Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages

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Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages
Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages

Video: Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages

Video: Antibiotics for erysipelas: a list of drugs, composition, instructions for use, indications and contraindications, dosages
Video: Asthma - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology 2025, January

Erysipelas is a problem that anyone can face. This disease has a recurrent status and can manifest itself at any age.

World statistics show that the disease is very common and ranks fourth after hepatitis, intestinal and respiratory problems. The trend observed by specialists is not at all encouraging: over the past 20 years, the incidence of erysipelas has increased by 25%. As for mortality, the problem under consideration causes the death of only 5% of all patients.

To combat the disease in question, medical professionals most often use antibiotics. Let's consider further the list of the most popular and effective ones, as well as the recommended dosages.

Antibiotics for erysipelas
Antibiotics for erysipelas

Main groups of antibiotics

For erysipelas, medical experts recommend antibiotics to their patients,classified into four main groups: penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines and levomycetins. The drugs assigned to each of them perform certain actions on a protein contained in the body, which, in the process of inflammation, is directed to the formation of new bacterial cells.

As for the form of release of drugs, they can be presented in the form of tablets, capsules, as well as solutions for injection.

Antibiotics for erysipelas on the leg
Antibiotics for erysipelas on the leg


The most common group of antibiotics that treat erysipelas are penicillins. Means of this type can be presented both in the form of dragees (tablets) and in the form of solutions for injections in capsules.

Preparations containing penicillin, entering the body, begin their interaction with the enzymes that make up the cell membrane, resulting in not only cell destruction, but also the death of the microorganism itself that causes inflammation. Specialists in the field of medicine, as a rule, prescribe this remedy in cases where the cause of the disease is a bacterium that has the property of growth and reproduction. It has been empirically found that penicillin treatment becomes more effective when it is used in combination with Streptocide or Furazolidone.

The most commonly used antibiotics for erysipelas are Benzylpenicillin, Bicillin-5 and Phenoxymethylpenicillin. The first version of the drug is presented in the form of solutions for injection, which shouldinjected into the affected area twice a day, 250,000-500,000 IU. The duration of treatment in this way can be up to a month. Bitsillin-5 is presented in the same form. Injections with this composition are made very rarely - once a month, but for a couple of years. The use of this drug is carried out to prevent possible relapses. As for "Phenoxymethylpenicillin", this drug is offered to patients both in the form of syrup and in tablets. The process of treating erysipelas with this type of antibiotic should be carried out within a week if the disease is at an early stage, and about 10 days if it has already begun to progress.


It should be noted that penicillin antibiotics for erysipelas are a classic drug. All other drugs can be prescribed only if the patient's body has an individual intolerance to penicillin.

The peculiarity of the action of tetracyclines is that these components are aimed at inhibiting the process of protein synthesis, which is required to build new bacterial cells.

What antibiotics for erysipelas
What antibiotics for erysipelas

The most famous and effective drug containing tetracyclines is "Doxycycline". This tool is presented in the form of dragees, which must be consumed twice a day after meals with water.


What antibiotics do medical professionals use to treat erysipelas? Subject to individual intolerancepenicillin, these are levomycetins, which slow down the growth of the number of streptococci in the human body, acting in a manner similar to tetracyclines.

How to treat erysipelas? Levomycetin antibiotics are presented in tablets of the same name. They must be taken three times a day, 250 mg each. The total duration of treatment with this drug is 1-2 weeks, depending on the extent of inflammation.


As for the peculiarities of the action of the preparations of this series, it consists in the complete suppression of the activity of pathogenic bacteria in the human body, as a result of which it completely subsides, and the microorganisms begin to die. However, the second effect is only possible if the doctor prescribes a high dose of the drug.

What antibiotics to take for erysipelas? The most well-known drug from the macrolide series is "Erythromycin", which is presented in the form of tablets intended for oral administration (1/4 g, 4-5 times a day, one hour before meals).

Most popular drugs

There is a certain list of drugs that are recognized as the most effective in combating skin inflammation, called erysipelas. These include Linezolid, Kubicin and Oletetrin. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

As for "Linezolid", this agent belongs to the group of synthetic drugs that have a special mechanism of action, which consists not only in protein synthesis, but also in disruption of the processthe formation of a separate complex, which can subsequently be passed on to future generations. This antibiotic is excellent for erysipelas on the leg, the effectiveness of its action is especially noticeable when the inflammation is quite large. In terms of dosing, this remedy should be taken at 600 mg at a time, twice a day.

What antibiotics treat erysipelas
What antibiotics treat erysipelas

"Cubicin" is another new generation remedy that has attracted the attention of medical professionals dealing with the treatment of erysipelas and skin inflammations of a different type from the very moment of its appearance on the pharmacological market. This tool has gained its popularity due to the instant bactericidal effect, which is observed already in the first hours after application. The drug in question is produced exclusively in the form of solutions that must be injected into the muscle with a needle. The course of treatment with this medicine is no more than a couple of weeks. The daily dose of the drug for an adult individual must be calculated individually - 4 mg of the substance per kilogram of body weight.

With the help of what antibiotics is erysipelas on the leg eliminated the fastest? These include "Oletetrin" - a substance that has a bacteriostatic property. In its composition, it is a mixture of oleandomycin, tetracycline and macrolide - such components are excellent for those individuals who are characterized by individual intolerance to penicillin. The medicine is available in the form of tablets with different dosages. It is necessary to take the remedy 4times a day, 250 mg (for an adult).

