Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

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Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews
Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Video: Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews

Video: Antifungal spray: a review of drugs, features of use, effectiveness, reviews
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Mycosis (damage to the human body by a fungus) is a fairly common phenomenon. Approximately every fourth inhabitant of the planet has been exposed to this infection at least once. But there is nothing surprising here. The fact is that the causative agent of the disease is resistant to environmental conditions and is easily transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one.

A fungal infection can affect almost all systems of the body, causing a lot of trouble and causing a range of symptoms. If action is not taken in time, serious complications may develop.

antifungal foot spray
antifungal foot spray

Therefore, it is so important to prevent fungal infections, and in case of infection, start the necessary medical treatment on time. At the first stages, the disease is successfully treated with external medicines. More often than others, an antifungal spray is used for these purposes. This will be discussed below.

Illness concept

Fungus by its nature refers to opportunistic pathogens,which, under certain conditions, can cause serious disease in the human body. The factors provoking this include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • malnutrition, poor diet;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • severe hypothermia and much more.
  • growth of candida fungus
    growth of candida fungus

Types of fungus

It is worth saying that in total there are about fifty thousand species of fungi, two hundred of which can cause damage to human he alth. Symptoms, localization of the disease, the severity of its course, possible complications, as well as treatment tactics depend on the type. Therefore, it is very important to know which pathogen caused the disease.

antifungal spray
antifungal spray

In medicine, there are several types of potentially dangerous fungi.

  1. Actinomycetes. They affect the stratum corneum of the skin, so the characteristic symptom is the formation of a burgundy rash. In this case, antifungal sprays for the body will be most relevant, since the lesions can be quite extensive.
  2. When a person is affected by a fungus of the genus Arthodermataceae, a disease called dermatophytosis develops. In this case, not only the patient's skin, but also the hair and nails are under attack.
  3. With the development of a disease such as trichophytosis (ringworm), the cause is infection with a fungus trichophyton. The patient has reditchy patches of a rounded shape. But especially often the disease affects the hairline. First, dandruff appears, and in the absence of timely treatment, hair loss on the front of the head is possible.
  4. However, more often than others, the causative agent of a fungal infection is a microorganism of the genus Candida. It belongs to the natural intestinal microflora. During normal functioning of the immune system, the fungus exists peacefully in the human body. But under the influence of certain factors, its active reproduction begins, as a result of which candidiasis develops. Mucous membranes and skin may be affected.

Transmission routes

Public pool
Public pool

The fungus is transmitted in the following ways:

  1. Contact household. In close contact with a sick person, a he althy person can easily become infected if he has any damage to the skin. In addition, transmission of infection is possible when sharing bed linen, slippers, shoes or towels. The ideal environment for the growth of the fungus is high humidity and lack of ventilation. Therefore, most often infection with a fungus occurs when visiting places such as public baths, saunas, swimming pools. It is easy to get infection of nails, as well as skin integuments when visiting beauty salons in which materials are not processed properly. The same applies to gyms and shoe stores. Therefore, it is wise for everyone to use an antifungal shoe spray for prevention purposes.
  2. Alimentary way - fungal infection throughoral cavity. Most often it concerns young children, who love to taste everything. For this reason, the vast majority of children under two years of age have experienced oral thrush at least once.
  3. Air-dust. Many representatives of fungi thrive in the environment and are carried with dust, penetrating the human body through the respiratory system.
  4. Separately, I would like to highlight the sexual way of transmission of a fungal infection. Thrush is easily transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. The fungus quickly colonizes the mucous membrane of the vagina and urogenital tract, causing itching, burning and the formation of white curdled discharge with a sour smell. It would be wise to use special vaginal suppositories here.

Means for the treatment of fungus

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge selection of antifungal agents. They can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Means for oral (internal) intake. These include tablets, capsules, solutions based on terbinafine, fluconazole and many other substances. Their appointment is relevant in cases where there is a systemic lesion of the body with pronounced symptoms.
  2. Topical antifungals (antifungal skin spray, cream, ointment and nail polish). Used in the initial stages of the development of the disease.

I would especially like to highlight the funds produced in the form of an aerosol. Recently, they have gained high popularity, having various types, areas and purposes of application.

