"Rehydron" - analogues. "Gidrovit" - instructions, reviews, prices

"Rehydron" - analogues. "Gidrovit" - instructions, reviews, prices
"Rehydron" - analogues. "Gidrovit" - instructions, reviews, prices

During diarrhea, severe dehydration develops. Children and people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys are especially sensitive to it. Together with water, the elements responsible for maintaining the so-called osmotic balance are washed out of the body - the stability of the internal environment. A lot of potassium and sodium leaves the body with vomit. In a hospital setting, the patient must be prescribed drugs that restore the loss of fluid, s alts and energy. Sometimes it is enough just to drink the solutions, in other cases an intravenous infusion is necessary. One of the drugs for oral administration is Regidron.

Composition of the drug

Medications to restore electrolyte balance differ in the concentration and ratio of s alts. The so-called solutions with low osmolality include the agent "Regidron". Its analogues, such as Hydrovit, contain less potassium and more sodium.

rehydron analogues
rehydron analogues

Composition of the drug:

  • Dextrose - 10.
  • Potassium chloride - 2.5g
  • Sodium citrate - 2.9g
  • Sodium chloride 3.5 g.

It is released packaged in foil bags, packed in a paper box of 10 or 20 pieces.

How to apply the medicine? First prepare the solution. One bag of "Rehydron" is diluted in one liter of water. Water must first be boiled and cooled to room temperature. You can not reduce or increase the amount of water for the solution, as this violates the osmolality of the drug. Take "Regidron" inside. The finished solution is stored in the refrigerator, the shelf life is no more than a day from the date of preparation.

Indications for use

The drug "Regidron" is used in situations where it is necessary to quickly replenish potassium and prevent the development of hypernatremia. The drug is prescribed to restore electrolyte balance and correct acidosis in the following cases:

  • acute diarrhea with mild to moderate dehydration;
  • heatstroke;
  • for preventive purposes during intense physical exertion and increased sweating.

"Regidron" has no age restrictions, can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

smecta with diarrhea
smecta with diarrhea

To replenish dehydration in the first hours, you need to drink twice as much solution as the weight loss amounted to. If a person has lost 500 g, then you need to drink 1 liter of Regidron. During this period, other liquids are excluded. Then take the solution according to the dosage:

  • With a body weight of up to 10 kg - in an amount of 350 to 500ml.
  • With a weight of 20 kg - 700 ml.
  • From 30 to 50 kg - in the amount of 800 - 1000 ml.
  • Over 50 kg of weight "Rehydron" is taken in a dose of 1 to 1.2 liters per day.

At the same time, it is necessary to replenish the loss of fluid with additional water, drinking from three to seven liters a day.

In case of an overdose of the drug, hypernatremia may develop, which manifests itself in a decrease in respiratory activity and an increase in neuromuscular excitability, up to the development of a convulsive syndrome.

Rehydron: analogues

The drug has many analogues. All of them are slightly different in composition, but similar in mechanism of action. Manufacturers, forms of release differ. In stationary conditions, a similar preparation is sometimes prepared by mixing glucose, potassium chloride, sodium chloride and sodium citrate.

The drug "Regidron" analogues are as follows:

  • Hydrovit;
  • Hydrovit Forte;
  • "Reosolan";
  • "Trihydron";
  • "Citraglucosolan";
  • Hydran.

Diarrhea does not always require hospitalization. Noncommunicable diseases are usually treated at home.

How to treat diarrhea

If diarrhea is caused by food poisoning, it is recommended to take enterosorbents. Among them, the drug "Smecta" is most effective. It not only adsorbs harmful substances, but also has an enveloping effect, protecting the irritated stomach wall.

what is better smecta or rehydron
what is better smecta or rehydron

"Smecta" with diarrhea is taken one sachet three times a day. For children, the dosage is according to age, starting with one sachet per day, divided into several doses. It is also necessary to drink other means - "Regidron", analogues of the drug. This is necessary to restore electrolyte balance.

"Smecta" from disorder

The drug "Smecta" is prescribed for diarrhea of any origin. It has practically no contraindications and is suitable for children of any age. You can not drink "Smecta" with constipation and intestinal obstruction. The drug stops diarrhea by removing toxic products from the intestines, adsorbing viruses and pathogenic bacteria, and reducing the irritability of the intestinal wall due to the enveloping effect. Treatment takes an average of three to four days.

Which remedy do you prefer?

Which is better - "Smekta" or "Regidron"? Both means have their merits. But "Smekta" does not restore the water-s alt balance and does not feed the body energetically. Therefore, in parallel with "Smekta" with dehydration, the introduction of "Rehydron" or its analogues is necessary.

