Parotid fistula is a rather unpleasant formation. The danger lies in the fact that in the initial stages it is quite difficult to notice. In this material, we will talk about the causes, symptoms, and methods of treating this disease.

Signs of illness
At its core, the parotid fistula (ICD L98.8.0) is a hole with a small diameter, which is the entrance to the subcutaneous and interstitial passages. In simple terms, the disease is a hole in the ear. In some cases, the disease does not make itself felt for many years. After all, small formations do not pose any threat to he alth, and their development is asymptomatic. Parotid fistula can be detected in a child and an adult only during an examination of the hearing organs or during cosmetic procedures.
If the fistula threatens the he alth of the patient, then its symptoms are more pronounced. Key Features:
- the appearance of a hole near or inside the auricle;
- discharge of pus or white secretions;
- formation of growths that look like skin bumps;
- pain;
- nausea and general weakness;
- temperature increase;
- puffiness;
- tissue inflammation.
Such symptoms indicate an infection in the hole. In this case, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist who will prescribe adequate treatment.
In most cases, a parotid fistula appears on the tragus or near the ear curl. But a hole with a small diameter can be localized within the mimic facial nerve. In this case, the treatment of the disease is difficult. Sometimes through passages can form, spreading over a considerable distance and affecting neighboring organs. Cases were recorded when the fistula went into the oral cavity, nasopharynx, middle ear and labyrinth.

Causes of occurrence
A disease can appear due to a variety of factors. But they all fall into two main categories:
- congenital;
- purchased.
Congenital parotid fistula occurs due to failures in the development of the child in the mother's womb. In most cases, this happens due to various complications during pregnancy. But often the occurrence of the disease is also affected by genetic predisposition, because in 25% of cases the disease develops with the transmission of recessive type mutations.

Acquired parotid fistula
This type of disease can develop at any age. Mainreasons:
- mechanical damage followed by suppuration of the wound;
- complications after surgery;
- infection;
- complications after otitis or other ear disease.
The size of the parotid fistula depends on the extent of the purulent process. And with the formation of a wide opening, the risk of bacteria and microorganisms entering the ear increases significantly. This leads to frequent inflammatory processes, especially if the fistula has access to another part of the organ.

An otolaryngologist can determine a parotid fistula. First, the specialist conducts a superficial examination, and if a disease is suspected, he prescribes a pressor test. This study helps to detect fistulas. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor needs to find out the length and depth of the internal course of the fistula. This can be done using phistography. This study also shows the presence of ramifications.
With a congenital type of disease, it is necessary to carefully examine the course of the disease. If it does not manifest itself in any way and does not pose a threat to the he alth of the child, then the therapy consists in regular treatment of the ear with disinfectants. This is necessary in order to exclude the formation of suppuration or infection. In the future, when the child reaches an older age, an operation can be performed to remove the fistula.
If there is suppuration or swelling of the surrounding tissues, then it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment. At the initial stage of therapythe doctor makes a small incision on the inflammation. This is necessary in order to give vent to purulent contents. For further treatment, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:
- Levomekol ointment;
- chlorhexidine bigluconate solution.
After the inflammatory process stops, the fistula opening will close. But sometimes the move can fester again. In cases of frequent recurrence, an operation is prescribed to remove the fistula.
The most effective method of treatment is the complete removal of the capsule and passages of the parotid fistula. The operation in most cases is performed by the traditional method. In this case, the fistula capsule is opened and its purulent contents are removed. In adults and older children, excision is performed in a hospital using local anesthesia. After the operation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and antiseptics, as well as painkillers. For external processing, "Chlorhexidine" and "Levomekol" are used.
But recently, new methods have been used to remove the fistula: galvanocaustic and laser surgery. Thanks to such operations, the problem area is completely split, and the removal of the capsule and excision of the passages helps prevent future recurrence.
Surgery is the best method of treatment, but only an experienced surgeon can perform it. Indeed, near the parotid fistula there are a large number of facial nerves. And if they are hurt or damaged, then the facial expressions of a person will be disturbed, it will be impossible to correct the mistake. In addition, atan incorrectly performed operation increases the risk of recurrence of fistulas. A relapse in this case is dangerous because the scar tissue masks the entrance to the tunnel, so a latent purulent process develops.

Drug therapy
This method of treatment is used if the fistula is located in hard-to-reach places, when it is not possible to perform an operation. In this case, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial therapy. Such a method of treatment allows you to stop the inflammatory process. Medical therapy is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. With proper treatment, you can achieve complete disappearance of the fistula.

Recipes of traditional medicine
Before using this or that remedy, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Remember that self-medication can be very dangerous. And with incorrect or inappropriate methods of therapy, instead of the desired relief, you will get a lot of complications. For the treatment of parotid fistula, you can use the following remedies:
- Mummy. This substance has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. To treat a fistula, dissolve a small piece of mummy in water and make lotions from this mixture.
- St. John's wort. Compresses from decoctions of this medicinal plant will help to stop the inflammatory process, as well as accelerate wound healing.
- Mix equal parts vegetable oil and vodka. Apply this solution to the affectedplot, put a cabbage leaf on top. Such a compress will help draw out pus and stop the inflammatory process.
Ear fistula is a rather unpleasant disease that can significantly reduce the quality of life. And the sooner you seek help from a doctor and begin treatment of the disease, the easier the therapy and the consequences of this disease will be. Stay he althy!