Hemobin: reviews, indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues

Hemobin: reviews, indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues
Hemobin: reviews, indications, composition, instructions for use, analogues

"Hemobin" is a dietary supplement that helps bring hemoglobin back to normal and overcome anemia. The advantages of "Hemobin" are that its composition is natural, the action and feeling of the effect is very fast, in addition, this dietary supplement has no contraindications either for age or for the state of the body.

hemobin composition
hemobin composition

Reviews about "Hemobin" both doctors and patients say that at the moment there is no more successful and safer drug to combat iron deficiency anemia.


Hemobin is approved by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation, the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Vishnevsky Research Institute of Surgery, the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

"Hemobin" is a source of heme iron and natural hemoglobin. This drug is allowed for children under one year old, pregnant women and nursing mothers. And not only allowed, but also recommended for use due to the peculiarity of their condition.

Hemobin is the only dietary supplement in the world that does nothas contraindications and side effects in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.

It is based on animal hemoglobin, purified from any impurities. Thanks to this, the drug is absorbed by the body by more than 90% and has no negative effects.

Vitamin C added to the dietary supplement increases the effect of the drug, maximizing its absorption.

Chemical variants of hemoglobin, often present in many anemia medications, are much less suitable for the human body, since they have a trivalent form of hemoglobin, and in humans it is present in a divalent form. It is this form of hemoglobin that contains the dietary supplement "Hemobin".

The drug is a dietary supplement only because its development as a drug takes a lot of time, so the developers took a simpler path and released the drug under the category of dietary supplement.

Knowing how high the percentage of people suffering from iron deficiency anemia in Russia is, we can say that the developers were in a hurry not in vain, because before the advent of "Hemobin" it was much more difficult to fight anemia. Over time, the drug will become medicinal, but its composition and effectiveness will not change.

haemobin anemia remedy
haemobin anemia remedy


Dietary supplement "Hemobin" composition has the following:

  • hemoglobin (powder),
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
  • MCC (microcrystalline cellulose),
  • calcium stearate,
  • lactose.

Each of these components serves its purpose in improving the conditionof an anemic person:

  • Hemoglobin powder helps to make up for the lack of useful substances for the body, while acting quickly, and its effect can be felt after the second intake of dietary supplement "Hemobin".
  • Lactose is involved in the nutrition of connective tissue and bones and improves the absorption of substances.
  • Microcrystalline cellulose provides nutrition to the fetus, which is very important for pregnant women.
  • Ascorbic acid helps eliminate inflammation in the body, improves he alth, promotes better absorption of the drug.
  • Calcium stearate is good for strong bones and connective tissue repair.

"Hemobin": manufacturer

The creator of "Hemobin" is the Russian research and production company LLC "Mobitek M", located in the city of Borovsk, Kaluga region.

Most often this company works on research and development in the field of technical and natural sciences. It is precisely with their main activity that "Hemobin" can rarely be found in pharmacies, since the release of the drug and its distribution through the pharmacy network take a lot of time and require additional investment.

At this time, "Hemobin" is easiest to purchase on the official website of the manufacturer. For "Hemobin" the price on the website is 990 rubles for 1 jar (120 tablets).

Anemia symptoms

A person may not know that he has low hemoglobin if he has not donated blood for a long time.

However, symptoms can be feltanemia:

  • weakness,
  • feeling sleepy,
  • dizziness,
  • pale skin,
  • poor immunity,
  • fainting,
  • tachycardia.

Against the background of these symptoms, there may be other disorders: brittle nails, hair loss, lethargy, apathy, or, conversely, nervousness and irritability.

"Hemobin" - a remedy for anemia - helps get rid of these and other symptoms in just one course of treatment! The drug is not addictive and does not require repeated treatment except in particularly difficult cases of anemia.

hemobin price
hemobin price

Anemia during physical and mental stress

In he althy adults, the norm of hemoglobin is 130-150 g/l. Many Russians are anemic and have hemoglobin levels below 90 g/L.

With high physical or intellectual stress, the hemoglobin level in the blood decreases.

Hemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen from the lungs to all other human organs and tissues. So, with increased mental activity, the blood circulation of the brain becomes more active, and hence its oxygen consumption.

Lack of hemoglobin in the blood makes a person lethargic, drowsy, indifferent to everything or irritable, so people engaged in mental work need to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin and carry out prevention to avoid its deficiency.

According to studies by hematologists (doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases), as well as doctors working with athletes,during high physical exertion, a lot of hemoglobin is consumed and the body needs to replenish it: an increase in muscle mass, accelerated blood flow, minor bleeding from exercise leads to a loss of hemoglobin.

For those who work or train at depths or heights (pilots, climbers, divers, etc.), prevention of hemoglobin deficiency is very necessary, since they use it 2 times faster than people living and working on the plains.

For the prevention of anemia, it is enough to take "Hemobin" 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

Pregnancy and anemia

During pregnancy, the female body retains and accumulates fluid. This leads to hemodilution - dilution of blood in a physiological way. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin in the blood falls. In pregnant women, the norm of hemoglobin is 110-155 g/l.

