"Nitroxoline-UBF": description, instructions for use, reviews

"Nitroxoline-UBF": description, instructions for use, reviews
"Nitroxoline-UBF": description, instructions for use, reviews

What could be more unpleasant than diseases of the genitourinary system? Such an attack is characterized by pain during urination, urinary incontinence, discomfort and pain in the pelvis and groin, pain in the lumbar region and other unpleasant sensations.

If you find such signs of a possible disease, you should seek medical advice from a specialist, and do not complicate the situation and do not self-medicate.

Often, doctors, having examined the patient, find that the disease has no complications and there is a chance to eliminate it without serious intervention. Then experts prefer to prescribe not antibiotics, most of which have many side effects, but more "humane", but less powerful drugs.

One of these means is Nitroxoline UBF.

nitroxoline ubf
nitroxoline ubf


Nitroxoline tablets are familiar to many. They are often prescribed in cases of uncomplicated course of various diseases of the genitourinary system.

This begs the question: how"Nitroxoline" differs from "Nitroxoline UBF"? In this case, the abbreviation UBF means the manufacturer - the Russian OJSC Uralbiopharm. Otherwise, both drugs are similar and have the same amount of active ingredient (nitroxoline).

According to indications and contraindications, these drugs are absolutely identical, the difference may be in the color of the shell of the tablets (yellow, yellowish, orange), in the appearance of the package and in the number of tablets in it.

As for the manufacturer itself, Uralbiopharm has been manufacturing and producing vital drugs included in the list of the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation for almost a century. In addition, this OJSC specializes in the production of drugs that are not inferior in quality to foreign counterparts, but are much more affordable for Russian citizens.

nitroxoline ubf instructions for use
nitroxoline ubf instructions for use


Round, small, biconvex, yellow, yellowish or orange coated tablets.

Each tablet contains 50 mg of nitroxoline, the active ingredient.

The price of Nitroxoline UBF will be from 50 to 100 rubles.


The antibacterial drug has a fairly wide spectrum of action and has an antifungal effect.

Active against some Gram-positive bacteria. Completely absorbed in the digestive tract.

The drug is excreted by the kidneys.

nitroxoline ubf reviews
nitroxoline ubf reviews


Answering the question of what Nitroxoline UBF tablets are from, it should be noted suchpathology like:

  1. Infections of the urinary and reproductive systems: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the epididymis (epididymitis), inflammation of one or both testicles (orchitis), prostatitis, etc.
  2. Prevention of infections in the postoperative period, during surgical procedures (catheterization, operations on the kidneys and genitourinary organs) performed on the urinary tract.
  3. Infected adenoma (benign tumor) or carcinoma (malignant tumor) of the prostate.
from what tablets nitroxoline ubf
from what tablets nitroxoline ubf

Dosage and method of administration

Ingestion during meals.

Adult patients: 100 mg 4 times a day.

The maximum dose for adults per day is 800 mg.

The maximum allowed dose of the drug per day is 1-1.2 grams.

Children under 5: 50 mg daily.

Children 5 years and older: 50-100 mg 4 times daily.

Depending on weight, children are prescribed "Nitroxoline UBF" from 10 to 30 mg per kilogram of body weight per day in 3-4 doses.

Frequency of intake per day - every 6-8 hours.

The minimum course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Standard course of treatment is at least 2-3 weeks.

The drug can be re-prescribed no earlier than a 2-week break.

For the prevention of infections in the postoperative period, Nitroxoline UBF is prescribed 2 tablets (100 mg) 3-4 times a day, lasting from 2 to 3 weeks.

Since the drug is available in packs of 10, 20, 30 and 50 pieces, based on a long course of treatment,it follows that a large package is more profitable to purchase than a small one.

what is the difference between nitroxoline and nitroxoline ubf
what is the difference between nitroxoline and nitroxoline ubf

Side effect

Nitroxoline UBF is not always safe. Instructions for use warns of the following side effects that may cause the drug:

  1. Indigestion in the form of loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting.
  2. In extremely rare cases, the drug may lead to impaired liver function.
  3. Appearances of allergies: skin itching and rash.
  4. In rare cases, from the nervous system: polyneuropathy, headache, paresthesia, ataxia.
  5. With prolonged use, a single case of inflammation of the optic nerve has been described.
  6. On the part of the heart and blood vessels: in very rare cases - tachycardia.
medicine nitroxoline ubf
medicine nitroxoline ubf


  1. Intolerance to nitroxoline, increased susceptibility to 8-hydroxyquinoline derivatives.
  2. Neuritis, polyneuritis.
  3. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydronase deficiency.
  4. Liver failure.
  5. Difficulty passing urine or a small amount of it.
  6. Cataract.
  7. Pregnancy and lactation.

Application features

With caution, the drug is taken in renal failure (possiblyexcessive accumulation of the active substance in the body in case of poor excretion of the kidneys).

During treatment, the patient's urine becomes reddish-yellow.


nitroxoline ubf after what time does it start to help
nitroxoline ubf after what time does it start to help


Patients made up their minds about Nitroxoline UBF. Reviews about it boil down mainly to the fact that the drug is inexpensive and there are no problems with its presence in pharmacies. As for the effectiveness of the therapeutic action in various inflammatory processes, opinions are divided.

For most people, Nitroxoline tablets help. They cope even with chronic cystitis, when the slightest cold causes pain in the urethra. According to patients, Nitroxoline helped them get rid of these symptoms on the second day of treatment.

Many people like that the drug is not an antibiotic, and therefore does not have those side effects and serious effects on the body, like strong drugs. But at the same time, do not expect miracles from these pills. They act more sparingly on the body, but the course of treatment is quite long, and you need to take a lot of pills to stop the disease.

The medicine "Nitroxoline UBF" helps children with cystitis well. The symptom of this disease is pain during urination. The most common cause is a cold in the pelvic organs due to sitting on cold surfaces. Therefore, when confirming cystitis in a child of school and preschool age, doctors often prescribe Nitroxoline.

The drug may not be effective in some cases. In addition, without undergoing a full course of treatment and prevention, Nitroxoline may not work at all. This is especially noted by people with chronic diseases who are used to being treated with potent drugs.

When it comes to side effects from taking the drug, most people don't experience them. Sometimes these pills can cause nausea, and they invariably turn the urine reddish-yellow. But mostly without serious symptoms.

At the same time, the advantages of Nitroxoline include the absence of dysbacteriosis and thrush - constant companions in antibiotic treatment.

Many are interested in the question of the drug "Nitroxoline UBF": after what time does it start to help? Here everything is individual and depends both on the severity of the disease, and on the body's immunity and other individual characteristics.

There were cases when the drug helped to eliminate soreness or increased body temperature in one day. Those who suffer from a chronic form of diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems prefer to carry out mini-courses of treatment for prevention, taking 3-4 tablets per day for 5 days. It helps relieve symptoms and numb the disease. But this needs to be discussed with your doctor.
