Imperative urges: causes and treatment

Imperative urges: causes and treatment
Imperative urges: causes and treatment

Imperative urges are disorders in the body associated with a sharp and irresistible desire to urinate or defecate. These phenomena are a symptom of diseases of the genitourinary system and intestines.

Impaired urination

Imperative urge to urinate makes a person uncomfortable and interferes with leading a full life. This is due to the fact that after emptying the bladder, after a short time, a person feels a sharp desire to go to the toilet again. There is a feeling that urination will happen immediately, and there is a fear that it will not be possible to keep it.

imperative urges
imperative urges

Sometimes this happens: in some cases, the symptom is accompanied by urinary incontinence. Usually, such phenomena are a sign of the inflammatory process of the urinary tract, less often the cause is an increase in intravesical pressure, and sexual infections, operations, and even spinal cord injuries and spinal injuries can also provoke the disease.


Imperative urges (urgency) pursue a person with urination disorders constantly, preventing them from concentrating on ordinaryaffairs of life. Do not confuse the usual strong urge to urinate with urgency. When it appears, it immediately becomes clear that not everything is in order in the body. It is characterized not only by incredibly strong urges, but also by their very frequent appearance. Such symptoms cannot be controlled, they are constantly disturbing, regardless of the time of day, gender and age. Previously, statistics spoke of a more frequent susceptibility to the disease of the elderly, now this phenomenon is increasingly common among young people.

imperative urge to urinate
imperative urge to urinate

There are times when urgency is accompanied by nocturia (primarily nocturnal urination) or incontinence. Often, urgency leads a person to an inoperable state. Among urination disorders, urgency is the most common, and among other diseases it occupies a rather high position. If present, they speak of an overactive bladder (OAB).


Previously, it was believed that the state of urgency is most often caused by urological and gynecological diseases, and it can also be a consequence of the operation. Now, modern research methods have made it possible to establish that the main cause of the symptoms of imperative uncontrollable urges is the OAB syndrome. An overactive bladder refers to abnormal bladder activity that can be chronic. The reason for this is not fully understood, but diseases that provoke the appearance of OAB have been identified, and these are not only diseases of the genitourinary system (acute cystitis, adenoma, cancerprostate, bladder neck tumor). These provocateurs include heart failure, diabetes, neurological disorders, menopause, age-related changes, multiple sclerosis.


People who experience constant imperative urges are examined comprehensively, in several stages, so that the doctor can diagnose the true cause of these manifestations. To identify concomitant diseases, the patient undergoes an ultrasound of the internal organs - the bladder, prostate, kidneys. Next, the analysis of urine, its sediment, seeding for sterility is examined, the doctor conducts a physical examination (including a general examination, palpation).

symptoms of imperative uncontrollable urges
symptoms of imperative uncontrollable urges

The diary of the patient's urination is being studied, on the basis of which it is also possible to draw conclusions about the diagnosis, OAB is put in the presence of more than eight urination per day and more than one per night. To identify the causes of hyperactivity, cystometry (measurement of the volume of the bladder), tests with water and "Lidocaine" are performed - a technique used to exclude neurological causes affecting the functions of the detrusor (bladder muscles).


The treatment of urgency, in which urination is frequent and unbearable, should be carried out as quickly as possible. After all, it is impossible to live a full life with such symptoms, a person experiences not only physical inconvenience, but also constant stress. The goal of treatment is to control the accumulation of fluid in the bladder. For this, anticholinergics are used.drugs. They block the nerve impulses that cause the constant urge to urinate.

treatment of urgency urination
treatment of urgency urination

In addition, the treatment uses antispasmodics that reduce the muscle tone of the urinary tract. Among these drugs, Spasmeks is especially popular, which does not exclude the combination with other drugs and practically does not cause side effects. In addition to drug therapy, Kegel exercises (alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles responsible for urination) and behavioral therapy (going to the toilet on a strict schedule) are used in the treatment for a more effective result.

Non-drug treatments. Behavior Therapy

The combination of medications and alternative therapies is effective in combating urinary disorders. The main directions of non-drug treatment are strengthening the muscles of the bladder, as well as gaining the ability to control visits to the toilet. Behavioral therapy involves limiting fluid intake if it exceeds the norm, correcting the drinking regimen, excluding alcoholic and caffeinated drinks, and not drinking before bed. Most of the fluid entering the body during the day should be pure non-carbonated water. The amount is determined purely individually, taking into account age and concomitant diseases. Behavioral therapy involves the establishment of a routine of visiting the toilet at a strictly allotted time in order to train the urinarybubble. This approach helps cut imperative urges in half.

Kegel exercises for women

This is a set of exercises for women designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. As you know, women are more likely to suffer from incontinence, including stress incontinence (when laughing, sneezing, coughing). Regular exercise helps to reduce the imperative urge to stool and learn to control the pelvic muscles. The complex is very simple, easy to use and available to any woman.

imperative urge to stool
imperative urge to stool

Exercise trains the muscles that are responsible for the bladder, rectum, uterus, urethra. They help to cope with incontinence for pregnant women in 70% of cases, alleviate the condition of elderly ladies. Kegel exercises improve blood circulation in the pelvis and rectum, speed up rehabilitation after childbirth, and prevent the development of hemorrhoids.

Urinary disorders in children

Child's frequent demands to "go potty" should alert parents, especially if urination does not occur (false urges). If the baby asks to use the toilet almost every 15 minutes, this is an occasion to consult a doctor to find out the cause of such manifestations and eliminate it as soon as possible. There are several reasons why imperative urges occur in children:

  • balanoposthitis in boys;
  • vulvovaginitis in girls;
  • urethritis (inflammation of the urinary canal);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • pyelonephritis, kidney disease.
imperativeurges in children
imperativeurges in children

Such diseases are caused by infections or hypothermia. But this is not the only reason, in some cases there is an anomaly in the development of the genitourinary organs or a disease of the nervous system, including congenital malformations and injuries, psychiatric diseases, neuroses.

The urge to defecate

When there is a physiological need to empty the intestines, a person has the urge to defecate. In the case of normal functioning, such phenomena do not cause any discomfort. If there is a malfunction in the bowels, there may be an imperative urge to defecate. They are caused by convulsive contraction of the intestinal muscles, usually accompanied by pain. Such symptoms may be the result of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In addition to frequent urge to stool, it may be accompanied by diarrhea (more than three times a day), constipation (stool less than three times a week), pain in the abdomen, and flatulence.

imperative urge to defecate
imperative urge to defecate

After stools, there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels. Antispasmodic drugs, such as Dicyclomine, are used for treatment. A prerequisite for therapy is dieting, avoiding fatty, spicy and fried foods that irritate the intestines. One of the varieties of the disease is tenesmus. These are excessively strong imperative urges, accompanied by contraction of the muscles of the rectum and pain, but defecation does not occur. In this case, they also talk about false urges. The reason for this may be a tumor of the rectum, infections, chronic or acute colitis.
