Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma

Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma
Antiasthmatic drugs: main types. Therapy of bronchial asthma

The quality of life of people who suffer from bronchial asthma leaves much to be desired. Correctly selected therapy will help to significantly alleviate the patient's condition. It will reduce the intensity and frequency of exacerbations. An integral part of the treatment is drugs, the mechanism of action of which not only stops an asthmatic attack, but also reduces the risk of its development.

The pharmacological industry offers a fairly large range of anti-asthmatic drugs and drugs, but the choice of any medicine is always up to the attending physician. This takes into account the individual characteristics of each patient, clinical signs, frequency and severity of attacks.

bronchi in the light
bronchi in the light

Asthma therapy

All anti-asthma drugs are divided into two main types: emergency care for an attack (symptomatic therapy); medicines to control the disease (basic therapy). Symptomatic therapy will be considered first.

Symptomatic therapy

asthma attack
asthma attack

It consists inthe use of drugs that allow you to stop asthma attacks: shortness of breath, choking, wheezing, dry cough. Bronchodilators are first aid medicines for asthma. They are divided into three types:

  • beta 2-agonists;
  • xanthines;
  • cholinolytics.

For exacerbations, drugs from the group of beta 2-agonists are used. During an attack, they are able to alleviate the patient's condition, they act almost immediately. There are both long-term and short-acting. Long-acting drugs include: "Formoterol", "Salmeterol". For short-acting drugs - "Berotek", "Ventolin", "Fenoterol", "Salbutamol". Presentation: pocket metered dose inhaler.

Salbutamol drug
Salbutamol drug

In case of intolerance to beta 2-agonists, the patient may be prescribed anticholinergics. They act more slowly, but in order to stop an asthmatic attack, the result is good. Anticholinergics include: "Atrovent", "Platifillin", "Atropine", "Belloid", "Troventol". They are produced in the form of a metered aerosol or ampoules for injection.

symptomatic remedy
symptomatic remedy

Basic Therapy

Basic therapy consists in taking medications that treat bronchial asthma, prevent the development of acute attacks, and improve the quality of life. They are intended for daily use. The use of such drugs reduces swelling of the bronchi, relieves the inflammatory process formed inrespiratory tract, reduces susceptibility to certain allergens. Basic preparations include:

  • antihistamines;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antileukotriene drugs;
  • cromons;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • agonists.
bronchial asthma
bronchial asthma


Antiallergic drugs are an integral part of the treatment of bronchial asthma, as it often has an allergic origin. Basically, the doctor prescribes a new generation of anti-asthma drugs that act for twenty-four hours. These funds are able to suppress the release of histamine, block the increased susceptibility to allergens: "Cetrin", "Erius", "Claritin".


For the treatment of severe and middle stages of bronchial asthma, drugs belonging to the group of corticosteroids are used. These drugs reduce shortness of breath, bronchial obstruction, can be used to stop an attack. They belong to hormonal, have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, some of these asthma medications are not available over the counter. Corticosteroids include: Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Antileukotriene drugs

This group of drugs eliminates bronchospasm caused by inflammatory processes that have arisen in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. They complement the main treatment, they are used for a sufficiently long period. To thesedrugs include: "Zafirlukast", "Zileuton", "Montelukast".


This is a group of drugs that contain carboxylic acid. Medicines based on this substance reduce the production of mast cells, thereby eliminating the resulting bronchospasm. Such funds are not used during an exacerbation, but only in basic therapy: Ketotifen, Ketoprofen, Intal.


These drugs have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, promote sputum discharge, reduce swelling, relieve inflammation. Due to the large number of side effects, drugs of this type are used only as prescribed by a doctor: Becloment, Ingakort, Bekotid, Pulmicort.


The action of drugs of this group is aimed at dilating the bronchi. Within twelve hours, the effect of the use of drugs lasts. Such drugs are intended for long-term use, since the result of their action will be noticeable only after a while. These include: Spiropent, S altos, Foradil.

drugs for therapy
drugs for therapy

Since the basic therapy is designed for long-term use, the patient is forced to take some anti-asthma drugs throughout his life. It is very important to comply with the recommended doses in the process of taking any drug. You can not independently cancel the reception or prescribe a new remedy without consulting a doctor. If athe therapy is chosen correctly, it is possible to keep bronchial asthma under control.

Modern methods of asthma treatment can improve the quality of life, reduce the frequency of attacks. Unfortunately, it is completely impossible to cure this ailment, but if you follow all the doctor's recommendations and take all the prescribed anti-asthma drugs, the prognosis of the disease will improve several times.
