The drug "Regidron" belongs to the group of solutions for oral administration for dehydration in case of poisoning, diarrhea and other conditions. There is an analogue of "Regidron" for children, which is called "Gidrovit". The indications for use are the same, but the ratio of the main components of the drug is slightly changed. How to properly use drugs to restore electrolyte balance and how to replace Regidron if the medicine was not nearby at the right time? First, consider the composition of the drug and its action.
Composition of the drug
"Regidron" and a similar substitute for "Rehydron", such as "Gidrovit" (or "Trigidron") contain potassium, sodium and chlorine to restore the ratio of these essential elements in the body, and glucose, which is an available source energy. In "Rehydron" the ratio of these substances is as follows:
- sodium chloride - 3.5 g;
- potassium chloride - 2.5g;
- sodium citrate - 2.9 g;
- glucose anhydrous - 10g

The drug is produced in the form of a powder,packaged in foil bags. Sachets in a pack can be 10 or 20 pieces. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions and the resulting solution is drunk all the time while dehydration factors (diarrhea, vomiting, and so on) are in effect.
Action of "Rehydron"
With diarrhea and vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid. But this is not only water, but also s alts dissolved in it. Especially a lot of sodium and potassium are lost, which are responsible for vital processes and maintain electrolyte balance in the internal environment of the body. "Regidron" contains the right ratio of s alts and glucose, which replenishes the energy expended by the body and has an antitoxic effect. Taking this drug or a substitute for "Regidron", the patient replenishes the reserves of the necessary elements and restores their ratio, which is necessary for the body. The acid-base balance of the blood is also regulated.

The osmolality of the Regidron solution is 260 mosm/l, pH is 8.2. The Regidron solution contains:
- sodium chloride - 59.9 mmol;
- sodium citrate - 11.2 mmol;
- potassium chloride - 33.5 mmol;
- glucose - 55.5 mmol;
- Na+- 71.2 mmol;
- Cl+- 93.5 mmol;
- K+- 33.5 mmol;
- citrate - 11.2 mmol.
To date, the interaction of Regidron with other drugs has been little studied. Since the drug solution has an alkaline reaction, it is taken into account that when it is used together with various drugs, s alts can be absorbed whenraising the pH level. Diarrhea itself has the ability to alter the absorption of various drugs and elements. It is not recommended to combine the drug with cardiac glycosides.
Rehydron: indications for use
Take the drug in the following cases of dehydration:
- diarrhea;
- vomit;
- sweating;
- increased urination;
- high temperature.

The same symptoms are indicators for the use of other drugs for rehydration, such as the substitute for Regidron - Hydrovit.
How to take Regidron
One package of "Rehydron" is dissolved in one liter of boiled water. The resulting solution is good for an hour at room temperature and a day - when stored in a refrigerator. If the patient vomits, then after it you need to wait 10 minutes and only then give the solution to drink. Do not dilute the drug in less water - this can cause hypernatremia.
Start medication as soon as signs of diarrhea or vomiting appear. In the latter case, Regidron is taken in small portions so as not to cause repeated vomiting. If the loss of body weight is known during dehydration, then the solution is taken in a double amount within 4-5 hours. For example, if the weight loss was 600 g, then drink 1.2 liters of the solution. No other drink is required at this time. Then take according to the dosage depending on body weight:
- weighing up to 5 kg - 350 ml;
- weight from 5 to 10 kg - 400-500 ml;
- up to 20kg - 550-700 ml;
- 30 to 40 kg - 800-900 ml;
- 50 to 70 kg - 1-1, 2 liters.
At the same time, they consume separately a large amount of water - from 3 to 7 liters, depending on the degree of dehydration. Take the drug for 3-4 days until the diarrhea stops. If the disease is prolonged, then the doctor corrects the prescription of medications.
Contraindications for use
Overdose or dry powder intake may cause vomiting and electrolyte imbalance causing diarrhea. Contraindications for the use of "Rehydron" are:
- intestinal obstruction;
- diabetes mellitus of both types;
- unconscious;
- impaired kidney function;
- hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

An analogue of "Rehydron" for children - "Hydrovit" has the same contraindications for use, only hyperkalemia (a state of excess potassium ions in the body) is added to them.
How to replace Regidron
The drug "Regidron" has analogues. You can replace it with other drugs of almost the same composition.