"Gidrovit": the composition of the drug

One of the most common analogues of Hydrovit is Regidron. It is available in powder form in sachets. The composition of the drug is as follows:

  • Dextrose - 4 mg.
  • Potassium chloride - 300 mg.
  • Sodium citrate - 590 mg.
  • Sodium chloride - 700 mg.
  • hydrovit for children
    hydrovit for children

One sachet is designed to dissolve in 200 ml of water.

How to take

Drug "Gidrovit" instructions for use advisesuse to eliminate dehydration and detoxification. It works equally well for adults and kids. "Hydrovit" for children is more convenient, since one sachet is diluted with 200 ml of water. Also, the composition of electrolytes is balanced for the child's body with dyspepsia and poisoning. Glucose provides additional energy, which is especially important for infants, so doctors often recommend Hydrovit. Powder dilution instructions:

  • The solution is prepared immediately before use.
  • For breeding, take 200 ml of boiled water or tea.
  • Pour the powder into water, stir and let the child drink.
  • At room temperature, the solution is good for an hour, in the refrigerator - for 24 hours.

Dose of medicine depends on the age of the child:

  • For children under three years old, the daily dose is 100-150 ml of solution per 1 kg of body weight.
  • For children from three to seven years old - 80-120 ml of the finished solution per 1 kg of weight.
  • For teenagers - 50-80 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Older children and adults - 20-60 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

For older and middle-aged children, it is recommended to take one sachet after each stool. As for babies, it is not necessary to force them to drink a large amount of the solution at once. "Regidron" does not have a very pleasant taste, but it should not be mixed with drink or food - this can upset the balance of electrolytes. "Regidron" is produced with strawberry flavor, especially for such cases. To give a drink to a child, you can givespoonful of solution every five to ten minutes.

hydrovit instructions for use
hydrovit instructions for use

Duration of treatment is usually 1-2 days, until diarrhea subsides or vomiting stops. If the disease has dragged on, then the attending physician determines the advisability of further use of Hydrovit.

Other analogues

The composition of the Hydrovit Forte preparation in terms of electrolytes is the same as that of Hydrovit, in addition, lemon flavor, black tea flavor, malic acid, dye and saccharin are included in the preparation.

rehydron or hydrovit
rehydron or hydrovit

Dosages and indications for use are similar to those for regular Hydrovit.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of Hydrovit and Hydrovit Forte are as follows.

  • Indomitable vomiting.
  • Blurred consciousness.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Hypovolemic shock.
  • Impaired acid-base balance with a shift to the alkaline side (alkalosis), congenital disorders of glucose absorption in the intestine.
  • Hyperkalemia.

When prescribing the drug to patients with diabetes, it should be borne in mind that one sachet of Hydrovit contains 3.56 g of glucose.

With an overdose of the solution, no side effects were detected if the patient does not suffer from impaired renal function. In case of accidental intake of dry powder, an electrolyte imbalance in the body may develop, manifested by increased diarrhea.

"Gidrovit" can weaken the action of cardiac glycosides,and in patients taking glycosides regularly, it is necessary to control the level of potassium in the blood.

Of the adverse reactions to Hydrovit, nausea and vomiting may occur. It is not excluded the development of allergies with individual intolerance to the components.

Rehydron or Hydrovit

What to prescribe - the doctor decides. In general, Hydrovit for children is more effective for vomiting - it better compensates for the loss of sodium and chlorine that leaves the body along with the contents of the stomach. It also has more convenient packaging - the bag is dissolved in 200 ml of water, and not in a liter. For infants, it is preferable to use Hydrovit, since it is focused on the needs of the child's body with diarrhea. Also, according to reviews, many parents prefer Hydrovit for diarrhea in children and are quite satisfied with the results.

As for the cost, Regidron is much cheaper than Hydrovit, given that one packet of Hydrovit contains five times less powder. Drug prices (per sachet):

  • Rehydron - 24.1 rubles.
  • Gidrovit - 17.5 rubles.
  • Hydrovit Forte - 18.2 rubles.

One pack of medication contains 10 or 20 sachets.

hydrovit instruction
hydrovit instruction

Preparations "Gidrovit" and "Gidrovit Forte" are analogues of the drug "Regidron". The difference lies in other proportions of the electrolyte content: in "Rehydron" there is more sodium and less potassium. "Hydrovit" is focused primarily on children: it has a convenient packaging (one sachet is dissolved in 200 ml of water), the s alt ratio in itis aimed at replenishing the electrolytes of the child's body with diarrhea and other diseases when dehydration occurs. And yet, preference for one drug over another should be given primarily by the attending physician, since there are times when it is better for children to use Regidron. For example, at the risk of developing hyperkalemia, which may be in the case of taking potassium-sparing diuretics, the introduction of antibiotics based on potassium s alts, impaired renal filtration and other situations.
