Flat back of the head. Causes of skull deformity, correction methods, tips and reviews

Flat back of the head. Causes of skull deformity, correction methods, tips and reviews
Flat back of the head. Causes of skull deformity, correction methods, tips and reviews

A flat head in a child is a common condition that many parents struggle with. Flattening of the head can occur in the life of the baby only after he is born. How to care for a small head so that it is deformed? What to do if the problem has already occurred?

Plagiocephaly - a flat head in a child

flat skull back
flat skull back

Babies are born with a soft skull, which allows them to adapt to the needs of rapid brain growth in the first year of life. This feature contributes to the fact that the heads of young children are easily deformed. Flattening of the head is called plagiocephaly. Flat nape (pictured) usually occurs if the baby sleeps in the same position or when he has problems with the muscles of the neck. The syndrome does not affect the development of the brain in any way and does not cause permanent changes in the appearance of the child and, fortunately, does not require surgical intervention. Usually simple procedures such as changing the position of the baby during sleep, holding him in his arms and playing on his stomach have a positive effect.to a gradual decrease in the deformation of the skull.

Why is the back of my head flat?

The most common cause of changes in the shape of the back of the head is prolonged pressure on the bones of the skull during sleep. Because babies spend a lot of time lying on their backs, their heads can be deformed. In addition, children may be placed in devices that require a reclining or semi-reclining position (car seat, stroller, some baby carriers, swings, etc.).

Prematurely born babies are much more susceptible to head flattening. Their skulls are even softer than those of babies born on time. In addition, due to their prematurity and he alth conditions requiring a stay in the intensive care unit, they spend even more time lying in one position with limited ability to change it.

Flat head syndrome can appear in babies even before birth if the skull is depressed by the pelvic bone or multiple sibling pregnancies. Indeed, in many cases, twin babies are born with flat head syndrome. The position of the fetus in the uterus can also sometimes lead to flattening of the head.

Signs and symptoms

A baby's flat back is something that parents can easily recognize and notice. Usually the back of the head is flattened on one side, and the amount of hair on that side is slightly less. Looking down at the baby's head, you will notice that the ear on the side that is flattened may be a little more protruding. In more severe cases, flattened head syndrome causesthat on the opposite side of the flattening, the head can form a significant bulge and lead to the asymmetry of the baby's forehead.


establishing diagnosis
establishing diagnosis

The doctor usually diagnoses a flat occiput by visual assessment and observation of the patient. To detect torticollis, the doctor can observe how the baby's head moves and how the baby uses the neck muscles. X-rays, additional laboratory tests and studies are usually not needed. The doctor decides to follow the child over several visits to observe changes in the shape of the head. If changes in position during sleep positively affect the shape of the skull and the head begins to regain its round shape, then the problem is known to be associated with plagiocephaly. If not, this may mean that the deformity is the result of another disease - craniosynostosis.


change of position during sleep
change of position during sleep

If a baby has a flat nape caused by one sleeping position, there are several ways to reduce further deformity:

  • Change baby's head position while sleeping. Move it from right to left and from left to right when the baby is lying on his back. Although he will toss and turn at night and change position, it is worth laying his head so that pressure is not applied to the flattened side, at least for some time.
  • Carry the baby in your arms. Limit the amount of time your baby spends lying on their back or with their head on a flat surface (foldingcar seat, stroller, swing, etc.) Take the baby in your arms often and hold it in such a position that the head can “rest” from the pressure.
  • Encourage your baby to play on his tummy. Give him the opportunity to spend more time on your stomach when he is awake during the day. This position not only allows you to form and develop the muscles of the neck and back, but also positively affects the development of the baby. The new perspective that the baby acquires when looking from a position on the stomach gives him impressions and allows him to find other aspects of the world around him. In addition, the position on the stomach strengthens the muscles of the neck and back, which will allow the baby to learn to rise and support the body with his hands. This in turn develops the muscles needed for sitting and crawling. When playing on the stomach, do not leave the baby unattended.
  • Physiotherapy and exercise. A doctor for torticollis may recommend physical therapy and exercises at home. A physical therapist can show you the exercises to be done with your baby. Typically, these are stretching exercises that are gradual and progressive. Most of these will relax and stretch the neck muscles in the opposite direction to the contracture. Over time, the baby's neck muscles will stretch and the neck will straighten. Although the exercises are simple, it is very important to do them correctly.
  • baby helmet
    baby helmet

If a child has a very pronounced flat occiput and the above methods do not improve the condition within 2-3 months, the doctor may prescribespecial helmet or special forming tape. However, helmets do not eliminate flat head syndrome in all children. A custom-made helmet works best when the baby is 4 months to a year old because then the baby grows faster and the skull bones are very plastic. The effect is that it gently but constantly puts pressure on the growing bones of the skull, causing them to return to their normal (rather than flattened) shape.


Don't use things like a helmet or a shaping tape without consulting a doctor as this can cause more harm to your baby. Only a small percentage of children need to wear a helmet, and the decision to use one is based on the individual assessment of the little patient and the doctor's diagnosis.

Orthopedic pillow for babies

orthopedic pillow
orthopedic pillow

For small children, special orthopedic pillows can be useful. According to the manufacturers, this is a medical product responsible not only for the prevention of skull deformity, but also for its treatment. Preventively, the baby can sleep on a specially designed pillow from the first days. It is also suitable for babies born prematurely. Due to its unique properties, the pillow allows the head to naturally take on a round shape when sleeping on your back.

It is enough to put your head in the recess of the pillow to contribute to its correct shape day after day. Such a product is recommended for children with asymmetry and torticollis as an adjunct to therapy. This isalso an excellent support for premature babies and children after surgery, when the child remains in one, forced position for a long time. It does not restrict the movement of the baby, allows you to freely move the head and neck. When using it, there is no need to change the position of the baby. The only "requirement" is to place his head in the pillow's recess.

Reviews of doctors

According to many doctors, special expensive pillows can be dangerous for children. These products, in their opinion, are unsafe, optional, and untested. Experts say that in the first six months of life, the child should not use pillows. At this age, they should not be covered with a blanket and given toys. Following these rules for sleep reduces the risk of sudden infant death, as it saves children from the threat of suffocation or overheating.

Forecast for the future

stomach games
stomach games

Parents of children with flat head syndrome need not worry because their future prospects are just as good. As children grow, they begin to naturally change their position during sleep - much more often than in infancy, which allows them to change their head position. As a rule, over time, as the bones of the skull grow, even very significant changes disappear.

But there is also the possibility that the baby's head will never be perfectly symmetrical, but as a result of various developmental factors, the flattening will be almost invisible. In addition, in later childhood, the face acquires greater clarity and attracts more attention,than the rest of the head. The appearance of more hair and the fact that children are more energetic and mobile takes attention away from the shape of the skull. Experience and clinical trials show that a flat head in an adult is not an aesthetic or sociological problem.