- Citraglucosalan is a Russian analogue.
- "Trihydron". Similar to Regidron. One sachet dissolves in 0.5 liters of water.
- "Gidrovit" - an analogue of "Regidron" for children. Contains more potassium and less sodium, one sachet contains 200 ml of water.
- "Hydrovit forte". Contains fragrances andflavorings.
- Reosolan.
Cost of drugs
"Regidron": price, analogues and their average cost in terms of 10 bags.
- Rehydron - 240 rubles;
- "Trihydron" - 159 rubles;
- "Gidrovit" - 174 rubles;
- Hydrovit forte - 180 rubles;
- "Reosolan" - 123 rubles.
When assessing the cost, it is taken into account that some drugs are diluted into different amounts of water: "Regidron" for 200 ml, "Trihydron" for 500 ml, the rest for one liter.
Analogue of "Rehydron" at home
You can also prepare a solution that replenishes the loss of electrolytes and energy at home. Of course, in this case, the accuracy of the ratio and the concentration of elements will be slightly impaired (if you don’t have pharmacy scales at home), but such a drug is better than nothing. It costs almost nothing and is always at hand. The analogue of "Regidron" at home will consist of table s alt and sugar. Such a mixture replenishes only sodium and chlorine, but not potassium. In addition, sucrose has less pronounced antitoxic properties than glucose.

How to make "Rehydron" at home? Use boiled and cooled to room temperature water. Dissolve one teaspoon of s alt and one teaspoon of sugar in a glass of water. The home analogue of Regidron is ready. It should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. It is better to prepare a fresh solution before each use, because it does not take much time.
It tastes nasty, so you can cooktwo separate solutions (with s alt and sugar) and taken in turn, but in this case you will have to drink twice as much liquid. To replenish the loss of potassium, it is recommended to drink an infusion of raisins or dried apricots.
What's best for kids?
For the treatment of dehydration in children, you can use all the analogues of Regidron. They do not have contraindications for age and act about the same. It is believed that Hydrovit is the only analogue of Regidron for children, but this is not so. It's just more popular. First of all, Hydrovit has a more convenient package - it is dissolved not in one liter of water, but in 200 ml. It is also taken into account that the solution to eliminate dehydration is not very palatable, and Hydrovit is produced with a strawberry flavor. "Hydrovit Forte" contains flavors of lemon and green tea, which improves its perception by children. As for the different ratios of potassium and sodium, Hydrovit is really more suitable for the child's body, but the doctor should decide here, since there may be certain contraindications.

For young children, Hydrovit is given in small portions: one teaspoon every ten minutes. Do not mix the drug with food or other drink. In extreme cases, you can dilute the powder in weak tea. It is recommended to give newborns up to 3-4 sachets per day, older children - one sachet after each vomiting or loose stools. Duration of treatment - until the diarrhea stops, no more than 3-4 days. Further terms are specified by the doctor.
In the treatment of poisoning, timelyreplenishment of the body with fluid and electrolytes - sodium, potassium and chlorine ions. In a hospital with severe dehydration, intravenous infusions of special solutions are usually used, which have a supportive and antitoxic effect. At home, in the treatment of mild poisoning, recovery from diarrhea and vomiting, in case of febrile conditions, it is recommended to take the preparations Hydrovit, Regidron and their other analogues. They not only restore electrolyte balance, but also contain glucose, which gives the body additional energy in the fight against the disease.
According to the reviews of the parents of sick children, the drug "Regidron" really helps with diarrhea and vomiting. Children do not always readily accept it, but diarrhea stops in one or two days. A good effect is also observed with diarrhea with fever. "Regidron" tastes like mineral water without gas. And if you buy Regidron Forte, then it has a pleasant taste, there are no problems with taking the medicine in children. Very good at restoring lost water.