What are Progesterone shots for? First you need to understand what it is all about. Progesterone is a female hormone, the lack of which leads to many types of menstrual irregularities. Often, synthetic analogues of this substance are introduced artificially into the body in order to correct the hormonal background due to the lack of menstruation. About how this hormone is used during pregnancy, how soon menstruation comes on the background of the course of Progesterone injections and how to use it correctly, we will tell further.
Indications for use
Here are the cases in which Progesterone injections are prescribed:
- Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
- With amenorrhea and toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy.
- Against the backdrop of a threatening and habitual miscarriage.
- For metrorrhagia.
- Against the background of psychosis and pain in the postpartum period.
- On the backgroundendogenous eczema.
- In the presence of hypogenitalism.
- For chronic cystic mastitis, as well as for contraception.

"Progesterone" during pregnancy
It is important to understand that drugs that contain progesterone are strongly recommended to be used only when the level of this hormone is low. The fact is that sometimes there can be an overabundance of it in the body. And this often provokes the occurrence of a number of symptoms that are associated with impaired functioning of the digestive system, and in addition, with uterine bleeding, headaches, etc.
Accordingly, you need to take this hormonal drug only after visiting a qualified specialist and passing the necessary tests to determine the amount of pregnancy hormone. Low progesterone levels during pregnancy should be raised without fail. On the modern pharmaceutical market, there are many products specifically designed for this.
Names of medicines
The following two drugs are in the greatest demand:
- The drug "Dufaston", the main active ingredient of which is synthetic progesterone, produced in the laboratory. This drug has passed all clinical trials, which confirmed its high efficiency. The drug "Dufaston" can help if the level of this hormone has not fallen too low. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of vaginal suppositories.
- Drug "Utrozhestan"is an analogue of "Duphaston", but at the same time significantly different from it. The difference is that this product is made on a plant basis. It is because of this that it is considered preferable, as it has fewer contraindications and adverse reactions. Like Duphaston, Utrozhestan can be taken orally or vaginally.

Despite the listed benefits, all the previously mentioned drugs are systemic. That is, they require a long reception time. In the event that there is a threat of miscarriage, which is caused by a sharp decrease in the level of progesterone, such medicines will not be able to help. This is when Progesterone injections can demonstrate their effectiveness and reliability.
The active substances of the solution quickly spread throughout the body, gradually break down and relieve dangerous symptoms. It has been proven that one hour after an intramuscular injection, the amount of progesterone stabilizes. The maximum concentration of the hormone is reached after six hours. It is also important to emphasize that the injection of this substance is painless, unlike antibiotics or antiviral drugs.
How to carry out injections of "Progesterone" according to the instructions?
How to use injections during pregnancy
Injections are administered intramuscularly. The maximum single dose for pregnant women is 0.025 milliliters of a hormonal agent. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor and depends on the degree of progesterone deficiency in the body of the pregnant woman. Injections are also used"Progesterone" to cause menstruation. More on that below.
Menstrual cycle and injections
This hormone is considered one of the main ones, which, together with estrogen, regulates the cycle in women. During ovulation, a mature egg is released from the follicle, after which progesterone begins to act very actively. The hormone prepares, activates and increases the secretory functions of the endometrium to accept the egg in the event that conception has occurred. In addition, it gives cervical mucus properties that facilitate the transport and preservation of ingested male semen.

In the event that the conception has taken place, this hormone creates conditions for the development of the fetus: thanks to it, the contractile function of the uterine muscles decreases. It is in connection with this that the balance of hormones is so important for the he althy functioning of the female reproductive system.
When are injections performed?
Progesterone injections are prescribed for the following problems with menstruation:
- With amenorrhea, when menstruation is absent for a long time.
- With hypomenstrual syndrome, when critical days last less than three days.
- With hypomenorrhea, when there are scanty, and at the same time spotting bleeding.
- In the absence of ovulation.
- With intermenstrual bleeding with cycle dysfunction.
- Against the background of painful periods.
- To save and maintain pregnancy.
- As part of complex infertility treatment.
If there are such violationsspecialists diagnose progesterone levels and prescribe corrective hormonal therapy. Progesterone injections have the advantage that their effect comes much faster than from pills. And full concentration is achieved after only six hours.
Progesterone injections to induce menstruation
The reviews left about these injections, which are filled with women's forums, confirm the effectiveness of this tool. This is largely due to the fact that the main active substance of injections is a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone, which maximally recreates its effect when it enters the female body. In addition to pills and injections, this hormone is found in olive, peach and almond oils. For certain situations, different concentrations of progesterone are used: a solution with a concentration of 1 or 2%.

