The coccyx is broken: symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat, consequences

The coccyx is broken: symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat, consequences
The coccyx is broken: symptoms, diagnosis, how to treat, consequences

Coccyx is a collection of bones in the terminal part of the spine. It has a triangular shape, the upper part of which is directed downwards. The coccyx consists of three to five small vestigial vertebrae, interconnected by means of joints and ligaments.

The coccygeal bone has two main functions:

  • distribution of physical activity;
  • attachment of muscles and ligaments involved in the functioning of the organs of the genitourinary system and sections of the large intestine, as well as the gluteal muscle.

Can you break your tailbone? How to treat a fracture? What are the symptoms of a broken tailbone? What to do next? The answers to these questions and many others can be found in this article.

Coccyx injury

How to understand that the coccyx is broken? As a rule, a coccyx fracture causes a lot of inconvenience due to its location in the lower back. In addition to being painful, the broken coccyx makes it difficult for the affected person to sit, stand, and move. To diagnose a fracture, you need to contact a specialist.

Coccyx injuries can result from falls, bruises, dislocations and subluxations. Alsoa fracture may occur due to difficult childbirth, complicated by various factors. These include a clinically narrow pelvis or large fetus. The pressure of a baby passing through the birth canal can cause swelling, dislocation, or fracture of the coccyx. Such injuries are quite rare.


What causes coccyx injuries? The causes of a hip fracture are quite varied. It can be falls, blows, complicated childbirth. In some cases, osteoporosis may be one of the factors contributing to a tailbone fracture. This is a disease in which a decrease in bone density is characteristic, which leads to their fragility. Women are more susceptible to this type of tailbone injury due to the wide structure of the pelvis.

Fall on ice
Fall on ice

Most fractures are caused by a direct blow to this area, for example:

  • Accident. Falling on a hard surface while sitting (ice prompting, skating, dancing, sports activities).
  • Direct contact action in some sports (motorcycle, horseback riding, cycling).
  • Restrictions or repetitive friction on the coccyx. For example, this can happen while cycling or in rowing competitions.
  • The large size of the fetus during delivery, not the correct position of the child. During passage through the birth canal, the baby may contribute to the fracture of the coccyx.
  • Car accident.
  • Various diseases of the skeletal system, such as arthritis of the hip joint.
  • Obesity.
  • Infectious inflammation of the tissues around the coccyx.

Risk factors

The following conditions increase the risk of a tailbone fracture.

  1. Gender. Coccyx injuries mostly affect women due to their wider pelvic region.
  2. Old age. Older people have more fragile bones.
  3. Osteoporosis.
  4. Bad food. In particular, insufficient levels of calcium and vitamin D.
  5. Some congenital bone malformations.
  6. Injury sports such as ice skating, climbing.
  7. Decreased muscle mass in the buttocks.


The most common symptom of a broken tailbone is pain. These feelings can last for quite some time. Pain usually worsens with movement, when the person sits, stands, or walks.

Symptoms of a tailbone fracture
Symptoms of a tailbone fracture

The main symptoms of a broken tailbone include:

  • bruising or swelling on tailbone or lower back;
  • back pain or pressure in the pelvis (hip joint area);
  • buttock pain that radiates to the hips or legs;
  • pain during bowel movements, during sex, when bending limbs, and during minimal exertion such as lifting objects;
  • movement problems.

In addition, the patient may complain of increased sensitivity in a place located directly above the buttocks, in the lower partspine. There are nerve endings around the coccyx. When they are exposed, unpleasant painful sensations may appear. Therefore, in case of injuries of the coccygeal bone, it is recommended to avoid playing sports or lifting weights. Also, when the coccyx is broken, women may experience pain during intercourse.


The coccyx is a small, triangular-shaped bone that forms the lower part of the spine. After any injury associated with a fall or bruise, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The specialist will analyze the patient's complaints, the symptoms necessary for making a diagnosis. Clinical examination and questioning of the patient is sufficient in most cases.

During the examination, the specialist must check the entire spine for injuries. A rectal examination of the patient may also be necessary to check for coccygeal displacement.

X-rays are often necessary for thorough visualization and confirmation of the diagnosis. However, it is not always possible to determine the type of injury, such as a fracture or dislocation, with its help.

In some cases, atypical symptoms may require magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Due to the specific location of the coccyx in case of injuries, it is impossible to place it in a cast, as is usually done in case of a broken arm or leg. However, to prevent displacement, bed rest must be observed. The most comfortable position for people with this type of injury is the side lying position.

Whenthe coccyx is broken, treatment is primarily aimed at relieving pain and reducing swelling. To do this, the victim needs to rest more and move less. It is recommended to apply an ice pack to the affected area several times a day. In cases of displacement of fragments, doctors usually do not correct this defect. Due to the number of muscles attached to the coccyx and its specific location, it is difficult to immobilize and completely restrict movement.

How to treat a broken tailbone? Usually in such cases, the specialist prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs containing ibuprofen to relieve swelling and reduce pain. If discomfort does not improve within a week, stronger pain medication may be needed. During breastfeeding, you need to make sure that the medicines prescribed are safe and will not harm the newborn.