Despite the wide variety of medicines that help fight the problem, the antibiotic with which the treatment of erysipelas will be most effective should be selected by a specialist in the field of medicine and only after a preliminary examination.

Indications for antibiotic use

Which antibiotics for erysipelas can be taken and which not - this should be determined by the attending doctor. To do this, he conducts an examination and studies the patient's personal medical record, as well as the state of the inflammation itself.

There are certain situations that are direct indicators for the use of antibiotics for erysipelas in the treatment process. These cases include: the diagnosis of advanced erysipelas, as well as the lack of positive results after treatment with other methods and means.

Erysipelas what antibiotics to take
Erysipelas what antibiotics to take

Combination with other drugs

In order to more effectively deal with the problem that has arisen, almost all medical specialists prescribe complex treatment to their patients, which is the use of antibiotics in combination with other drugs. As a rule, among those there are antiallergic drugs, of which Tavegil, Diazolin and Suprastin are considered the most popular. The course of treatment with antibiotics in combination with drugs of this type should last about 7-10 days, 1-2 tablets should be taken every day, independence on the general characteristics of the human body. As a rule, during such treatment, the patient undergoes painful swelling, and the allergic reaction also disappears.

Often, a course of antibiotic treatment is combined with the use of sulfonamides and nitrofurans. As a result of this combination in the human body, the processes of formation of bacteria that develop puffiness will be disrupted.

Often, medical specialists prescribe various biostimulants to their patients - substances that help strengthen immunity. In some cases, patients are prescribed glucocorticoids - these components, according to many doctors, on the contrary, have a detrimental effect on the immune system of the human body, although they have an excellent anti-allergic effect. Many experts in the field of medicine believe that the optimal solution to the problem is a course consisting of antibiotics and multivitamins, which replenish the vitamin reserve in a difficult period for the body.

Some treatments involve a combination of antibiotics and injections of thymus enzymes and proteolytic enzymes. Such treatment methods activate the nutrition of muscle tissues and improve the resorption of the infiltrate.

Leather treatment

In the process of treating erysipelas, antibiotics have a positive effect. However, it should be understood that the internal treatment of the problem is not enough to get the desired effect as quickly as possible. For this, it is necessary to apply some external influences. The course of treatment of the disease involves the usesome compresses with various skin-friendly solutions. This is especially true in the treatment of erysipelas on the leg.

Which antibiotics should be moistened with compress dressings? As a rule, for such purposes it is recommended to use the aerosol "Oxycyclozol", as well as "Furacilin" and "Microcide". Leave such compresses on the affected areas for 3-4 hours - during this time, all the bacteria that have settled in the upper layers of the skin and on its surface will be destroyed.

Some experts recommend using a 50% solution of "Dimexide", as well as powder with "Enteroseptol". The second agent can be applied by scattering a small layer on the inside of clean clothes. This technique is great for the case when the face is on the leg. Antibiotics are also prescribed in this case - this will speed up recovery.

Erysipelas than to treat antibiotics
Erysipelas than to treat antibiotics

Hygiene rules

In the event that a patient has erysipelas, a medical specialist must definitely recommend that he observe certain rules of personal hygiene, even though the disease is not dangerous to others and the patient can safely stay at home. However, the practice of observing elementary rules of hygiene allows you to speed up the process of final recovery.

First of all, pay attention to the regularity of taking a shower - it is advisable to do this every day. Experts do not recommend using a bath for such purposes,over with hot water. The area affected by the infection does not need to be rubbed - it is enough just to wash it with soap. After performing water procedures, it is advisable to lie down on a bed with clean linen, which is also recommended to be changed every day. Separate requirements are put forward in relation to the material from which the bed linen is made - it must be natural and soft (preferably cotton).

In addition to taking antibiotics, with erysipelas, it is necessary to do daily washing of the inflamed area using herbal decoctions (it is recommended to take coltsfoot or medicinal chamomile). In the event that the erysipelas has formed in the genital area or on the face, it is best to use calendula or string to create decoctions, and if the inflammation is at the healing stage and is covered with roughness, then at this stage it is best to lubricate the affected area with rosehip oil or juice, squeezed out of Kalanchoe.

Disease prevention

In order not to get sick with erysipelas, you should carefully monitor not only your he alth, but also your lifestyle. Special attention should be paid to water procedures, which should be carried out as often as possible (maximum - once a day). This is necessary so that a person can avoid diaper rash in various places that cause the formation of a problem. In case of such, after taking a shower, the body should be treated with powder.

Special attention should be paid to personal hygiene products. It should be noted that for bathing it is best to use a shower gel, the pH level of whichless than 7. The same rule applies to soap. The best option would be the one that contains lactic acid. This is necessary in order not to break the protective layer of the skin, the presence of which prevents the occurrence of various infections.

Erysipelas on the leg treatment with what antibiotics
Erysipelas on the leg treatment with what antibiotics

In order to avoid the manifestation of erysipelas and the subsequent treatment of the disease, it is necessary to treat wounds and injuries that form on the body in a timely manner. For this purpose, it is best to use camphor oil, Yoddicirin, and hydrogen peroxide.