Pain under the scapula on the left rear is a fairly common occurrence. Unpleasant sensations can be caused by staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time or an unsuccessful sudden movement that caused muscle strain. However, prolonged and recurring pain is already a very bad sign.
In fact, such pain can be caused by various serious diseases. Therefore, if such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

It is not at all necessary that the source of pain is always near the place of its manifestation. The human nervous system is designed in such a way that the impulses emitted by a diseased organ can move away from it and manifest themselves in a completely different place. Therefore, pain under the shoulder blade can be caused by diseases of the spine, gastrointestinal and cardiac pathologies. At the same time, pain under the scapula on the left rear also refers to professional pain. For example, drivers and seamstresses. In this case, the pain is caused by a constant load on the muscles of the cervical region.
Quite often there is pain under the shoulder blade when moving, but immediately disappears at rest. In some cases, pain occursareas of the heart. The causes of such symptoms lie in the pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
Since pain under the shoulder blade can indicate various diseases and pathologies, further examination of the body is carried out on the basis of a diagnosis made by a doctor.
- If cardiovascular disease is suspected, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and an ultrasound examination of the heart should be done.
- Ultrasound of these organs is performed to examine the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- If there are problems with the musculoskeletal system, an X-ray and, quite possibly, an MRI are necessary.
- If the lungs are diseased, they should be examined with an x-ray.
The methods of examinations listed above are primary and general, which provide information about the general condition of the body and the foci of diseases. If any disorders and pathologies are found, a very thorough examination of a person is necessary, taking into account all his physiological characteristics.
Diseases of the shoulder blades
The shoulder blades, like any other part of the human body, can be susceptible to specific diseases. Therefore, in some cases, discomfort in the back occurs precisely due to such diseases.
- Scapular injuries. Severe bruises and blows to the scapular region can lead to injury. In case of unsuccessful falls, there is a possibility of a fracture or chipping of the scapula, which leads to very unpleasant consequences. In case of damage to the bone, very strong pain sensations occur, which are aggravated bymovement. In case of suspicion of a serious injury, first of all, it is necessary to undergo an x-ray examination.
- Osteomyelitis of the scapula. This disease develops against the background of open penetrating wounds. Suppuration may occur.
- Tuberculosis of the scapula. A very rare disease, but nevertheless sometimes develops.
- Crunch in the shoulder blade. Caused by inflammation of the subscapularis. Feelings of discomfort and not very strong pain are characteristic. With active movements of the shoulder joints, a characteristic crunch appears.
- Tumor of the scapula. It can be caused by various diseases. In such cases, a comprehensive examination of the body and removal of the tumor is necessary.
- Pinched nerve. Most often occurs in gymnasts, but can occur in any person. Usually associated with injuries, bruises and sprains.

Despite the existence of a number of completely harmless reasons, if you experience acute pain under the shoulder blade, the best solution is to get an examination - because in some cases such pain is a signal of the need for emergency medical care.
Types of pain under the shoulder blade
Such pain, depending on the cause that caused it, can be:
- Spicy.
- Stab.
- Constant.
- Periodic.
- Tolerable.
- Very strong.
Based on patient complaints, the main types of pain can be identified:
- Persistent pain that does not leave the body even at rest. Periodicallymay increase, accompanied by a burning sensation.
- Cutting pain under the shoulder blade, periodically passing into the area between the shoulder blades.
- Pain in the region of the heart. When heart problems occur, symptoms may manifest as pain under the shoulder blade.
- Persistent pain that resolves at rest but gets worse with coughing or taking a deep breath.
- Sharp pain in left side, goes away after vomiting.
- The sensation of pain appears at a certain position of the body. For example, it occurs if you stretch your arms up.
- Pain is directed downward from the shoulder blade to the lower back. There is a pulling sensation.
- Pain under the shoulder blade when moving.
Pain as a symptom of diseases of the spine
In most cases, pain under the shoulder blade is caused by various diseases and pathologies of the spine. For example, osteochondrosis or scoliosis.

- Various pathologies of the cervical spine can cause pain under the shoulder blade, the treatment of which can be quite long. Constant pain under the scapula is caused by such diseases of the spinal column as osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondylosis and others. Such pain can also periodically disappear and appear in the form of sharp lumbago.
- Intercostal neuralgia can also cause pain. When this disease occurs, the pain spreads over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ribs, and it becomes difficult to turn the body.
- Left-sided shoulder-dorsal periarthritis also causes pain under the left shoulder blade.
- Scapular-costalsyndrome causes pain under the shoulder blade, accompanied by soreness in the cervical spine.
- Various oncological diseases. In some cases, the tumor can be located in the scapula itself and cause very unpleasant sensations. In the event of cancer in the spine or spinal cord, pain will still reach the shoulder blade.
Sharp pain under the shoulder blade
Characterized by sharp, stabbing bursts of pain. May appear intermittently receding pain returns with renewed vigor as a result of movements and deep breaths. A sharp pain under the shoulder blade most often indicates a critical state of the body and the need for prompt medical intervention.

