Naproxen Akri is an anti-inflammatory drug. Tablets are produced by the Russian company Akrikhin, which produces a lot of other medicines. In today's article, you can learn about the features of the drug, consumer reviews and similar medicines. Every potential consumer should be reminded that self-administration of medicines can result in the most unexpected consequences for him.

Medication description: composition and action
"Naproxen Akri" - tablets, which include the active ingredient of the same name - naproxen. Its amount in one pill is 250 mg. Microcrystalline cellulose, talc, povidone, malium stearate and purified water are also used for the production of the drug. The medicine is sold without a prescription in many Russian pharmacies. On tablets"Naproxen" price varies from 150 to 200 rubles for 30 pieces (depending on the region).
The drug belongs to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. After taking the pill, the immediate work of the drug begins. The drug has a suppressive effect on COX 1 and COX 2, as a result of which it relieves pain and fever.
Indications for use
Naproxen Akri is recommended for use for the following indications:
- inflammatory diseases, defects and changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
- pain syndrome of any origin;
- infectious diseases and inflammation of the ENT organs;
- fever provoked by various factors.
The manufacturer positions its drug as a symptomatic remedy. The medicine perfectly copes with the tasks set and facilitates the patient's well-being in many pathologies, but does not affect the cause of the disease.

"Naproxen Akri": instructions for use
Pills, according to the instructions, are intended for internal use only. When taking them, they should not be crushed or chewed beforehand. Drink the drug with a comfortable amount of water for you. It is permissible to use the medicine even during meals. Food has no effect on the effect of the drug.
Usually, the doctor prescribes Naproxen Akri tablets in a certain dosage, which depends on the stage and severity of the patient's disease. If you were not given individualrecommendations, follow the algorithm indicated in the instructions:
- in the acute stage of the disease, use 500 to 750 mg of the active substance twice a day;
- to maintain he alth, consume 500 mg morning and evening;
- gout attack obliges to take 825 mg of the drug, and then 275 mg 3 times a day;
- with painful menstruation, women are allowed to use the medication up to 4 times a day;
- Do not exceed the daily allowance of the drug, which is 1750 mg of naproxen for an adult patient.
Naproxen Akri tablets should not be taken if the patient has hypersensitivity to their active substance or minor components. It is forbidden to use the medication for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract or internal bleeding. Tablets are contraindicated in renal and hepatic insufficiency, pregnant and lactating mothers. Do not give medicine to children under the age of one year. With extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor, the medicine is used in the treatment of adolescents under 16 years of age.

Medication "Naproxen Akri", like any other drug, can provoke adverse reactions. If you had to deal with any of the above signs, then urgently cancel therapy and consult a doctor.
- Allergic reaction (rash, itching, swelling, shock) - occurs most often. It may also appearbronchospasm, symptoms of rhinorrhea and conjunctivitis.
- Changes in the digestive tract (nausea, vomiting, flatulence, constipation). Long-term use increases the chance of bleeding and ulceration.
- Disturbances and changes in the functioning of the kidneys.
- Failures in the cardiovascular system: shortness of breath, lack of oxygen, changes in blood counts.
When using large doses of medication, disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system are possible. Treatment should be symptomatic.

Special Instructions
The drug "Naproxen", the price of which you already know, will have a positive effect on the patient's body only if all the conditions for admission are met. The manufacturer in the instructions for use mentions the following circumstances:
- with long-term use, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the blood;
- Medication should be taken only as needed, in a course of minimal duration;
- when combined with diuretics, Naproxen may reduce their effectiveness;
- drug can increase the toxicity of some drugs.
If your doctor prescribes you Naproxen tablets, but at the same time you are using other medicines, be sure to tell your doctor this information.
Consumer Reviews
Tablets "Naproxen Akri" reviews are getting good. Consumers are satisfied with the cost and availability of this medication. Its price is considered affordable, and you can buy the product without a prescription at the nearest pharmacy.
Tell patients about the versatility of the drug. It helps to cope with the symptoms of a cold: eliminates hyperthermia, headache, muscle aches. Women praise the remedy for helping them cope with malaise during menstruation. Older people use Naproxen to relieve joint pain.
Conveniently, you can take the pills with you on the road or to work. The drug - consumers say - does not require any difficult storage conditions. One pack contains three blisters of 10 tablets. One can be left in the home first aid kit, the second can be brought to work, and the third should always be with you. You never know when you might need pain medication. The effect of using the claimed NSAID is already noticeable within the first 30 minutes, and its duration is approximately 6-8 hours.

Similar drugs
Today, there are a lot of different drugs that can replace the drug "Naproxen Akri". To begin with, it should be said that Naproxen capsules and pills are produced by other manufacturers. Distinguishes these funds from the declared content of the active substance in one tablet. You can also buy medicines based on naproxen in the pharmacy:
- Nalgezin.
- Apranax.
- Sanaprox.
- Aliv and others.
If for some reason the claimed remedy does not suit you, then you can replace it with medicines similar in action: Nurofen, Ketorol,"Nise", "Analgin", "Paracetamol" and so on.

Today you were able to get acquainted with an effective Russian drug, which in its action is not inferior to many foreign analogues: Naproxen Akri tablets. Despite all the advantages and positive reviews, you should not take the medicine yourself. This medicine can be used as an emergency remedy for fever and pain. After that, you should definitely consult a doctor to choose further treatment tactics. You can use the tablets on their own for no more than 3-5 days. Take care of your he alth and see a doctor if you feel unwell!