Allergies literally flooded the planet. Dust and insect bites are no longer as relevant as, for example, cold and heat allergies, symptoms of unclear etiology, and a complex reaction to food. And often such conditions develop into serious disorders that first appear on the skin and adversely affect the entire body. How to warn yourself, avoid the disease, or at least alleviate its course, we will learn here and now.
What is atypical dermatitis?
Atypical dermatitis, or atopic dermatitis, is a pathological skin process that develops in individuals with a genetic predisposition to allergic diseases. It is hereditary and prone to recurrence. This condition refers to chronic diseases, manifests itself in the form of severe allergic dermatitis.

Most often, pathology occurs in early childhood and throughout life periodically manifests itself in the form of skin rashes of various localization. There are such types of atypical dermatitis:
- Localized - skin rashes are local in nature, have a clear border and a small affected area.
- Common - the rash appears in many areas of the human body, but still has borders.
- Diffuse - a diffuse rash affecting all parts of the body, tends to spread rapidly under the influence of irritants.
Atypical dermatitis has different symptoms depending on age and severity of the disease.
- Easy current.
- Moderate.
- Severe form.
But there are signs that indicate that a person is developing atypical dermatitis.

The symptoms of the disease will be as follows.
- Itching - almost constant, worse at night.
- Rash on the skin - at the initial stage it looks like a simple urticaria, but in the process it becomes bright red, the rash merges into a common affected area.
- Redness with exudation - skin redness is the result of irritation, exudates with weeping form in places of natural skin folds, which increases itching and, as a result, the severity of the disease.
Atypical dermatitis in adults can lead to hyperpigmentation over time.
Atypical dermatitis is a hereditary disease. Predisposing factors are:
- Heredity - people whose close relatives suffer from this disease are more likely to develop it.
- A protracted pathological process is a neglecteddue to an unclear etiology, food allergies worsen, the course of the disease becomes more severe, and a simple allergic rash turns into atopic dermatitis.
- Dysbacteriosis - an imbalance in the intestinal microflora leads to improper absorption of food enzymes, or they are not absorbed at all. Such a disease provokes the formation of food allergies and, as a result, atypical dermatitis.
- Stress and other disorders of the nervous system - skin rashes appear as a result of severe nervous strain. Treatment in this case will be not only the use of topical drugs, but also the elimination of the irritant.
- External factors and various allergens that have a constant effect on the body.
- Off-season - during periods when the immune system is weakened and the body lacks vitamins, the disease manifests itself.

Disease in childhood
Atypical dermatitis in children manifests itself precisely at an early age, therefore it has its own characteristics of the course.
- In infants and toddlers under two years of age, atypical dermatitis affects areas of natural folds (elbows, chin and popliteal region, and neck). Due to the well-developed subcutaneous fatty tissue, the rashes become weepy, with a large amount of exudate. A rough crust of a bright red hue forms on the cheeks.
- In children from 2 to 12 years old, the skin at the site of lesions is prone to dryness, as a result of which cracks appear with leakageexudate, as well as severe itching.
Atypical dermatitis in dogs. Treatment
In dogs, atopic dermatitis is manifested by inflammation of all layers of the skin. Severe itching leads to scratching, redness and bleeding from damaged capillaries. Edema after physical impact can turn into an inflammatory disease with the formation of purulent foci and ulcerations on the skin.

Treatment for atypical dermatitis in dogs is to relieve the symptoms. For the convenience of exposure, the hair is cut out, the skin is treated with special preparations, powdered with antiseptic powders, reducing itching after exudate is released. In addition, it is possible to use ointments. The basis of treatment will be to identify the allergen and, if possible, reduce or stop the degree of its effect on the body.
Than to treat atypical dermatitis
The basis of the treatment of the disease will be the elimination of the action of the allergen. Symptoms are treated comprehensively.
- Local ointments, creams and talkers are great if you have atypical dermatitis. Prednisolone ointment is an effective remedy during illness. Of the non-hormonal drugs for children from one month old, doctors offer the Fenistil gel, but it is suitable for a mild degree of the disease, such as urticaria, provided that the allergen has already been eliminated. Hormonal drugs that can be purchased at a pharmacy, for example, "Advantan" (cream and ointment) and "Elidel" are prescribed for severe, protracted courses of the disease, as well as during periods of exacerbation.
- Oralmedicines: tablets "Diazolin", "Suprastin", and drops "Parlazin" are suitable for children and adults.
- Hypoallergenic diet.

During the period of exacerbation, direct ultraviolet radiation should be avoided, water procedures should be reduced to the required minimum. Do not use cosmetics and other products that may worsen the condition. Household chemicals are recommended to choose hypoallergenic.
Treatment is carried out under the supervision of an allergist or dermatologist.
Diet for atypical dermatitis will be as follows:
- Avoid any food allergens, as the body begins to perceive inadequately any provoking factor. It is necessary to exclude even those foods that did not cause allergies before (chocolate, seafood, especially shrimp, citrus fruits).
- Vegetables and fruits with a bright color are excluded.
- From meat products, you should choose lean beef, lamb, rabbit meat.
- In cereals, give preference to rice, buckwheat.
- Exclude starchy foods, it is preferable to choose cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli for garnish.
Atypical dermatitis in adults and children over three years of age requires avoidance of allergens, adherence to daily routine and nutrition. In the off-season, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, as well as take special supportive medications.
For infants, prevention will be proper hypoallergenic nutritionmother.

In any case, you need to establish a hypoallergenic environment in the house, give pets in good hands, get rid of plants, sources of dust (feather pillows, carpets, upholstered sofas). When the very first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a dermatologist for advice. It is better to treat atypical dermatitis in a timely manner and as efficiently as possible. This will help reduce the risk of complications and improve overall he alth.