In order to facilitate sitting, the victim may need bulky pillows. Such a device with a special hole does not create pressure on the coccyx. Some women use a special wedge roller.

Pillow for fractures of the coccyx
Pillow for fractures of the coccyx

When the coccyx is broken, the risk of constipation increases. It is necessary to avoid this condition, since difficult defecation can bring pain. To improve digestion and soften stools, it is recommended to drink enough fluids throughout the day, consume foods rich in fiber. If necessary, resort to the use of laxatives.

In generalconsolidation of the coccyx fracture is achieved in about a month. Even after the injury has healed, the area may remain painful for a long time. As the patient recovers, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy and massage are prescribed.

Surgical treatment

When the coccyx is fractured and the pain persists, the victim is unable to move, a coccygectomy may be recommended. Such cases are severe and occur quite rarely. A coccygectomy is a rather unusual procedure. During the operation, the coccygeal bone is removed. It is worth remembering that this type of treatment in some cases does not lead to the desired result. Among other things, there is always a risk of complications.

Indications for surgery are:

  • inefficiency of other methods;
  • lack of positive dynamics when taking painkillers;
  • chronic and recurrent tailbone pain.

Recovery period

How long does it take to heal? A bruised tailbone usually heals on its own in a few weeks. The fracture consolidates up to eight weeks. In some patients, pain may persist for a long time. This condition can occur due to inflammation in the surrounding muscles and ligaments or chronic tension in the muscles of the pelvic floor. In this case, the doctor prescribes physiotherapy, as well as a course of injections of steroid drugs and anesthetics. In rare cases, when pain becomes chronic, and the reaction tothere is no conservative treatment, the doctor may recommend surgery to remove the coccygeal bone.


Coccyx is broken, what should I do? Some practical tips below will help you avoid unpleasant consequences and make your recovery period more comfortable.

  • Cope with severe swelling and pain in the coccyx area will help a cold compress. You can use an ice pack for this. It is necessary to cover it with a towel and apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes. This procedure should be repeated every hour.
  • When the coccyx is broken, a he althy and balanced diet prevents constipation and, therefore, additional effort during bowel movements. It is recommended to follow a diet high in fruits and vegetables and fiber. You also need to consume plenty of water.
  • It is not recommended to sit on soft ottomans, beds, sofas, as this will create unnecessary pressure on the broken coccyx. In order to sit on a chair or armchair, you need to stock up on a special pillow with a hole in the middle.
  • When the coccyx is broken, it is recommended to sleep on a hard mattress. If you sleep on your back, you can put a pillow under your knees. To make it more comfortable to sleep on your side, you can put a special roller or a regular pillow between your knees. Such devices will help relieve tension in a broken coccyx and reduce pain.
  • Various laxatives can be used to soften stools and facilitate bowel movements.
  • It is recommended to use freeclothing that will not put pressure on the area around the coccyx. Shoes should be comfortable and always flat.
  • When fractures of the coccyx can not sit for more than 20 minutes. It is recommended to constantly change the position.
  • Some yoga exercises (such as dog pose) can help relieve pain.
yoga exercises
yoga exercises


If you've had a broken tailbone, the consequences can be quite disappointing. How might this trauma affect the rest of your life? You should be prepared for the following:

  • Persistent pain. A tailbone fracture is the least severe spinal injury. However, the pain may not go away for a long time. Getting around, just sitting or lying down, can take a lot of effort.
  • Stool disorders. A broken coccyx can lead to problems with bowel movements, such as constipation.
  • When your tailbone is broken, you can't work. Regardless of the type of activity that you have been engaged in, you will have to stay at home for some time. In some cases, it will not be possible to return to work even after rehabilitation due to the severity of the injury or occupation. Also, as the recovery process progresses, it is forbidden to lift heavy things, move furniture, and engage in various sports.
  • Incorrectly fused bones after a coccyx injury can make it difficult for a child to pass through the birth canal. Women who have previously had coccygeal fractures are at increased risk of having them again.injury during vaginal delivery. In this case, it is advisable to prescribe a caesarean section.
  • In a displaced fracture, fragments of bone tissue can damage nearby pelvic organs: intestines, bladder, uterus, vagina.
  • Also, during an injury, soft tissues around the coccyx area can be damaged. This can lead to suppuration, hematoma, fistula formation, coccyx cysts.


Earlier in the article, risk factors were considered, the presence of which increases the chances of getting a coccygeal fracture. To avoid such injuries, you need to take care of your he alth in advance. Here are some tips to help you avoid a broken tailbone.

A diet rich in calcium and vitamin D is recommended. Lack of these micronutrients leads to a decrease in calcium stores in the bones, which increases the risk of fractures

special diet
special diet

It is necessary to do physical exercises, keep the body and muscles in good shape. Thus, the risk of fractures of the tailbone during falls and traumatic activities is reduced.

Tailbone fracture
Tailbone fracture


An example of a tailbone fracture
An example of a tailbone fracture

It is rather difficult to describe, so you need to make sure that the child has a package. A photo of a broken coccyx is presented in the article.