In order to avoid overdose and side effects, you must first take blood tests for the main hormones in order to exclude contraindications and get the appointment of the required concentration and duration of injections. Progesterone injections help induce menstruation if the delay is due to hormonal imbalance or the physiological state of the female body, which occurred as a result of the following reasons:
- Due to severe stress.
- Against the background of endocrine disorders.
- Due to exercise.
- Due to wrong lifestyle.
- Due to low or, conversely, excessivebody weight.
- Due to misuse or misuse of contraceptives.
If you have your first missed period, don't panic. First of all, you need to do a pregnancy test. If this is excluded, you must wait up to five days, since one of the above factors may be the cause. In the event that menstruation does not begin after this period, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Based on the tests, it is required to determine the cause, and at the same time find out what is the concentration of sex hormones in the body. In case of imbalance, patients are prescribed therapy to correct the hormonal background.
Injection scheme
It is worth talking about how to make progesterone injections. For each situation, injection therapy is different. You should not use this remedy on your own, as the slightest violation of the amount of this hormone in the body can lead to serious and irreversible consequences.

Reviews of doctors, as well as instructions, indicate that these injections for inducing menstruation are used according to the following schemes:
- The standard course of therapy is usually seven days. The concentration of the solution is determined by the doctor. Usually the doctor prescribes one injection per day. This scheme is applicable in many cases in the absence of serious hormonal disorders. The dosage of injections of "Progesterone" must be observed with all strictness.
- Against the background of a minimal deficiency of this hormone, patients are prescribed1% solution once a day for five days.
- If there is a serious imbalance of hormones, injections should be done once within ten days.
This confirms the instructions for injections of "Progesterone". Subject to a properly selected course of injections, after their cancellation, menstruation occurs already two days later. Reviews of patients who caused menstruation in this way report an average time of two to four days.
Next, let's move on to contraindications and find out in which cases injections cannot be used.
The presented drug is really effective. But injections of "Progesterone" can not be done in the following cases:
- In violation of the liver and hepatitis.
- In the presence of venous thrombosis.
- Due to diabetes.
- In the presence of vascular and heart diseases.
- Against the background of neoplasms of obscure etymology.
- In the presence of malignant tumors.
- On the background of migraine and in case of respiratory problems.
- If you have epilepsy or depression.
In addition to contraindications, injections of "Progesterone" can cause certain side effects in patients. Let's dwell on them in more detail.
Adverse reactions
Every drug has them, without exception. There are a number of side effects from progesterone injections. These include:
- The appearance of fluctuations in blood pressure.
- The occurrence of vomiting and nausea, which is due to impaired liver function.
- Frequent use of medication may affectfor weight gain.
- Appearance of spotting vaginal discharge.
- The appearance of headaches and dizziness.
- Occurrence of discomfort in the mammary glands.

Now let's find out what they write about the injections of women who used them to induce menstruation, as well as those who received injections during pregnancy against the background of a deficiency of this hormone in the body.
Girls' comments
There are a lot of reviews on progesterone injections on various gynecological forums. Women write that injections helped them cope with the problem of delayed menstruation, which sometimes occurs after childbirth. It is noted that in this case, only one course is enough. Other patients praise Progesterone injections for their help in the event of a delay due to hormonal imbalances. This drug proved to be very helpful. Women also write that when progesterone is deficient, injections help with severe pain during menstruation.
Often, reviews praise the injections of this drug and pregnant women who also faced progesterone deficiency while in position. It is noted that after a course of injections, the amount of pregnancy hormone stabilizes even if its content was far from normal.
Thus, today these injections are quite effective therapy for inducing menstruation and correcting various hormonal disorders.

In order to get the desired effect, it is important to correctly determine the course of use of injections along with the concentration of the solution. This can only be done by a specialist who makes appointments based on blood tests and starts from the level of hormones in the body. When prescribing such injections, it is necessary to exclude contraindications, as well as take into account all the characteristics of the patient's body.