Among the serious diseases that modern man is afraid of is tetanus. This is a terrible disease that is not only acute, but also causes serious complications and death. For more information about the disease, read this article. In it, we will tell you everything about such a disease as tetanus. The incubation period, symptoms, treatment, prevention, etc. will become known to you after reading the material.

What is tetanus?
This is an acute infectious disease. Its pathogens are bacteria that live in the soil (sapronous). The transmission mechanism of the disease is contact. Simply put, the bacterium enters the human body through the skin and causes illness. The first symptoms that signal a tetanus infection may appear on the first day, or may take a month.
How does infection occur?
As mentioned above, the bacterium enters the human body. This happens through the skin, in places where there are wounds, cuts, abrasions, i.e. integrity is broken.
Carriers can be rats, mice, birds and humans themselves. The bacterium is very viable. It can function even at high temperatures. So, at 90 degrees, the bacillus that causes tetanus remains alive for 2-3 hours. In the soil, it remains pathogenic for a very long period, despite any adverse external conditions. The wand can feel comfortable and pose a threat to human life on any objects up to several years. Disinfectants do not work on it either.
Most often people become infected with tetanus in spring and summer. Where exactly the bacterium waits for its prey cannot be determined. Once in the body, the wand begins to move very actively throughout the body, infecting more and more areas. A minimal dose of the toxin is required for tetanus to develop.

When did the disease appear?
This disease is not new. It is impossible to say exactly since when people began to become infected with tetanus. The disease has been around for hundreds of years. For the first time they learned about it from the records of Hippocrates. In his treatise, he described the disease from which his son died. The study of tetanus began only in the 19th century. Studies have shown that a particularly large number of deaths from this disease occurred during the war. Later, a vaccine was developed, which was administered as a prophylaxis. It was she who served as a salvation from numerous deaths.
Where is tetanus most common?
Bacteria - the causative agent of the disease loves a humid environment. Very common diseasefound in Africa, Asia, and even America. But in recent years there have been cases of tetanus infection in Europe. However, they have a considerable amount.
Tetanus is treatable, but even with timely measures to combat the disease, mortality is high, and the number of deaths is about 80%. The wand begins to act most actively in the warm season, mainly in rural areas.

Tetanus: incubation period. Symptoms. Stages
The incubation period for the disease can be different. From 1-2 days to a month. Typically, the incubation period is two weeks. During this time, the person may feel unwell. In the place where he had a wound and was presumably infected with tetanus, there is muscle tension, their twitching. Also, the person becomes irritable, sweating increases.
There are four stages of the disease in total:
1. incubation period. Symptoms at this time do not appear clearly. This stage is dangerous because it is not possible to recognize the disease. Unless the person starts worrying ahead of time and decides to get tested.
2. Initial stage. During this period, a person begins aching pain. Mostly in the place of the wound, which seems to have already begun to heal. This period can be about two days. This starts the muscle spasm.
3. Height stage. How many days is this period? Usually it's about two weeks. The symptoms are very pronounced. The most difficult period for a person,accompanied by constant convulsions, malaise.
4. Recovery stage. At this time, a person becomes easier. You can understand that the body is on the mend by the fact that convulsions gradually appear less and less.
Important moment! During the recovery period, even though it becomes easier for a person, this time is very dangerous for him. It is at the stage of recovery that complications can begin.

Before talking about the signs of the disease, it is worth noting that the shorter the incubation period, the more severe the disease will be. The symptoms of tetanus in adults and children are as follows:
• At the initial stage, tetanus is quite acute. The first thing that happens when you become infected is the clenching of the jaw as a result of seizures.
• The next stage is the sardonic smile, which is the result of facial muscle spasm.
• Then there is a contraction of the muscles of the pharynx, which leads to difficulty swallowing. Such signs occur only when infected with tetanus.
• When the disease goes into full swing, muscle spasm begins throughout the body. It does not affect only the feet and palms.
• When the spasms reach the muscles of the diaphragm, it becomes difficult for the person to breathe. His breathing quickens and is shallow.
• Further muscle tone leads to problems going to the toilet.
• In the later stages of the disease, a person's back arches. It becomes noticeable by the way he lies on the bed. Between it and the back, you can clearly see the distance through which you can stick your hand.
• One of the extreme conditions in a person is the moment when convulsions fetter most of the body, while causing excruciating pain.
• Almost the entire period while the disease develops, the patient experiences severe irritation, he begins to have problems sleeping, his temperature rises, sweat profusely flows.
Symptoms of tetanus in adults are similar to those in children and pregnant women.
The likelihood of death in the presence of all these symptoms is high. But even if the treatment showed a positive trend, the recovery process will take several months. The possibility of complications is high.