Intrauterine growth of the fetus also requires the consumption of folic acid and hemoglobin. Without them, normal development and formation of the fetus will not occur.

If a pregnant woman has iron deficiency anemia, the following unpleasant consequences may occur:

  • risk of not bearing a fetus;
  • increased chance of preterm birth;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • delay in child development: mental and physical;
  • complication of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period;
  • decreased immunity in a child;
  • high risk of anemia and a newborn under one year old.

"Hemobin" instructions for use recommends that pregnant women take 3 tablets three times a dayday, breastfeeding - 2-3 tablets three times a day. Be sure to consult with a gynecologist to determine the optimal dose of "Hemobin" for a future or nursing mother.

hemobin instructions for use
hemobin instructions for use

Children and anemia

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood of children:

  • 3 months to 6 years - 110-133g/l;
  • 6-12 years - 115-142 g/l;
  • teenage males and adult men - 130-148 g/l.

The causes of iron deficiency anemia in children can be various bleeding, diseases, impaired absorption of iron from food, insufficient intake of iron from food.

Lack of iron in a child under the age of one year leads to a lag in the mental development of the infant. At an older age, iron deficiency can lead to weak immunity and impaired development of mental and physical activity.

Anemia in old age

The cause of anemia in the elderly is a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body, although in a he althy, albeit elderly person, the hemoglobin level is the same as in middle-aged people (women - 130 g / l, men - 140 g / l).

Older people often have various chronic diseases that interfere with the process of hematopoiesis, because anemia at this age is a common phenomenon, which is mistaken for the norm.

Iron deficiency anemia in an elderly person can cause a deterioration in general well-being, disruption of normal body processes, the appearance of shortness of breath, tachycardia, fainting, dizziness anddecrease appetite.

Iron deficiency anemia is common in blood donors, people who have lost blood for various reasons, and cancer patients.

hemobin analogues
hemobin analogues

Form of issue and method of application

The release form of the drug "Hemobin" - tablets weighing 0.2 g, each of which contains 0.4 mg of iron and 4-6 mg of ascorbic acid. The tablets are packaged in packs of 10, 60 and 120 pieces.

As stated in the instructions for the use of "Hemobin", the drug can be used regardless of the meal.

For children under 3 years old, the dose of the drug is determined by the doctor. Usually, for the treatment of anemia in one-year-old children, 2 to 6 tablets per day are prescribed, depending on the severity of the anemia. For the prevention of anemia at an early age, one tablet per day is enough.

Children 3-6 years old - 1 tablet three times a day.

Children 7-14 years old - 2 tablets three times a day.

Children over 14 years old and adults - 3-4 tablets three times a day.

Course of treatment - 1 month.

The drug has a shelf life of 18 months. Store it at room temperature, in a dry place.


Hemobin has helped many to cure anemia and will help many more people, children, scientists and athletes, the elderly, women preparing for motherhood and all those who are in dire need of natural and fast-acting hemoglobin.

Here's what patients say about Hemobin:

  • Hemoglobin in the blood increases significantly (to normal) after undergoing treatment"Hemobin".
  • Hemobin tablets do not have an unpleasant taste or smell.
  • No contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance.
  • For such an effective drug for anemia as "Hemobin", the price for it is quite loyal.
  • "Hemobin" has a natural composition.
  • After the course of treatment, weakness, drowsiness, fainting disappear, a he althy blush appears.
  • After taking this drug, not only does the level of hemoglobin in the blood normalize, but overall well-being improves, and the psyche becomes more balanced.
  • After the treatment with Hemobin, many people notice that their hair has stopped falling out, their nails have become much stronger.

And here is what doctors say about the drug "Hemobin" (their reviews are also positive):

  • The drug helps all patients to quickly bring hemoglobin back to normal.
  • The natural composition and harmlessness of the drug allow it to be prescribed to all groups of patients.
  • In this dietary supplement, hemoglobin is really absorbed completely, which helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of anemia.
  • The use of "Hemobin" during pregnancy helps to avoid many complications for both mother and child.
  • In pregnant women, when taking the drug, there are no negative reactions from the body (increased toxicosis, heartburn, etc.).
  • Hemoglobin is very important both for children in the womb and for a growing body, and taking "Hemobin" helps them grow and develop normally.
drug hemobin
drug hemobin


We can safely say that in terms of safety and speed of treatment, "Hemobin" has no analogues! Allegedly similar preparations often contain ferrous sulfate, which is harmful to the body. Blood transfusions can compensate for blood loss, but anemia cannot be cured. Foods that are recommended to be consumed to replenish iron stores in the body (buckwheat, liver, apples, etc.) may not cope with moderate to severe anemia, require regular consumption and will be ineffective if the body's absorption of iron through food is impaired.

hemobin manufacturer
hemobin manufacturer


"Hemobin" reviews are very positive, and it is not surprising that many take it to prevent anemia during the recovery period and with increased stress, especially since the drug is available without a prescription.

Although the treatment and prevention of "Hemobin" has no contraindications, the drug should not be abused. When you first take the pills, you need to carefully monitor the state of the body, as some people may have intolerance to the components of this dietary supplement.