Antifungal sprays: concept and types

So what is a spray? This is a dosage form in which the active substance is a liquid or emulsion and is under pressure in a sealed package. As a rule, this package has a dispensing valve that sprays the medicine when pressed.

Anti-fungal sprays can be divided into several categories.

  • For example, depending on the purpose of use, they can be both preventive and curative.
  • Another classification - depending on the area of application of the drug. These can be antifungal sprays for the throat, skin, nails, and so on.

Spray Benefits

This release form has several of them:

  • Antifungal sprays are characterized by a fast and fairly noticeable therapeutic effect. Improvement most often occurs within the first week of use.
  • Another plus of an antifungal foot spray is that when a medicinal substance is sprayed in a high concentration, it enters the affected areas and begins to destroy the fungus. That is, for a therapeutic effect, a minimum amount of funds is required.
  • The medicinal component does not penetrate into the bloodstream. This means that there is no systemic effect on the body. Therefore, the risk of adverse reactions is minimized.


However, antifungal sprays are not without drawbacks. The most important of them is that the medicine is not able to penetrate deep into the nail. UsingSome antifungal foot sprays require the plate to be softened or partially cut off first, which is quite inconvenient. Other products do not have such instructions at all in the instructions.

Therefore, it is most reasonable to use antifungal varnishes to treat nail fungus. These forms have the ability to deliver the active substance to the lesion.


One of the most popular antifungal agents is Lamisil Spray. Its popularity is due to its pronounced therapeutic effect. The active substance is terbinafine, which has been used in medical practice for many years to combat fungal infection.

The tool has a wide spectrum of action, so the list of indications for use in this tool is quite large. It includes the following diseases:

  • foot mycosis;
  • skin lesion;
  • diaper rash caused by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • Pityriasis versicolor.
  • Image "Lamisil" spray
    Image "Lamisil" spray

The drug is produced in a vial of 15-30 ml. How long it lasts depends on the area of the affected area. As for the cost, one such bottle will cost the buyer about 550-650 rubles.

Patient reviews about this tool are almost always positive. The convenience of using Lamisil is especially often noted. Indeed, the instructions indicate that you only need to apply the agent to the affected area once a day, and this will be enough for the onsettherapeutic effect. However, it is worth noting that with extensive lesions, doctors recommend applying the spray twice a day (morning and evening).

It is worth noting that the product can also be used as an antifungal spray for nails, but only when the affected plate is softened and partially removed.


Another well-known remedy is Bifosin. This is an antifungal spray of domestic production, which has a wide spectrum of action and contains bifonazole as an active ingredient. It should be applied to the affected area once a day, before going to bed.

Patients who have been treated with this remedy are generally satisfied. However, it should be noted that the use of "Bifosin" is relevant only for skin lesions. For the treatment of nail fungus, its use is meaningless, since the substance does not penetrate deep into the nail plate.

The main advantage of this tool, patients call its low cost. A 20 ml package has a price of 100 to 150 rubles.

Spray "Bifosin"
Spray "Bifosin"


One of the most famous antifungal sprays is Mykostop. It can often be found in doctor's prescriptions and on pharmacy shelves. However, it has a fundamental difference from the means described above. The fact is that the main purpose of its use is the prevention of a fungal infection, but not the treatment. The drug contains a number of substances that provide effective protection of the skin and nails from infection whensubject to instructions.

"Mikostop" - prophylactic antifungal foot spray. It should be applied to the area of the skin of the feet, affecting the interdigital space and nail plates, immediately after contact with a potential source of infection. For example, after visiting a public pool or bath, as well as a shoe store.

Also, the spray can be used to treat shoes. To do this, apply the substance to the inner surface of the boots or shoes. The procedure should be repeated daily for 3-5 days. It is also relevant to use it for hands, for example, after visiting a nail salon.

Nail salon
Nail salon

A solution is available in a 150 ml bottle, you can buy it at any pharmacy for 160-210 rubles.

If you study the reviews about this tool, you can come to the conclusion that many people use the tool regularly, visiting places of potential infection, and are satisfied with the preventive effect. The low price cannot but rejoice, which makes Mikostop even more affordable.


Any fungal infection, regardless of the causative agent and the severity of symptoms, should be treated immediately with certain medicines.

In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, you should not self-medicate. When the first signs of infection appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only he can choose the right antifungal agent (tablets, creams or sprays).
