Many people dream of getting rid of acne, blackheads, inflammation on the skin in order to find their "true face". What they do in pursuit of clear skin: masks, peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing and other procedures, but the result is sometimes not happy, but, on the contrary, very upsetting.

"Emalan" - a panacea for acne?
A controversial remedy in the fight against acne was the drug "Emalan" hydrogel collagen. Reviews about its effect on acne are very contradictory, although in the description of the drug there is a clause that this remedy helps get rid of nasty rosacea and other rashes.
However, the drug does not help everyone and not in the way that many expect. So is this a scam? Not at all. To better understand how Emalan acts on the skin and in what cases it can help, you need to learn more about it.
You can immediately read reviews about Emalan cream, or you can finish reading this article and understand that the drug is unique and it will come in handy in any case to everyone who purchases it.

The drug is called collagen hydrogel "Emalan" 3D. It was developed in the scientific laboratory of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov.
It was developed, because the specialists set themselves the task of creating native three-helix collagen (3D) - the most effective type that can provide the skin with strength, elasticity and the ability to retain more moisture than other forms of collagen.
The structure of triple-stranded collagen literally forces the skin to shed worn-out fibers and form new ones, using as a building material those components into which the hydrogel breaks down under the influence of body temperature. And the main property of collagen - no, not getting rid of wrinkles (although this too) - is the restoration of damaged tissues. Actually, collagen itself is a building material for cells, and at the same time it is natural for the skin, since it consists of two-thirds of collagen.
Age-related changes reduce the percentage of collagen in skin cells, and therefore it must be replenished in order to maintain the main function of the skin - protective.
It is the native triple helix collagen contained in the drug "Emalan". Reviews of its effectiveness can be found by continuing to read this article.

Composition of the hydrogel "Emalan"
To better understand in what situations a hydrogel will be useful for the skin, consider its composition. Then it will become clear why "Emalan" reviews from some people are quite satisfactory, and from others -disappointed.
Native triple helix collagen:
- promotes skin healing by building new cells to replace damaged ones;
- creates a breathable film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the development of anaerobic bacteria (these bacteria cause diseases in which accumulations of pus are formed: purulent pimples, festering wounds, stitches, etc.)
- accumulates and retains natural moisture in the skin.
- removes toxins from the body (antioxidant) and promotes healing, for example, when harmful substances enter the skin (wounds, insect bites), the body's need for antioxidants increases;
- normalizes capillary blood flow, improving tissue nutrition;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which helps prevent or eliminate swelling and bruising.
- helps to quickly heal damage to the skin with wounds and burns (so there is less chance that an infection will get into the wound and it will become inflamed);
- softens the stratum corneum and eliminates the feeling of skin tightness after washing with foams, gels, soaps;
- stimulates the removal of dead cells (which clog pores and promote the formation of comedones);
- prevents premature cell aging;
- soothes the skin when it is irritated, especially in an aggressive environment (frost, active solar radiation);
- suppresses the growth of bacteria, so that wounds (including those left from pimples) will not develop an infection.
- quickly brings the components of the "Emalan" hydrogel under the skin, helping them to act not only from the outside, but also from the inside;
- kills microbes, preventing them from multiplying, which prevents many complications in inflammatory processes;
- reduces wrinkles and tightens the contours of the face (there are even various masks with dimexide that are prepared at home).
Sodium tetraborate:
- has antimicrobial and antifungal effects;
- reduces pigmentation that may develop in an area that has been over-exfoliated or sanded or where pimples accumulate;
- accelerates the exfoliation of the stratum corneum and thereby promotes skin renewal and regeneration.

"Emalan" and its effect on acne
Based on the composition of the drug, many have already realized that Emalan (reviews of its inefficiency are also sometimes found) does not so much eliminate pimples as such, but:
- prevents the formation of comedones;
- reduces the risk of more acne;
- reduces the likelihood of long-term inflammation of rosacea;
- promotes rapid healing of acne wounds;
- prevents scarring;
- reduces the risk of infection under the skin of the face.
Whatever the reviews about Emalan, we recall that the causes of acne are caused primarily by internal factors (hormonal, physiological), and Emalan acts superficially and cannotcompletely eradicate this scourge.
Perhaps the creators of the drug over-praised its effectiveness in the fight against acne, but if you look at those people whose ordinary pimples have turned into a nightmare due to improper care or treatment, it is quite possible to say that Emalan copes with mission.

What did those who tried to use Emalan for acne say?
The best way to tell about the drug "Emalan" (hydrogel) is the reviews of those who have experienced it on themselves.
The following are the most common sensations and changes experienced by testers of this remedy:
- transparent texture of the gel makes it almost invisible on the skin, but it is not recommended to apply under makeup;
- dries for a long time and therefore it is more convenient to apply it before going to bed;
- moisturizes the skin without making it greasy;
- may cause redness and irritation in the application area;
- evens out complexion;
- does not clog pores;
- helps get rid of the habit of touching your face with your hands (when the gel is applied to the skin, you will immediately feel the touch and pull your hand back);
- dries out pimples;
- quickly heals a wound if you pick or squeeze a pimple;
- quickly heals any wounds, burns, skin irritations, eczema, herpes;
- evens out skin texture;
- reduces pain in inflamed areas;
- relieves itching from inflammation under the skin;
- exfoliates dead skin without damaging he althy skin;
- skinmay sting at the site of application of the gel, but this sensation passes quickly.
As you can see, Emalan does not always help with acne. Reviews come down mainly to its soothing, wound healing and antibacterial action.
These characteristics are not all that are described when using "Emalan", but, like any other drug, it has components to which someone has an increased susceptibility (individual intolerance), and someone has healed himself with all sorts of drugs, that he himself does not understand what affects him and what does not.

Indications for the use of "Emalan"
About the drug "Emalan" (gel) reviews of a positive nature are reduced mainly to the rapid healing of wounds, the elimination of skin diseases and the consequences of rough exposure to the skin:
- cuts, burns, cracks, calluses on the feet (wounds from new shoes), insect bites, bedsores, postoperative wounds, anal fissures;
- psoriasis, demodicosis, seborrhea, herpes;
- recovery after chemical peels, laser hair removal, tattoo removal;
- swelling, bruising, stretch marks.
Contraindications for the use of "Emalan"
The product is not recommended for use in the following cases:
- individual intolerance, which can be determined by applying the product to a small area of skin and observing the reaction, but it is best to consult a doctor, especially in serious situations (treatment of postoperative wounds, ulcers andetc.)
- pregnancy;
- lactation;
- Children under 12.
So "Emalan" cannot be considered a panacea for acne, but in some cases it can help quickly and well. The tool has a shelf life of 3 years and is sold in packages in different volumes, so if you are not completely sure about it, it is better to purchase a small bottle or tube for testing.