Complications of tetanus that appear after an illness are directly related to the patient's condition. Simply put, breathing difficulties lead to problems with the lungs, stagnation of the contents occurs, which leads to pneumonia.
The cramps that fettered all the muscles become the cause of their rupture, patients may have fractures of bones, joints, vertebrae, torn ligaments. Spinal curvature may occur. Another complication of tetanus is a heart attack.
Sepsis, abscess, pyelonephritis and other infections of secondary origin may begin to develop.
For most children, tetanus is a fatal disease. An adult recovers more often, but it all depends on the severity of the disease.

Tetanus testdone on the basis of venous blood. It is needed in order to investigate the specific state of immunity before starting vaccinations. It is also required in order to determine the level of antibodies after vaccination.
Any doctor can prescribe an analysis for tetanus: a surgeon, a general practitioner, a gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist, and so on. You can make it in medical institutions, as well as in immunological laboratories, in diagnostic centers.
Preparing for the test
There is no need to follow any measures, except that in the morning, before taking the test, you should not eat anything. Also in the previous evening, you should avoid emotional overstrain, various physical activities.
After the analysis and evaluation of the results, which should reveal the protective level of antibodies in the blood, vaccinations are made according to the vaccination schedule. After some time, revaccination is scheduled.

Vaccination action
The effect of the tetanus shot is the same as the others. A small amount of neutralized toxins of the pathogen is introduced into the human body. The human immune system must identify the microbe and start fighting it. To do this, it produces protective antibodies.
There is an opinion that the tetanus vaccine is very dangerous, because there is a risk of infection. But such an opinion is wrong, because all vaccines are researched and manufactured in the laboratory in accordance with safety standards.
At what age is the tetanus shot given?
Vaccination must start fromthree months old. The next vaccination is done at 4.5 months. After - in a year and a half and then already in 6-7 years.
If a full course of vaccination was completed in childhood, then in adulthood, the vaccination should be done only once every 10 years. The first revaccination starts at the age of 18.
If the full course was not completed in childhood, then the vaccination for the first time in adulthood is given twice. If you are interested in the question of how many days the re-vaccination will be carried out, then according to the rules - no less than a month.
Tetanus vaccine side effects and contraindications
Vaccination is administered intramuscularly. It can be done in the shoulder, shoulder blade or thigh. After that, some side effects may be observed, namely, an increase in temperature, which can be brought down by any antipyretic agent, the skin swells at the vaccination site, and mild pain is also possible. These side effects are normal and should go away in 2-3 days, no more.
• pregnancy, in case of emergency, a woman needs to be given immunoglobulins;
• Allergy to vaccine ingredients;
• weakened immune system;
• colds at the time of vaccination and transferred less than a month ago;
• chronic diseases.
Tetanus treatment
Sick patients are treated by infectious disease doctors and resuscitators in the intensive care unit. Sick people are provided with complete rest, the lights are dimmed, silence is observed.
To neutralize tetanus bacillus toxins, specificimmunoglobulins, as well as serum against the disease. To start treatment immediately, it is very important to know how tetanus manifests itself. The incubation period, the symptoms should be known to every person who monitors their he alth.
If a person has convulsions, then he is prescribed anticonvulsant sedatives. For pain relief, narcotic analgesics are injected. Against convulsions, "Sibazon", "Sudksin" are most often used. As drugs - morphine and "Tramadol". Additionally, treatment with muscle relaxants is carried out.
If a person's breathing is disturbed, then he is connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Laxatives are also prescribed, a catheter is placed in the bladder. Vitality is provided by apparatus.
Also treated with antibiotics, which belong to the category of tetracyclines, make droppers of plasma, gemodez, albumin. All patients are provided with gentle and caring care.
Tetanus prevention
The most effective measure that helps to avoid serious consequences and death is vaccination. How it is put, we have already said above. The vaccine has been used for decades to help a person cope with this terrible disease.
You should also take precautions when working in the garden. If there are wounds or abrasions on the arms or legs, then all actions must be carried out only with gloves and shoes with thick and thick soles. In places where there may be rodents, you should be extremely careful.
If infectionhappened, then at the first symptoms you should immediately go to the hospital. The site of infection is excised. If the vaccine was given no more than five years ago, then the serum is not used.
So, here we are talking about such a terrible disease as tetanus. The incubation period, symptoms, treatment and prevention of a terrible disease are no longer a secret to you. Be careful, and then you will never be at risk of contracting this disease. And if someone you know gets tetanus, you don't have to wait. Urgently need to go to the hospital!