In the article, we will consider how to use ibuprofen for breastfeeding.
The condition of a woman during lactation greatly affects the child. Medicines and products that she uses during lactation, to varying degrees, affect breast milk and its composition. In this regard, most women steadfastly endure fever and pain, refraining from the use of pharmaceuticals, fearing to harm the baby. However, some analgesics and fever reducers can be used while breastfeeding.

Pharmacological forms
Ibuprofen is a derivative of propionic acid and belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug can be produced under various commercial names - Arviprox, Ibuprom, Faspic, Brufen, Ibunorm, Nurofen, Ibuprofen synthesis
Are they allowed with breastfeeding? This is a frequently asked question.
Ibuprofen comes in a variety of pharmacological forms that can be used externally and internally. The substance can be the basis of gels, ointments, suppositories, suspensions, syrups, granules, capsules, tablets.
Pharmacological effects
Ibuprofen in HB can have the following pharmacological effects:
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Painkiller.
- Antipyretic.
All these properties of the substance are due to the ability of propionic acid to inhibit several types of enzymes, the common name of which is cyclooxygenases, under the influence of which prostaglandins are produced in cellular structures. Prostaglandins are substances that cause inflammation, pain, and swelling. In addition, under their influence, the thermoregulation center in the brain of the head is activated, resulting in an increase in temperature.
The use of ibuprofen contributes to the suppression of prostaglandins at the peripheral, central levels. In addition, it stimulates the synthesis of interferon and can have an immunomodulatory effect, resulting in increased body resistance.

The main indications for the use of drugs based on ibuprofen are:
- Pain syndrome of a traumatic nature.
- Neuralgia (is a nerve lesion of the peripheral NS).
- Discomfort in the back.
- Rheumatic pains.
- Algodysmenorrhea.
- Articular, muscle pain.
- Lactostasis, mastitis, fever against the background of acute respiratory infections.
- Sinusitis, otitis media and many other pathological changes in the ENT organs.
- Toothache.
- Headache.
Ibuprofen use during lactation
Often, breastfeeding mothers wonder about the possibility of using ibuprofen-based drugs for breastfeeding. Pharmaceutical companies and independent organizations that support breastfeeding have conducted studies, the results of which indicate that the drug can be used during the lactation period without causing any harm to the he alth of the child.
The possibility of using ibuprofen in HB is due to the fact that the active substance penetrates into breast milk in a small concentration - up to 0.8% of the dose taken by the mother. This amount of ibuprofen does not have any significant effect on the child.

The propionic acid derivative does not affect the volume of milk and its taste, and therefore preparations based on it do not harm feeding. In addition, ibuprofen-based drugs are often used by pediatricians to treat children from 3 months, and in some cases even from birth.
Contraindications for use
It should be noted that ibuprofen is not completely safe. In some cases, its use can harm the body of a nursingwomen. The main contraindications include the following:
- Pregnancy (last trimester).
- Allergic reactions to other drugs belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Individual susceptibility to any components that make up the drug.
- Dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys.
- Diseases of blood vessels, heart.
- Blood clotting disorders.
- Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature.
- Ulcerative lesions of the intestines, stomach.
In addition, drugs based on ibuprofen are prohibited from being taken simultaneously with other drugs of the NSAID group and acetylsalicylic acid. Caution is also advised when concomitant therapy with ibuprofen and anticoagulants.
How often can I take ibuprofen with breastfeeding?

