"Aspirin" ("Bayer"): instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Aspirin" ("Bayer"): instructions for use, composition and reviews
"Aspirin" ("Bayer"): instructions for use, composition and reviews

Modern pharmacology has many companies producing drugs for daily consumption. Such medicines are usually sold without a prescription and are popular. In today's article we will talk about "Aspirin" ("Bayer"). At first glance, it may seem that this product is used solely for the purpose of achieving an antipyretic effect. But, as it turned out, this company has several subspecies of Aspirin. Each of the products has an individual effect on the human body, is used according to certain indications.

aspirin bayer
aspirin bayer

A few words about the company

What is Aspirin (Bayer)? This is the most common aspirin, which is produced by a German pharmacological company. On account of this enterprise there are more than two hundred trade names of medicines. The company was founded in 1863, after which it changed and transformed. Today, this brand is best known for its drug with the trade name "Aspirin". Bayer also manufactures other medicines thatdistinguished by a special badge-logo. The firm has many subsidiaries. This brand is considered one of the largest. The company logo in the form of a cross was invented in 1904 and has not changed since then.

Bayer Aspirin

It would seem that "Aspirin" is a drug based on acetylsalicylic acid, which has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. What could be easier?! Experts call the drug an analgesic and antipyretic, positioning it as an effective remedy. But it's not so simple. Today, in the pharmacy chain, the consumer can choose from several types of Aspirin. Which drug to use depends on the purpose of its use. On the counter of a pharmacological store you can find:

  1. "Aspirin C";
  2. "Aspirin Express";
  3. "Aspirin Complex";
  4. "Aspirin Cardio";
  5. Aspirin Protect.

Let's take a closer look at the mentioned drugs and find out how to use them in this or that case.

aspirin bayer instruction
aspirin bayer instruction

Classic formulation

"Aspirin" (soluble) "Bayer" produces in combination with vitamin C. Each tablet contains an additional 240 mg of ascorbic acid. The medicine is designed to eliminate high body temperature, relieve pain, and also increase the body's immune defense and its resistance to infections (the task of vitamin C).

Manufacturer recommends using 1-2 effervescent tablets at a time. The number of doses per day should not exceed four. Duration of treatment with this drugdefined as three days for high fever and five for pain.

"Express": action

"Aspirin Express" is produced by the manufacturer in the form of tablets, soluble in water. They are prescribed for headache, joint, toothache, painful menstruation and sore throat, as well as for the symptomatic treatment of arthritis. The use of the drug in inflammatory and febrile syndrome in adults and children from 15 years of age is shown.

Instructions for the use of "Aspirin Express" says that it must be taken orally after a meal, with the preliminary dissolution of the tablet in 250 ml of water. The maximum single dose is equal to two servings of the drug. Do not exceed 6 effervescent lozenges per day.

aspirin cardio bayer
aspirin cardio bayer

Complex treatment of colds and flu

In the pharmacy you can buy a complex "Aspirin" ("Bayer"). The instruction positions it as a drug for the treatment of cold and flu symptoms. Its uniqueness lies in this. In addition to acetylsalicylic acid, the drug contains phenylephrine, chlorphenamine, as well as citric acid with flavors and dyes. This medication is designed not only to eliminate fever, pain and inflammation, but also to relieve the symptoms of rhinorrhea, allergic manifestations, increase immunity and improve well-being. Its use is justified in the manifestations of a cold: fever, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and nasal congestion.

The instruction recommends taking the medicine after a meal. Open the package withpowder and dissolve it in a glass of water at room temperature. Stir the granules thoroughly with a spoon, then drink quickly. You can repeat the procedure no earlier than after 6 hours.

Prophylactic for vessels and heart

"Aspirin Cardio" ("Bayer") is available in the form of tablets. This medication is usually not used to treat fever and pain, but to maintain the work of the heart and blood vessels. Another name for the drug that can be found in retail outlets is Aspirin Protect 100 mg (Bayer). These tablets can be taken orally without fear of a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, as they are film-coated. The drug is used to prevent pathologies such as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, stroke, circulatory disorders in the brain, thrombosis and thromboembolism.

