Does a rash always occur with scarlet fever, how to treat this unpleasant disease and what are its features? We will answer these and other questions regarding the mentioned disease below.

Basic information about infectious disease
The causative agent of scarlet fever is a hemolytic streptococcus belonging to group A. It causes an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of fever and general intoxication. Also almost always there is a rash with scarlet fever. It should be especially noted that the main clinical manifestations of this disease are not caused by streptococcus itself, but by a toxin released into the blood. The source of the spread of this infection is a person. You can catch such a disease pretty quickly.
Features of an infectious disease
The causative agent of scarlet fever, which struck a person, often provokes the occurrence of a sore throat or streptococcal pharyngitis. Such a patient is especially dangerous for the surrounding people in the first days of illness. A person who has successfully recovered from the disease in question is called a convalescent. It should be remembered that for some time he is able to allocatestreptococcal infection. Usually such carriage lasts up to three weeks. During this period, any contact with other people should be minimized as much as possible.

A he althy carrier is a person who does not have any symptoms of the disease, but group A streptococci live on the mucous membrane of his mouth and nasopharynx and are released into the surrounding atmosphere. It should be noted that there are a lot of such people (about 15% of the total population of the Earth).
What are the causes of the disease?
Vaccination against scarlet fever effectively protects a person from contracting streptococcal infection. By the way, in addition to people with scarlet fever, the source of such a disease is a banal tonsillitis or any other carrier of streptococcus. As a rule, infection with this disease occurs by airborne droplets. Sometimes a person gets sick with scarlet fever through everyday contact (for example, through the patient's toys, his household items, etc.).

It should also be noted that infection with the infection in question can also occur through any damage that is on the skin (for example, abrasions, cuts, during a surgical operation, etc.). In this case, the patient may experience a rash with scarlet fever, as well as other symptoms of the disease, except for a sore throat.
The main signs of the disease
Vaccination against scarlet fever protects a person well, but, unfortunately, not everyone makes such injections. When infected with the infection in question, its incubation period lasts about 1-12days. This disease is characterized by a rather acute onset. The body temperature of the patient almost immediately rises to 39 degrees. At the same time, he has discomfort in his throat when swallowing, noticeable weakness and headaches.

During a personal examination of the patient's oropharynx, the doctor discovers the classic clinical picture of tonsillitis. By the end of the first day of illness in the upper part of the body and on the neck, the patient develops a dotted and rather profuse rash. With scarlet fever, such irritation occurs very often. It is a group of rashes that protrude above the level of the skin and, merging with each other, form red spots 1-1.8 mm in size. Such an unpleasant irritation spreads very quickly through the patient's body.
Localization of the rash in scarlet fever is different. However, it is most intense in the armpits, as well as in the area of the elbows and skin folds. Quite often, such irritation on the skin is accompanied by unbearable itching. The nature of the rash with scarlet fever is profuse, punctate. As a rule, such irritation lasts 2-3 days, and then gradually disappears.
Other symptoms of scarlet fever
What other symptoms are typical for a disease such as scarlet fever (the photo is presented in this article)? According to experts, the face of an infected person begins to “glow”, but around the mouth and nose (nasolabial triangle) remains pale, with intact skin. Under the influence of toxins, the patient's tongue acquires a rich red color, and is also coveredprotruding papillae.

The human body temperature remains elevated for about 2-4 days, after which it gradually drops. From the 5-6th day of the disease, intense peeling occurs at the site of the rash, which lasts for 2-3 weeks. Scarlet fever (photo of patients you can see below) is diagnosed very easily. Usually, the doctor makes a diagnosis at home, based on the clinical picture of the disease.
Can there be complications if left untreated?
Scarlet fever without rash can occur. In this case, the disease is more severe. As a rule, it is manifested by the development of necrotic tonsillitis, and is also accompanied by early purulent complications.
According to experts, the complications of scarlet fever are divided into 2 groups: early and late. The former are associated with infection of neighboring tissues. In this case, otitis, sinusitis, and so on can develop. As for late complications, they are due to the development of such immune disorders as glomerulonephritis, rheumatism, and so on. By the way, the most severe and dangerous late allergic complications of scarlet fever occur with improper treatment of the disease.
How to deal with pathology?
Most often, the treatment of scarlet fever is carried out at home. Only those patients who have moderate and severe forms of the disease are subject to hospitalization. In addition, patients with children from 3 months to 7 years old, as well as schoolchildren of the first two classes who did not suffer from scarlet fever, are sent to the hospital.

To eliminate the symptoms of this infectious disease, doctors usually prescribe antibiotic therapy using penicillin drugs. Such intensive treatment is continued for 5-7 days. In the event that the patient does not tolerate penicillin, other antibiotics are used.
What should the patient do?
When observing all the symptoms of scarlet fever, the patient should immediately call a doctor. After making a diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic therapy. In this case, the patient should strictly adhere to all his recommendations. Otherwise, he may have quite serious complications.
In addition to taking antibiotics, the patient is required to comply with bed rest. This should be done until the body temperature drops completely. Also, the patient is shown to drink plenty of water in order to prevent toxic complications. The food of a patient infected with scarlet fever should be semi-liquid or liquid. He also needs to limit his protein intake.
Prevention of disease in children and adults
As mentioned above, the infectious disease in question can be transmitted to a he althy person by airborne droplets, as well as through household items. Therefore, a patient with scarlet fever must be isolated in a separate room. Such a patient should be provided with their own personal hygiene products, including a towel. He is also given separate tableware. Experts say that the isolation of the patient can be stopped immediately after his recovery, but not earlier than ten days after the start.disease.

Children who have been ill with scarlet fever are allowed to attend the first two classes of schools and kindergartens only after their additional isolation at home for 12 days after recovery. As for the babies who did not suffer from scarlet fever, but were in contact with the infected, they are not allowed into the team for 7 days from the moment the patient is isolated. By the way, with direct contact with the patient during the progression of his disease, this period should be 17 days from the beginning of the first contact.