Safe application
Take ibuprofen for a breastfeeding mother as directed by your doctor. The specialist will assess the patient's condition and decide whether it is appropriate to use this remedy in a particular case, how long the therapy should last, what dosage should be prescribed.
Under standard treatment regimens, adults are shown to take up to 400 mg of the drug once. Drinking an antipyretic is recommended with a small amount of water. If necessary, you can repeat the medication after 6 hours. You can take no more than 1200 mg of ibuprofen per day. For nursing mothers, the maximumthe daily dosage is not more than 800 mg. To avoid the harmful effects of the drug on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, it should be taken after meals.
The dosage of ibuprofen for breastfeeding must be strictly observed. Take "Nurofen" women during lactation should be with caution. It should be limited to the minimum dosages. If relief can be achieved by taking 200 mg of the drug, and the therapeutic effect lasts up to 12 hours, then there is no need to increase the dosage.
The maximum concentration of ibuprofen in the blood is observed 1-2 hours after its use, and therefore it is recommended to feed the child before taking the medicine, and then maintain an interval of about 3 hours. In this case, the medicine will pass into breast milk in small quantities, and the effect of ibuprofen on the baby through mother's milk will be minimized.

Experts advise giving preference to ibuprofen in the form of suppositories and tablets. The use of suppositories can reduce the negative effect of the active substance on the digestive tract. Some women believe that it is preferable to use baby syrups during lactation, but this opinion is erroneous. For an adult, the concentration of the active ingredient in this form of the drug is insufficient, but there are additives that improve the taste, smell, and dyes that can provoke an allergic response.
You can only be treated on your own for 3 days. If at the end of this period negativesymptoms persist, and the woman's condition does not improve, she should consult a therapist. If the doctor finds the need to use antipyretics for a long period, he may recommend a temporary cessation of breastfeeding.
The negative effects of ibuprofen
In the manufacturer's annotations for drugs based on ibuprofen, there is always a rather extensive list of possible negative effects of the substance. They occur quite rarely, but you need to know about them. If primary negative symptoms appear, a nursing woman should stop using the drug and consult a doctor about the possibility of replacing the therapeutic agent. The probability of manifestation of negative effects increases if a woman has chronic pathologies, as well as in the case when she violates the prescribed recommendations for the use of the remedy.

Is it possible to take ibuprofen with HB in any particular case, the doctor will tell.
Against the background of its use, the following negative manifestations may develop:
- Depression, anxiety.
- Bleeding in the digestive tract.
- Ulcerative lesions of the intestines, stomach.
- Flatulence, diarrhea.
- Vomiting, nausea.
- Abdominal pain.
- Hypertension.
- Headache.
- Hypersensitivity, which is accompanied by redness of the dermis, itching, urticaria.
Overdose intoxication
In rare cases, whena significant excess of the established dosage may cause ibuprofen intoxication, in which the patient has a headache, epigastric pain, tinnitus, drowsiness, vomiting, nausea. If these manifestations occur earlier than an hour after taking the medicine, you should wash the stomach. In addition, the use of enterosorbing drugs and heavy drinking are shown. In case of ibuprofen poisoning, seek qualified help as soon as possible.
Which is better - paracetamol or ibuprofen for breastfeeding?
Analogues of drugs based on ibuprofen
Although ibuprofen is approved for use during lactation, it should only be used when absolutely necessary. Bring down the elevated temperature only if it exceeds 38.5 degrees.

Hyperthermia is a protective reaction of the body. On the one hand, during hyperthermia, a greater amount of interferon is produced, on the other hand, favorable conditions arise for the reproduction and activity of microbes. It is difficult to bear a high temperature, so it is recommended to deal with it.
Let's find out the opinion about ibuprofen with GV Komarovsky. The doctor notes that the mother's fever and her poor he alth have a stronger effect on the composition of breast milk than the use of approved drugs.
Safer alternatives to ibuprofen and fever-fighting agents are:
- Rubbing with a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar.
- Drinking warmraspberry or linden tea with lemon and honey, but only in cases where the child does not suffer from allergies.
- Homeopathic remedies selected by a specialist.
- Paracetamol.
Thus, ibuprofen-based drugs can be used for hepatitis B, however, self-therapy with this remedy can last no more than 3 days, then you should consult a specialist. In addition, it is advisable to consult a doctor every time you need to use medications, especially during lactation. This will significantly minimize the negative impact of medications on the baby.
We covered how to take ibuprofen while breastfeeding.