Instructions for the use of the drug "Aspirin Cardio" states that it is consumed without prior grinding and dilution. For a single dose, one tablet is enough. It is permissible to take 1-2 tablets every day or use Aspirin Cardio 300 mg every other day. If for some reason Bayer tablets (Aspirin Cardio) do not help you, you do not need to increase the portion. Use a different kind of this medicine.

aspirin bayer instructions for use
aspirin bayer instructions for use

Different content of acetylsalicylic acid in preparations

As you can see, Aspirin (Bayer) comes in a variety of forms. Depending on the type of disease and its symptoms, the doctor prescribes a certainmedicine. If the doctor says that you need Aspirin, manufactured by Bayer, then do not forget to clarify what kind of remedy it is. In addition to the fact that each medicine has certain additional components, the content of acetylsalicylic acid in them also differs:

  • "Aspirin C" - effervescent tablets, each of which contains 400 mg of the main active ingredient. The medicine is sold in 10 lozenges per package, and costs about 300 rubles.
  • "Aspirin Express" got its name for the maximum content of acetylsalicylic acid. This preparation contains 500 mg of the main substance for each tablet. The drug costs 250-300 rubles for 12 pieces.
  • "Aspirin Complex" contains 500 mg of acetylsalicylic acid and additional antihistamines. Sachets are sold in packs of 10, and their price varies from 400 to 500 rubles.
  • "Aspirin Cardio" or "Aspirin Protect" - as you like. This medicine is available in two different dosages: 100 and 300 mg of acetylsalicylic acid per tablet. The spread of prices fits into the range from 100 to 300 rubles (depending on the number of tablets and dosage).

Can children use drugs?

Medication in any form, the manufacturer does not recommend giving to children under 15 years of age. It is better to refrain from using such compounds until the age of 18, as their use can be dangerous to the he alth of the child. The only exception was one tablet manufactured by Bayer, Aspirin (not effervescent).

Medicationfor the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels is prescribed to young children only if other methods are ineffective. The manufacturer does not recommend using the medication on its own. Before starting such prevention, you should definitely visit a doctor and make sure that it will do more good than harm.

bayer aspirin
bayer aspirin

Features of the use of drugs

In any form, the drug "Aspirin" ("Bayer") instructions for use do not recommend using in case of hypersensitivity to active substances or other NSAIDs. If the patient has ulcerative or erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, then the medicine must be taken with extreme caution. When an exacerbation of such pathologies occurs, treatment should be abstained altogether. Severe disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver are a contraindication for the use of the drug. Also, some deviations in the circulatory and cardiac systems will force a person to refuse therapy with drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid.

It is forbidden to use "Aspirin" ("Bayer") in the first and final trimesters of pregnancy. In its middle part, a single use of the drug is permissible in case of urgent need. You should also pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions:

  • with prolonged use, monitor the condition of the blood and liver function;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid thins the blood, so you should not take it before surgery, unless otherwiseprescribed by doctor;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol during treatment;
  • "Aspirin" can increase the toxicity of other NSAIDs and some antibiotics;
  • in combination with antihypertensive drugs and diuretics, there may be a decrease in the effectiveness of the latter;
  • GCS together with acetylsalicylic acid does not have the best effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
bayer aspirin tablets
bayer aspirin tablets


Patients are satisfied with Bayer drugs. They say that "Aspirin" is always in the home first aid kit. This medicine helps patients in emergency cases to get rid of pain and fever. The action of the drug - users say - is not long in coming. The drug works especially quickly in liquid form. This remedy from the stomach immediately enters the intestines. In addition, this form of release has a pleasant sweetish taste, which allows you to take the drug without any discomfort.

Pharmacists and pharmacists report that today Aspirin, produced by Bayer, is the most popular and in demand. Other drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, which are manufactured by other companies, are less in demand.

Women and men with a tendency to thrombosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities, talk about the fact that they periodically use "Aspirin" for prevention. This medicine makes them feel better by thinning the blood. Doctors add that in this situation it is advisable to supplementtherapy with venotonics, which will also keep the vessels in good shape.

aspirin soluble bayer
aspirin soluble bayer


As you can see, there are many different drugs sold under the name "Aspirin". Some are designed to eliminate pain, others are used for flu symptoms and colds, and others are recommended for the prevention of heart disease. If you think you need this drug, be sure to consult your doctor. Independent use of "Aspirin" is allowed no more than five days in a row. Good he alth, do not get sick!