May appear with the following diseases:
- Myocardial infarction. Usually, stabbing pains that appear before an attack and persist during it are increasing. Gradually intensifying, they give to the back of the head, jaw, teeth, left arm. But in some cases, the manifestation of sharp bouts of pain that appears under the scapula is possible. However, pain under the left shoulder blade does not always mean heart problems. Symptoms may point to other causes as well.
- Pleurisy. Sharp pain can occur at the initial stage of this disease. Pain is usually concentrated in the area of fluid accumulation, i.e. under the left or right shoulder blade.
- Aneurysm. It also causes severe sharp pain under the left shoulder blade. Pain may also be in the shoulder area.
- Pancreatitis. Attacks of this diseaseaccompanied by severe pain in the left shoulder blade.
Single, non-recurring seizures can be caused by an unsuccessful movement or injury. However, if a sharp pain under the shoulder blade is systematic and the pain does not go away, you need to urgently go to the hospital.
Drawing pain under the shoulder blades
This type of pain usually appears with the development of various vertebral diseases and is caused by pinched nerve endings (for example, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine).
Scapulocostal syndrome also causes a pulling sensation of pain. This disease is quite easy to recognize, since a characteristic crunch is always heard during movements. Also, with this syndrome, pain radiates to the cervical region.
The peculiar nature of the pain is explained by the fact that, firstly, pathologies of the spine lead to a decrease in intervertebral distances, and secondly, they pass rather slowly, so the pain is very rarely sharp and strong.
Pain under the left shoulder blade, treatment and diagnostic methods
When systemic pain occurs in all its manifestations, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Even if pain is extremely rare, severe pain under the shoulder blade may indicate the onset of a serious illness. For example, when pain occurs in the heart area, the causes lie in the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, but pain under the shoulder blade can also indicate them.
First of all, you should see a doctor for an examination. Depending on the type of pain, its manifestations and additional symptoms, it will be prescribedappropriate examination.
- If cardiovascular disease is suspected, an electrocardiogram (ECG) and other heart tests may be ordered.
- In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, an X-ray is prescribed. It is also possible to undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
- In case of pathologies of the digestive system, ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract will be prescribed.

In cases where the initial examination does not reveal the causes of pain or there are suspicions of complications, an additional collection of tests and a complete examination of the body are carried out.
One way or another, the sooner a person is examined, the better for his he alth. Since the timely diagnosis of any disease will help prevent the development of the disease and additional complications.
The choice of treatment method directly depends on the results of the examination and the diagnosis. However, it is very important to remember that self-medication or taking painkillers without consulting a doctor can greatly aggravate the patient's situation.
Usually the treatment is medical. Also, patients are prescribed certain diets, restrictions on physical activity and a special daily routine.
However, in some cases, surgery may be required. For example, if a malignant tumor occurs in the scapular region, this becomes the only acceptable treatment option. What once againconfirms the need to contact a medical institution as soon as possible in the event of pain manifestations.
Gastric ulcer and pancreatitis
One of the most common causes of pain behind the left shoulder blade is a stomach ulcer. Many factors influence the manifestations of pain in an ulcer:
- Seasonal.
- Eating. Pain may appear immediately after eating or in the absence of it (fasting pain).
- Vomiting. Bouts of vomiting relieve pain, or they are completely removed.
- Kind of food. An attack of pain can be triggered by eating a certain type of food.
When a person's stomach is affected by an ulcer, pain under the left shoulder blade on the left rear can take quite a variety of forms.
Pain may worsen at night and be accompanied by a burning sensation. Most often it is pulling and dull. Such signs appear in patients with highly located gastric ulcers.

When such symptoms appear, an early examination of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and diet are necessary. It is necessary to drink more water and increase the number of meals per day (but not the amount of food consumed, meaning the transition to 5 meals a day) - thus, there will always be something in the stomach, thereby damaging the walls of the stomach, will be minimal.
For ulcers, the attacks of pain that occur on an empty stomach are most characteristic. Pain can also be provoked by the intake of various stimuli. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make a listfood consumed.
Most people with stomach ulcers experience bouts of vomiting. And they are caused by an increase in pain, not nausea. As a rule, after a person has vomited, the pain either goes away or decreases significantly.
With a stomach ulcer, manifestations of a sharp, stabbing pain are possible. This may be caused by a perforated ulcer. In fact, perforation means the appearance of a hole in the wall of the stomach at the site of a wound caused by an ulcer. This is fraught with the ingestion of the contents of the stomach into the abdominal cavity and the development of peritonitis.
In the event of an attack of pancreatitis, the pain is usually shingles. It is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and dizziness.
Diseases of the human cardiovascular system

With attacks of cardiovascular diseases, acute pain under the left shoulder blade is characteristic. It can occur when:
- Myocardial infarction.
- Angina.
- Myocarditis.
- Dissecting aortic aneurysm.
Usually, when a heart attack occurs, pain under the shoulder blade on the left rear is not the only sign indicating an attack. It is accompanied by pain in the sternum, left arm, jaw, neck. However, with a "posterior infarction" such pain may be the only manifestation of a heart attack. The most important difference between a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases is the inability to relieve pain with nitroglycerin. For example, with paroxysmal angina, taking nitroglycerin is excellent.
SoThus, pain under the shoulder blade on the left behind can have a lot of reasons. Starting from fairly harmless ones - for example, bruises, and ending with quite serious diseases. Therefore, you should never underestimate such pains, especially if there is a systematic pattern in their appearance. A preventive examination in any case will not take very much time. Moreover, having undergone an examination, one can prevent the development of serious diseases and their complications.