Children's diseases, as you know, differ from adults not only in the nature of the course, but also in the medicines approved for use. Agree that the treatment of SARS in a child should be carried out only by safe means that cannot harm a fragile body. Any adequate pediatrician will treat a respiratory virus with special antiviral drugs, with the most important being their use in fairly severe forms of the disease. Speaking about medicines allowed in childhood, one should pay attention, first of all, to such a medicine as Remantadine. It can stop the spread of the virus. It is especially important to start taking the drug in the first two days of the onset of symptoms. In the subsequent period, the Remantadin medication will no longer have the desired effect, more serious measures will have to be taken. The dosage of the medicine will depend on the severity of the viral infection as well as the age. Moreover, this remedy is not suitable if it is necessary to treat SARS.children under one year old.

It is worth paying attention to traditional medicine, if it makes sense to talk about the least harm to the children's body. Accordingly, the treatment of SARS in a child with natural medicines can be very effective, but the possibility of allergic reactions should be excluded. However, do not forget that if a viral infection has already spread throughout the body, then it is still advisable to consult a doctor to prescribe medications.
Often, treatment of SARS in a child may be required at a fairly early age. In this case, you should pay attention to a drug such as Ribavirin, which is produced in the form of aerosols. It can be used even when children are sick in the first six weeks of life.
Some antivirals can be used as nasal drops, especially those based on interferon. The most common among them is the drug "Grippferon". It is worth noting that the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in a child with this medication can be carried out even at the age of one year. The drug should be instilled into each nasal passage three times a day from the very first day of the onset of symptoms. In addition, it is quite acceptable to use the drug "Grippeferon" as a prophylactic during an exacerbation of infections.

Unfortunately, it is often necessary to remember about antibiotics when it is necessary to treat ARVI inchildren. Drugs of this level may be required when complications occur against the background of the virus. They can be expressed in the form of otitis, sinusitis and acute tonsillitis. In any case, diseases of this group will require the use of therapy with the most gentle antibiotics in order to prevent the development of more severe complications. In addition to these drugs, you should also use auxiliary products that will help support the intestinal microflora, because antibiotics can have an effect on it.