziness, tremor, gait disturbance, sleep loss, convulsions, irritability, depressive disorders.
On the part of the heart and blood vessels, as a rule, negative symptoms also appear - increased blood pressure, impaired heart contractions, ischemia, stroke. In addition to these side effects, Rimantadine tablets can also cause the following negative reactions:
- Cough.
- Shortness of breath.
- Bronchoconstriction.
- Skin rashes.
- Itching.
- Nettle rash.
- Tinnitus.
If negative effects appear, the use of "Rimantadine" should be stopped and consult a doctor.
Due to the fact that patients have shown allergic reactions to the drug, it is necessary to conduct an intolerance test before using it, and with increasedsensitivity should stop using it. If you experience side effects, you should consult a medical specialist.
The state of overdose manifests itself in an increase in negative effects, as a result of which the doctor prescribes a gastric lavage to the patient.
After purchasing the drug, you should carefully read the instructions for use of "Rimantadine". To get the maximum healing effect, it is important to pay attention to some nuances.
To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect in the treatment of influenza, the drug should be started as early as possible when the first signs of an infectious process appear.
Rimantadine hydrochloride has no effect on influenza B viruses, but its use helps to reduce intoxication. For preventive purposes, the drug is best used in spring and autumn.
It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during treatment with "Rimantadine". The drug affects psychomotor functions and attention, so you should postpone driving a car and work that is associated with increased concentration.
The drug can be freely purchased at the pharmacy, as it is sold without a prescription. But it must be remembered that before buying a drug, it is better to consult a medical specialist, and not self-medicate, in order to eliminate contraindications and not harm your body.

Facesretirement age, the drug "Rimantadine" can accumulate in toxic dosages if the concentration of the drug is not adjusted in proportion to the decrease in creatinine clearance. In this category of patients with arterial hypertension, the use of the drug increases the likelihood of a hemorrhagic stroke.
The following medicines are structural analogues of rimantadine hydrochloride:
- "Orvirem".
- "Polyreme".
- "Algirem".
- "Remantadine".

The following are considered drugs with similar therapeutic effects:
- "Aciclovir".
- "Viferon".
- "Geviran".
- "Cyclovir".
- "Geviran".
- "Oscillococcinum".
- "Kagocel".
- "Famvir".
- "V altrex".
- "Panavir".
- "Ingavirin".
- "Arbidol".
The shelf life of "Rimantadine" is thirty-six months. The drug should be stored at room temperature. The price of the drug varies from 50 to 300 rubles.
Recommendations from medical professionals
The use of the drug "Rimantadine" should be carried out only as prescribed by the doctor and in the concentrations in which he prescribed. This takes into account not only the well-being of the patient, but alsoother medications he is still using. For example, "Rimantadine" reduces the effectiveness of drugs against epileptic seizures, and enterosorbents reduce the degree of absorption of the antiviral agent.
In addition, medical professionals do not allow the simultaneous use of "Rimantadine" and alcoholic beverages - this combination increases the likelihood of adverse reactions, namely nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If alcohol was nevertheless taken, then the tablet can be taken no earlier than six hours later. If the drug was first taken, then "strong" drinks can be consumed no earlier than after twelve hours.
Patient opinions
Reviews of patients about the drug "Rimantadine" are mostly positive. Patients note the fact that this drug, when used correctly, really helps to cope with a cold.
After a couple of days of therapy, people feel better, the symptoms of the disease disappear, migraine and fever disappear. In their reviews of Rimantadine, patients leave some recommendations, for example, follow the instructions for use, and then the disease will pass very quickly and without problems.
In addition, a huge number of responses are left by people who used this drug as a preventive measure to prevent viral diseases. Patients especially noted a noticeable effect of "Rimantadine" in cold weather, when the population begins to get sick with the flu.
In this case, this one comes to the aid of the sickan antiviral drug that prevents the human body from catching the virus. Another main advantage of "Rimantadine" is its low price. And no need to buy expensive foreign generics that may not help at all.