The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is a live dry preparation produced together with a special solvent that can prevent various infectious diseases in dogs. It is produced and supplied to Russia by the Dutch company Intervent International in glass vials with a volume of one inoculation dose (0.5 cm³), packaged in boxes of ten or fifty glass vessels.

Shelf life for a dry, hermetically sealed vaccine is 24 months, and for a solvent, separately - 60 months. After this period of time, the use of the drug is unacceptable. According to the rules, the drug should be stored in a shady place with low humidity, at a temperature of 2°C to 8°C.
It is necessary to use the ready-made solution within thirty minutes after preparation, while urgent administration of the Nobivak preparation is desirable. Vaccination with DHPPi (coding indicates a list of diseases against which the drug protects) is mandatory. However, for these purposes, any similar agent approved for use by the Russian sanitary service can be used.
It should be remembered that Nobivak DHPPi is not a medicine, and its use in the outbreak zone is not possible. Sickindividuals must be destroyed, since all these diseases are not curable. It should be noted that plague and other diseases can be transmitted to humans, therefore, due to their high danger, all animals in the quarantine zone are eliminated.

The described preparation is made from cultivation fluid for various strains of microorganisms:
- Anti-Plague Serum – Onderstepoort strain (carnivorous plague);
- infectious hepatitis serum – Manhattan LPV3;
- from parainfluenza – Cornell;
- from hemorrhagic enteritis - С154.
This means that if another strain of the disease appears, animals may not be ready for an outbreak. However, such changes are extremely rare and are not considered by the sanitary services when the Nobivak DHPPi vaccine is approved for sale. The instructions for the drug should be carefully studied to determine the dosage and cyclical use of the drug.
As auxiliary components, small amounts of casein and gelatin hydrolysates are used here, however, animals may develop intolerance to them, which manifests itself, including in allergic reactions.

Indications for use
"Nobivak" DHPPi is used to prevent and eliminate the possibility of transition to a mass form of a number of diseases in dogs:
- plague;
- infectious hepatitis;
- paraviral enteritis;
- paraflu.
Immune reaction appears a maximum of one and a half weeks after the second injection and persists for up to a year, gradually weakening in recent months.
Vaccination with Nobivak DHPPi should be administered to he althy, helminth-free dogs over eight weeks old with re-vaccination ten days later. Animals older than three months are vaccinated once.
How to apply
The use of the drug requires compliance with certain rules:
- Puppies under a month old are not subject to vaccination at all.
- Individuals up to eight months old are prescribed the Nobivak Puppy DP vaccine.
- Dogs over three years of age are given one injection annually, and if necessary, two injections ten days apart.

Contraindications and precautions
The drug is contraindicated:
- If the dog is under four weeks old (up to eight a different type of vaccine is used - Puppy DP).
- When vaccinating a weakened and/or sick individual.
- When symptoms of an allergic reaction (swelling, fever and other symptoms) appear. The introduction of the drug to an animal is strictly prohibited, you should contact your veterinarian, as it is necessary to look for a replacement for the medication.
- When pregnant and feeding puppies in females. This drug adversely affects the he alth of puppies and causes developmental deviations, and the death of some individuals is possible.
- Immediately after the helminth treatment complex. After that it shouldtake at least seven days. A dog with helminthiasis cannot be vaccinated - its body is seriously weakened.
When working with Nobivak DHPPi, medical personnel must strictly observe the basics of hygienic safety of a person and premises, as well as sanitary standards when working with medicines based on sera of especially dangerous infections.

Indoor first aid kit and protective clothing required for all vaccinators. The procedure should be carried out by competent specialists, it is also desirable that the dog does not move - the drug is dangerous for humans.
If the vaccine gets into the blood, a person needs to urgently go to a medical facility. It is possible to send the patient to the infectious box, delay can cost the life of the victim and his loved ones. If the active substance "Nobivak" DHPPi gets on the skin, wash the skin with soapy water or other strong antiseptics.
Side effects

Symptoms of manifestations of diseases in case of an overdose of the drug have not been recorded, however, if the vaccination schedule is violated, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease. The drug does not have side effects, so it can be used everywhere.
The Nobivak DHPPi vaccine, the instructions for use of which were provided in our article, is a very reliable drug and, subject to all safety rules, is safe to handle. But independent use of the remedy is unacceptable, it is necessaryconsult a specialist before use, and carefully observe the animal after vaccination. If side effects occur, contact your veterinarian immediately.