Paraphimosis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, recovery period and prevention

Paraphimosis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, recovery period and prevention
Paraphimosis: treatment, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis, recovery period and prevention

Paraphimosis is a disease characteristic only for men, as it is a squeezing of the foreskin of the glans penis. This condition is very dangerous for a man. It can turn into a variety of irreversible complications in the absence of timely treatment of paraphimosis.

Characteristics of pathology

Paraphimosis does not belong to the group of independent diseases, this phenomenon is rather a consequence of a severe phimosis or other disease affecting the male genital organs, which were not completely cured or provoked a complication.

Paraphimosis can appear during masturbation (in particular, in adolescence), during intercourse, during daily hygiene procedures.

paraphimosis home treatment
paraphimosis home treatment

In paraphimosis, the head of the penis is very strongly squeezed by the foreskin, resulting in swelling. In such a state, the foreskin is cut into the genital organ. Therebythe resulting swelling is aggravated.

The timely treatment of paraphimosis in boys is important (the photo of the pathology is not exhibited for ethical reasons).

That is, it is a kind of vicious circle. It is possible to break it only through emergency treatment, which will require the help of qualified doctors. Avoiding unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, consequences is possible only if doctors correct paraphimosis, that is, return the foreskin to its original place. In the absence of reduction, the following complications may occur:

  1. The appearance of ulcers on the penis, provoking an inflammatory process.
  2. Nekrotization of the tissues of the head of the penis, their subsequent amputation.

If paraphimosis is not recognized in time, the pathology will begin to progress rapidly. In such cases, it becomes severe, difficult to treat. Often, with a complex course of the disease, a dissection of the foreskin is indicated.

More details about the treatment of paraphimosis will be discussed below.

paraphimosis treatment operation
paraphimosis treatment operation

Causes of occurrence

The main cause of paraphimosis is considered to be congenital or acquired phimosis. If the state of he alth of a man is normal, then the outer and inner sheets of the foreskin are separated independently. This happens from the birth of a boy to his puberty. In newborn boys, physiological phimosis is often observed, which is the gluing of the inner sheet of the foreskin and the head of the penis. With early retraction of the foreskin and removal of the head of the penis,develop true phimosis.

Paraphimosis, in turn, occurs against the background of phimosis, which is in the second or third stage. Less common in the first form. At the fourth degree of phimosis, paraphimosis does not develop. This is due to the fact that the exposure of the head is no longer possible.

In boys, paraphimosis occurs, most often during hygiene procedures. For example, when an attempt is made to move the foreskin beyond the coronal sulcus. In adult men, paraphimosis can occur during intercourse or masturbation.

Other reasons

In addition, the causes of paraphimosis include:

  • genital piercing;
  • primary syphilis;
  • urethral catheterization involving forced retraction of the foreskin;
  • difficulty getting the foreskin back in place;
  • inelastic and short bridle.

The sooner the treatment of paraphimosis in men is started, the more successful it will be.


The most obvious sign of paraphimosis is swelling caused by venous and lymphatic congestion with excessive pressure on the head of the penis. In this state, the foreskin looks like a swollen roller, located directly under the head. Against the background of swelling, the head of the penis itself also increases in size.

The next symptom of paraphimosis is pronounced soreness, blue head. Pain, at the same time, increases if even a slight touch or friction occurs. In some cases, the patient may experience difficulty inurination.

Sometimes the problem persists after paraphimosis treatment.

paraphimosis in men treatment
paraphimosis in men treatment

In childhood

The main cause of paraphimosis in boys, similarly to adult men, is phimosis. Due to the lack of sexual life in children, other factors for the occurrence of pathology can be excluded. The head of the penis with phimosis is not completely removed. If this happens, then the foreskin infringes and squeezes it.

Children's paraphimosis proceeds similarly to an adult and is accompanied by the appearance of two characteristic signs - severe pain and blue head of the penis. The more pronounced the swelling, the greater the sensation of pain experienced by the boy. If the child does not feel pain, but there is blueness and swelling, then we can talk about the beginning of tissue necrosis.

If a boy's phimosis is diagnosed during puberty, many doctors advise to correct this pathology surgically. This helps prevent the development of paraphimosis.

