Cataract, myopia, inflammation of the membrane of the eye - all these unpleasant diseases can affect any person. After all, we spend too much time behind a PC monitor, and perhaps many have an innate predisposition to various ailments. However, do not despair - you need to choose an effective drug and start treatment! An ophthalmic remedy has proven to be excellent - drops "Oftan Katahrom". Long-term therapy has a positive effect and helps to avoid surgery for cataracts and other diseases.

How the drug works
The mechanism of action of Oftan Katahrom drops is due to the antioxidant and nutritional effects of the main active ingredients of the composition on the eyes (nicotinamide, cytochrome C, adenosine). Nicotinamide is an important structural element that is able to stop the development of cataracts by updatingeye crystal cells. Cytochrome C is able to neutralize oxygen radicals that are formed directly in the cornea of the eye. The compound acts as a powerful antioxidant in the lens. Cytochrome inhibits cytochrome oxidase and thus prevents the formation of neoplasms that lead to cataracts.
Adenosine promotes vasodilation and perfusion in the eye, increases the outflow of toxic metabolites, improving the exchange of internal fluids. In addition, this compound stops the development of conjunctivitis, renews DNA and stimulates the energy metabolism of metabolites in the lens of the eye.

The active composition is able to have a disinfecting effect on the surface of the eye, moisturizes the mucous membrane and prevents the development of bacterial infections.
Form of release and composition of the medicine
Drug "Oftan Katahrom" - an ophthalmic solution, which is produced in the form of a transparent reddish liquid. Drop composition:
- Cytochrome C.
- Sodium succinate.
- Adenosine.
- Sorbitol.
- Benzalkonium chloride.
- Nicotinamide.
- Water.
- Mono- and disubstituted sodium phosphate dihydrate.
Drops are available in bottles and equipped with a dropper.
Healing properties
Ingredients that are present in the composition of the drug "Oftan Katahrom", take part in cell metabolism, activate the regeneration of eye tissues. The drug is used in the postoperative period - this allows you to speed up the processhealing and restoration of eye tissue. Medicinal properties of the drug:
- Promotes the restoration of lens tissue.
- Acts as an antioxidant.
- Significantly improves metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye.
- Moisturizes and nourishes the eyeball with nutrients.
- The drug has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
- The drug helps to improve the condition of myopia.

Active substances have a complex effect on the tissues of the eye, providing not only a therapeutic effect, but also preventing various ophthalmic disorders.
Oftan Katahrom drops contain components that are completely metabolized by the body and excreted naturally. It is this quality that allows patients to avoid many side effects when using the drug.
Cytochrome C enters the cornea and completely breaks down into metabolites that are excreted in bile and urine. Adenosine enters the tissues and is evenly distributed after 1 minute after instillation of drops into the eyes. The component is excreted in the form of decomposed compounds by the kidneys. Nicotinamide is also rapidly absorbed into tissues and distributed. The component breaks down into two metabolites: niacin and nicotinamidase. They are excreted in the urine.
How to apply
Please note that only your doctor can prescribe the drug. If you have not been tested and you have not been accurately diagnosed, the drug may causeirreparable harm to he alth. As a rule, the solution is instilled into the affected eyes 1-2 drops up to 3 times a day. Gently pull back the lower eyelid, tilt your head back a little and look up, the solution should completely get on the surface of the mucous membrane.
Depending on the severity of the disease, the dose can be adjusted both upwards and downwards. The course of treatment with drops is quite long and is up to 6 months. Only such a long period of therapy can have a positive effect on the eyes.
If you wear contact lenses, they should be removed before instillation of the drug. You can use them only 30 minutes after the treatment. Make sure that the tip of the dropper does not come into contact with foreign objects - otherwise you risk infecting your eyes.
The active components of the drops tend to break down under the influence of high temperatures. So store the vial at a temperature not exceeding +8 - +15 °C. Pharmacists recommend keeping the liquid in the refrigerator. However, do not use a medicine that has not been sealed tightly within 1 month.

Adverse reactions
Oftan Katahrom eye drops may cause adverse reactions in patients:
- After the drops fall on the mucous membrane, a person may feel a slight or severe burning or tingling sensation. But, as a rule, such a phenomenon passes quickly - after about 10-15 minutes.
- Known cases of occurrenceallergic conjunctivitis, there was severe itching of the upper and lower eyelids, contact dermatitis.
- There are less cases of skin rashes and swelling of the face, if such a symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor.
- Nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath.
- Hypotension.
- The drug may have a vasodilating effect, so you can feel hot flashes, feel a pulsation in your head. In rare cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

Drug overdose
Due to high bioavailability, cases of overdose with drops almost never happen. Components, getting into the blood, are quickly absorbed and destroyed, turning into harmless metabolites. But if an accidental overdose does occur, it is necessary to stop therapy and consult a doctor. As a rule, symptomatic treatment is sufficient, and all side effects pass without harming the patient's he alth.
Pregnant and lactating mothers
This drug is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation. This limitation is due to the lack of information on the effects of the drug on the fetus and breast milk. Do not prescribe drops "Katachrom" to children under 14 years of age - there are no results of therapeutic studies for this category of patients.

Special Instructions
Do not use the drug in patients who suffer from glaucoma. However, drops of "OftanKatahrom" for myopia (nearsightedness) have proven themselves positively in the complex therapy for the treatment of this disease.
It is forbidden to use the drug in the form of injections and take it orally. Do not use the medicine if you are allergic to at least one component of the drug.
If you are undergoing complex treatment of cataracts or other diseases, you should not use drops with other drugs at the same time - make an interval of at least 15-20 minutes and only after that instill liquid.
People who work with precision mechanisms or drive a car are contraindicated to do work immediately after drop therapy. Blurred vision may occur - wait until objects become clearly visible again and dizziness disappears.
Drops contain benzalconite chloride, which can be absorbed by soft contact lenses. Therefore, you should not apply the medicine without removing them.
Drug analogues
If you could not find the drug "Oftan Katahrom", analogues that have a similar mechanism of action in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases, it is quite possible to find:
- Khrustalin drops - have a moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Quinax.
- Emoxilin remedy.
- The drug "Taufon" - this tool has a wide range of effects. Used in the treatment of corneal dystrophy.
- Catalin tablets.
- Udjala tonic. This remedy cleans the lens of the eye, preventing surgicalinterference.
- Drug "Vita-Yodurup".

Remember that each drug has specific components that can cause you an allergic reaction, so be sure to get medical advice before using analogues.
Patient testimonials
Note that this drug is used in ophthalmology quite often, because it has a fairly wide range of effects. However, Oftan Katahrom eye drops (reviews confirm this) are not suitable for everyone. For some patients, they have a positive effect, but for others they do not help at all, and in some cases even aggravate the course of the disease.
However, due to the balanced composition and economic availability, Oftan Katahrom drops, the price of which is approximately 170 - 200 rubles, can be called a popular remedy.
Do not ignore eye diseases - the sooner you start complex therapy, the higher the chance that you will not lose your sight and avoid surgery.