An analogue of "Veroshpiron" is cheap and effective

An analogue of "Veroshpiron" is cheap and effective
An analogue of "Veroshpiron" is cheap and effective

In medical practice, such diseases are often observed in which there is a need to take potassium-sparing diuretics. Such a drug is Veroshpiron. Medicines included in the group of potassium-sparing diuretics are allowed to be used for a long time. After all, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they do not remove sodium and potassium from the human body. So, what is the original remedy? Which is better to choose an analogue of "Veroshpiron"? Let's figure it out.

Brief characteristics of the drug "Veroshpiron"

The drug is a popular remedy that is often recommended for patients suffering from severe forms of hypertension. Diuretic drug helps to get rid of puffiness.

The product is produced in the form of tablets or soft-shell capsules. The active substance of this drug is spironolactone.

Under the following conditions, it is recommended to prescribe the drug "Veroshpiron" instructions for use (drug analogues can significantlydiffer in indications):

  1. Hypertension accompanied by hypokalemia.
  2. Kidney disease, which is characterized by swelling, the presence of protein in the urine.
  3. Secondary, idiopathic hyperaldosteronism.
  4. Cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by accumulation of transudate in the peritoneum or swelling.
  5. Decrease in the level of potassium in the body.
  6. Tissue swelling due to chronic heart failure.
analogue of veroshpiron
analogue of veroshpiron

The drug is used as an excellent prophylactic for hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia. In addition, the drug is in great demand in gynecological practice.

He is included in therapy:

  • polycystic ovaries;
  • hirsutism;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle;
  • hyperandrogenism;
  • pathologies caused by an excess of male hormones in a woman's body.

However, you should be aware that the drug can provoke a number of adverse reactions in the patient. Most side effects are a serious reason to stop taking the medication and choose an analogue of Veroshpiron.

So, during treatment, patients may experience:

  • with dyspeptic disorders, pain in the abdominal area;
  • muscle cramps;
  • dizziness, lethargy, sleep disturbance;
  • amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia, coarsening of the voice (in women);
  • gynecomastia, reduced potency and libido (in men).

The cost of the drug "Veroshpiron" averages 90-120 rubles(tablets) and 220-310 rubles (capsules).

Analogues of the drug

On the pharmacological market, you can pick up a lot of drugs that can be a good alternative to the original remedy. However, remember that when choosing an analogue of "Veroshpiron", you should definitely consult with your doctor. Don't experiment with your he alth.

So, what medicines can replace the drug "Veroshpiron"?

Analogues of the drug:

  • Vero-Spironolactone.
  • Inspra.
  • Spironol.
  • Diuver.
  • Veroshpilakton.
  • "Hypothiazide".
  • Spirix.
  • Furosemide.
  • Aldactone.
  • Indapamide.
  • Spironolactone.
  • Verospirone.

Let's look at some of the medicines in more detail.

Inspra medicine

This drug was developed relatively recently. Its effect on the body is similar to the drug "Veroshpiron". However, the drug "Inspra" has fewer side effects. Very often, this medication is recommended for the treatment of men who are afraid of unpleasant consequences from therapy with an original remedy. Therefore, if you are interested in the analogue of "Veroshpiron" (without gynecomastia), then pay attention to the medicine "Inspra".

veroshpiron instructions for use analogues
veroshpiron instructions for use analogues

However, do not replace the drug yourself. The medicine "Inspra" has a smaller list of indications. It is effective in heart failure, helps to cope with the consequences of previous heart attacks. However, the drug is not prescribed for hypertension. Cirrhosis of the liver is also not an indication for use.

Inspra medicine is rarely prescribed to patients, since the price of the medicine is 2500-2650 rubles.


The drug is a good diuretic. However, it cannot be quoted as a full-fledged analogue of Veroshpiron. After all, the original remedy is a potassium-sparing drug, and Diuver is a representative of loop diuretics.

veroshpiron analogues of the drug
veroshpiron analogues of the drug

The drug is one of the sought-after medicines for heart failure. It acts effectively on the kidneys, improving the removal of fluid from the body.

The cost of the drug "Diuver" is 250-1000 rubles.


This is the cheapest analogue of the drug "Veroshpiron". The cost of Furosemide tablets is about 12-15 rubles. This medicine is a first aid. However, it does not have a potassium-sparing effect.

analogue of the drug veroshpiron
analogue of the drug veroshpiron

Another distinctive feature is the time of exposure to the body. The drug "Furosemide" retains its effect for 2-3 hours. The drug "Veroshpiron" this period is much longer.