Treatment of paraphimosis

Therapy is carried out according to two methods:

treatment after paraphimosis
treatment after paraphimosis
  1. Surgical treatment. Operative therapy refers to the elimination of pathology by surgery. During the operation, the surgeon cuts the foreskin, thereby stopping the squeezing of the head of the penis. This is followed by a period of rehabilitation and wound healing. After complete healing of the dissected tissues, circumcision or restoration of the foreskin is indicated. In the treatment of paraphimosis, surgeryheld very often.
  2. Conservative therapy. Conservative treatment is understood as a procedure such as the reduction of paraphimosis. To eliminate swelling, cold is applied to the patient's genitals, and then the head is set in a physical way. The reduction procedure is extremely painful, and therefore, surgeons use local anesthesia. Conservative treatment of paraphimosis has a significant drawback - the disease can occur again.

Elimination of paraphimosis

When choosing a method of therapy, the doctor relies on the degree of development of the pathology. If paraphimosis is in the early stages, then a favorable result can be expected from conservative therapy. If the disease is advanced, then preference is given to the surgical type of therapy.

paraphimosis in boys treatment
paraphimosis in boys treatment

Treatment of paraphimosis at home

It is important to note that it is impossible to get rid of paraphimosis and its manifestations with the help of home therapy. A variety of traditional medicines can be used solely to reduce the severity of symptoms such as swelling of the tissues of the penis and severe soreness.

It is strictly forbidden to set paraphimosis on your own and at home. It is important to understand that reduction is a very painful process that requires local anesthesia. Moreover, the procedure requires certain skills that qualified urologists possess.

Thus, traditional medicine can only be used until the doctor visits,to relieve symptoms. First of all, cold must be applied to the affected head. Multiple options?

  1. You can apply a simple cotton cloth soaked in cold water to the penis.
  2. It is permissible to apply various containers filled with cold water or ice to the genitals. It is strictly forbidden to apply pure ice to the head of the penis. This can lead to negative consequences. If there is no container at hand, you can apply ice, after wrapping it in some clean cloth.
  3. You can also apply a bandage of gauze, which is pre-moistened in an aqueous solution of s alt. To prepare it, you need three tablespoons of s alt, which is dissolved in warm water with a volume of 1 liter. Undoubtedly, such a compress cannot be called a cold one. However, saline solution effectively relieves soreness. It is forbidden to use this method in cases where ulcerative lesions are present on the penis.
paraphimosis in boys photo treatment
paraphimosis in boys photo treatment

It should be noted that compresses and dressings should be applied for a short period of time - up to 30 minutes. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur - soreness will increase.

As an additional means in the treatment of paraphimosis in boys and men, you can use herbal decoctions. Infusions of calendula, succession, chamomile will be effective. Herbs can be used individually or in combination. Folk healers recommend, for example, the following recipe:

  1. Chop equal parts chamomile and calendula.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of the obtained raw materials with water in the amount of one liter, bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 40 minutes.
  3. After the decoction has cooled to a warm state, it is used for lotions. The lotion is made for 45 minutes, after which they begin to stretch the foreskin.

Recovery period and prevention

During the recovery period after paraphimosis, antibiotics and pain medications are prescribed.

The duration of the recovery period is quite individual: the rehabilitation period ranges from 2 weeks to 2 months. In children and young patients, the recovery period is approximately one month, due to regenerative processes: the younger the patient, the sooner the wound heals. On the tenth day, it partially heals and dressings can be done once a day.

For the prevention of paraphimosis and other traumatic conditions, parental attention to the he alth of children and adolescents is important. Regular visits to the urologist and sexual education will allow timely identification and elimination of this minor physiological deviation from the norm. If phimosis has not been eliminated for some reason, parents need to keep the process of urination under special supervision and not disregard the baby's complaints of pain in the penis.

paraphimosis in boys
paraphimosis in boys

Sexually mature men who are diagnosed with physiological or acquired phimosis, in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to abandon onanism. With increasedattention should be paid even to minor signs of inflammation of the genitourinary system, strictly observe hygiene and safety of sexual life.


It should be remembered that the disease is a disease that threatens with serious complications, up to the amputation of the penis. If any sign of pathology occurs, it is important to contact a urologist without delay and not experiment with methods of self-treatment of paraphimosis.
