High blood pressure is the main manifestation of hypertension. It begins quite imperceptibly, because each of us sometimes has a headache and blood “knocks” in the temples. And the pressure can rise on a change in the weather or after stress. It is believed that hypertension is a disease of the elderly. However, the symptoms we just mentioned are signs of the first stage of hypertension.

There are three in total.
At the first stage of hypertension, the pressure rises sporadically, under the influence of any external factors. Then it returns to normal again, and a person may simply not associate some of the symptoms experienced with the presence of high pressure. After all, not all of us regularly measure it. Nevertheless, hypertension at this stage is already amenable to diagnosis. If it is possible to detect certain changes at the bottom of the eyeball, and blood pressure at rest is in the range of 95-150 or even 100-160 mm Hg. Art., there is hypertension 1 degree. The army will already lose such a conscript.
In the second stage of hypertension, a person begins to feel unwell on a regular basis. The headache does not go away on its own. The pressure has to be lowered with medication, whichonly exacerbates the situation. The fact is that the brain is responsible for "adjusting" the work of the heart, and with the help of pills we deceive it, eliminating the consequences of the disease, and not its causes.

Sometimes self-diagnosis of stage 2 hypertension is erroneously defined as weather sensitivity, because its manifestations are still strongly associated with weather changes. However, sensitivity to weather changes manifests itself as a change in blood pressure in general, that is, both an increase and a decrease.
The third stage of hypertension is already a serious disease, accompanied by pathological changes in internal organs. The brain suffers, the heart enlarges, in some cases the disease spreads to the kidneys and eyes, causing disturbances in the functioning of these organs.
As established by science, hypertension develops in genetically predisposed people. But it seems that there are more and more of them in the modern world. The disease progresses with malnutrition and an inactive lifestyle. It develops slowly, sometimes over years. But hypertension also has to be treated throughout life.

If you find that when the weather changes, loads and stress your head starts to hurt regularly, get an examination. You should measure your blood pressure more often to find out if it is increased relative to the norm of 90-120 mm Hg. st. Prevention and treatment of the disease lies in maintaining a he althy lifestyle. Moderate exercise, sports and eating lean, low-fat foods will help you take a step back from one stage of hypertension to the next. Anyone who complains of high blood pressure is advised to regularly eat dried fruits and fight excess weight, though not with too harsh methods.