Bacterial infections of different localization can affect every person. Nobody is safe from them. Fortunately, modern medicine offers a wide variety of antibiotic drugs that can cope with such pathologies. The most popular and running are penicillins, tetracyclines and cephalosporins. But there are bacteria that have resistance to them. The drug "Vancomycin" is able to eliminate such pathogenic microorganisms. Instructions for use, price, analogues of this tool will be presented to you today.

Preliminary drug description
Before using the claimed drug, you should find out what the instructions for use say about Vancomycin. Analogues and alternative medicines should be chosen together with the doctor. This is repeatedly warned by the manufacturer and reminded by experts. The composition of the medication will help determine the alternative to this medication. The antibiotic "Vancomycin" contains the active ingredient vancomycin hydrochloride. It is a powderwhite color, which requires pre-cooking before use.
Each ampoule contains 0, 5 or 1 gram of active ingredient. The average cost of one bottle will be 150 and 250 rubles, respectively. You can buy the drug in a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.
Indications for use
In what cases does the instruction recommend using the antibiotic "Vancomycin"? Synonyms, analogues, reviews, as well as indications for the use of substitutes will be discussed later. You should first find out as much as possible about the claimed medicine. The antibiotic "Vancomycin" is prescribed after a bacteriological study of the microflora for sensitivity to this drug. If the disease is caused by microorganisms that cannot resist this active substance, then the treatment will be effective. Instructions for use indicate the following indications:
- bone pathology with purulent-necrotic processes;
- inflammation and infection of the lower respiratory system;
- infectious endocarditis;
- intestinal lesions by pathogenic bacteria;
- dental procedures;
- surgical interventions;
- sepsis.
The manufacturer claims that the use of "Vancomycin" is indicated for the ineffectiveness of treatment with penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics.

How does Vancomycin work?
Synonyms, analogues of this drug, which contain the same activecomponent, have an identical effect on the patient's body. These drugs affect the biosynthesis of the cell wall of the pathogen. The interaction does not take place on the site where penicillins work. Therefore, the results of therapy are different. The drug "Vancomycin" and drugs based on it bind to the amino acids that make up the cell wall. As a result of this influence, the bacteria is destroyed and further reproduction is prevented.
It is important to use the drug only in the presence of microorganisms sensitive to it. Vancomycin hydrochloride is effective against the following bacteria:
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- staphylococcus epidermidis;
- pyogenic streptococcus;
- Streptococcus agalactia;
- pneumococcus;
- Doderlein wand;
- hay stick;
- Listeria monocytogenes;
- enterococci and so on.
Any analogue of Vancomycin, like the original medicine, cannot be used if the patient has hypersensitivity to its active substance. Otherwise, such treatment will bring no benefit, but only harm. If we consider the antibiotic "Vancomycin" individually, we can mention the following limitations.
Treatment is contraindicated in patients with kidney and liver dysfunction. Do not use the drug for neuritis of the auditory nerve. Vancomycin has been proven to be ototoxic, so hearing impaired patients should only use it under close Pregnant women in the first trimester medication is contraindicated. In the second and third parts of the gestational period, you can use the absolute analogue of "Vancomycin" or the drug itself, but according to strict indications. During lactation, use is unacceptable, since the active substance easily penetrates into breast milk.

Adverse reactions to treatment
An indirect or absolute analogue of Vancomycin, like any other drug, can cause an allergic reaction. Its severity varies from skin rash to anaphylactic shock. If after using the drug you notice any new unpleasant signs, then you need to inform your doctor about them.
"Vancomycin" can cause tachycardia, changes in the functioning of the cardiac system and vascular inflammation. Despite the fact that the drug does not pass through the digestive tract, it sometimes provokes diarrhea and abdominal pain. There are officially registered cases when the antibiotic negatively affected the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and impaired hearing. Also, the medication may affect the functioning of the kidneys and the excretory system as a whole.

"Vancomycin": instructions for use
The price of similar drugs differs from the drug in question. You will learn about it further. Before this, you should study the dosage of the antibiotic and estimate the cost of a course of treatment.
The drug "Vancomycin" is prescribed for adult patients, 2 g per (in 2-4 injections). The duration of treatment varies from 7 to 10 days. Consumers leave different reviews about this medicine. The average cost of a course of treatment is 3500-5000 rubles. For many patients, this price is very high. Therefore, they are trying to find a more affordable analogue of Vancomycin.
The annotation states that the medication should be administered intravenously, slowly. When used intramuscularly, the antibiotic is very painful, and it also creates a risk of tissue death. The manufacturer allows you to dilute the medicine with water, and then take it orally. But, as practice shows, such an application is not always effective.
What and when should Vancomycin be replaced?
As you already know, often the reason for replacing a medicine is its high cost. To date, there are cheaper analogues of the claimed medicine, for example, the Vankorus drug. Its cost is 190 rubles per ampoule. Course treatment with this remedy will cost you 2500-4000 rubles. The list of analogues of the drug "Vancomycin" can be continued with antibiotics: "Vancoled", "Edicin", "Vancomabol". Also, the active ingredient vancomycin hydrochloride is available under the names: "Vero-Vancomycin", "Vancomycin-Teva", "Vancomycin J".
Indirect substitutes for an antibiotic can be called drugs based on other active ingredients that have an identical effect on the patient's body. Their efficacy should also be determined by bacteriological susceptibility testing. Popular alternative drugs:"Amoxiclav", "Ceftriaxone", "Metronidazole", "Gentamicin", "Vilprafen" and others. Many substitutes for the antibiotic Vancomycin (analogues in tablets or injections) are sold without a prescription. But this condition should not encourage the consumer to purchase drugs on their own. Before choosing a replacement, be sure to consult your doctor.

Drug "Edicin"
This medicine is a popular substitute for Vancomycin. The instruction positions synonyms-analogues as absolute, since they contain the same amount of active substance. This means that without fear, you can replace Vancomycin with Editsin. The indications for use of the drugs are the same. Instructions for use informs that the medicine "Edicin" can be used even during lactation, but with extreme caution. This drug has much fewer contraindications, among which are only hypersensitivity and the first trimester of pregnancy. But the cost of this medicine is higher. One ampoule containing 1 g of the active ingredient will cost the consumer 550-600 rubles.
Vancorus Tool
This medicine, as you already know, has a lower cost than the original drug. Despite this, their composition is completely the same. Practice shows that it is this remedy that is most often used orally for colitis of bacterial origin. Otherwise, the indications and restrictions for drugs are the same.

You already know whatthe drug "Vancomycin" analogues. The price, instructions for use also became known to you. Many potential consumers will be interested in studying the reviews about the drug.
The first thing you hear from users will be the high cost of antibiotics. However, it justifies its effectiveness. The drug helped patients cope with such pathologies, before which other drugs were powerless. If not for "Vancomycin" - consumers say - it is not known how it would have ended in general. Doctors strongly do not recommend using the claimed medicine spontaneously. You probably won't be able to do this, as it's a prescription. The drug "Vancomycin" and its absolute analogues are prescribed in serious situations requiring emergency measures.

From the article you learned about the effective antibiotic Vancomycin. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues and indirect substitutes are presented to your attention. Use the medicine only as directed by your doctor, do not self-medicate. Vancomycin is used in circumstances where any self-administration may be misleading and harmful. Complete the prescribed course completely, without interrupting the medication at the first improvement. Good he alth to you!