Why does cheilitis occur on the lips? Photos and the causes of this disease will be discussed below. You will also learn about how the disease manifests itself and whether it can be treated.

Basic information
Diseases of the lips can be different. Some of them do not require any treatment. Although there are some diseases that require a mandatory visit to the doctor.
What is cheilitis on the lips (a photo of this pathological phenomenon is presented in this article)? According to experts, this is an inflammatory lesion of the lips of a benign nature.
In modern medicine, there are 2 groups of cheilitis:
- symptomatic;
- Chailites proper.
The last group combines independent diseases of the lips, which may have a different origin. These include such types of disease as contact cheilitis, glandular, actinic and meteorological. This group also includes exfoliative cheilitis.
As for symptomatic diseases, these include lesions of the lips, which are symptoms of various general somatic diseases, as well as diseases of the skin and mucous membranesmouth. This group includes eczematous cheilitis, atopic and macrocheilitis.
What is exfoliative cheilitis?
Different types of the disease in question manifest themselves in different ways. Exfoliative cheilitis is a chronic disease. With its development, only the red border of the lips is affected.

This pathological phenomenon was first described in 1900. In those days, this disease was called "persistent desquamation of the lips."
Most often, exfoliative cheilitis occurs in the fair sex aged 22-40 years.
Reason for development
Why does a disease like cheilitis develop? The causes of this disease have not been fully understood. However, most specialists dealing with this problem believe that the disease in question is directly related to neurogenic factors. This theory arose on the basis that patients with cheilitis often suffer from psycho-emotional illnesses.
There is direct evidence that there is a link between thyroid pathologies and exfoliative cheilitis. It should also be noted that a person may have a genetic predisposition to develop this form of the disease.
An important factor in the appearance of cheilitis is the state of the patient's immune system. After all, it is the decrease in the body's defenses that contributes to the rapid launch of many pathological processes.

Main symptoms of the disease
BIn medical practice, it is customary to distinguish 2 forms of exfoliative cheilitis:
- dry;
- exudative.
The red border of the lips with this disease is affected first. Pathological changes are a kind of ribbon that stretches from one corner of the mouth to another. It should be noted that the corners of the mouth and that part of the border that is adjacent to the skin are not affected. Also, the considered form of the disease does not affect the integument and mucous membranes of the mouth.
Signs of a dry form
How does dry exfoliative cheilitis manifest itself? This disease is characterized by congestive hyperemia on the lips. At the same time, micaceous, dry and almost transparent scales are formed in the affected area, having a grayish-brown or gray color.
Lips with such cheilitis constantly peel off and become dry. In the process of scraping, the scales are easily removed, and under them a bright red surface of the red border forms, which after a few days is again covered with scales.

Dry exfoliative cheilitis is a fairly long-term disease, not prone to self-healing or remission. Sometimes this form of the disease becomes exudative.
Exudative symptoms
Exudative form of cheilitis is characterized by the development of an inflammatory process on the lips, as well as redness, pain and swelling.
In the zone of the red border (except for the corners of the mouth and adjacent skin), a large number of scales and crusts of yellowish-gray orBrown. They are a continuous layer that stretches from one corner of the mouth to the other.
In some cases, these crusts become so large that they begin to literally hang from the lips. When they are removed, the hyperemic surface of the red border is immediately exposed.
With this form of the disease, patients complain of a burning sensation and pain in the lips when they close, which makes it difficult to eat and talk. In this regard, such people very often keep their mouths open.
Experts call the cause of exudative phenomena an increase in capillary permeability. With conservative treatment, the exudative form can quite easily transform into a dry one.

Treatment methods
Is exfoliative cheilitis treatable? Most experts answer this question in the affirmative. But at the same time, they stipulate that the therapy of such a disease should be combined and differ depending on the form of the disease (dry or exudative).
So where should treatment begin? The impact on the mental state of the patient is not only important, but also a mandatory item in the treatment of exfoliative cheilitis.
To eliminate defects in the psycho-emotional sphere, dentists usually prescribe tranquilizers such as Phenazepam and Sibazon, as well as antipsychotics in the form of Thioridazine.
As you know, people with a dry form of cheilitis often have a depressive state. As a result, they may be assignedantidepressants (for example, "Melipramine" or "Amitriptyline"). It also requires a local effect on sores. To lubricate the affected areas of the lips, creams such as Delight or Spermaceti are used. In addition, various lip balms can be used.
To find out if the development of this disease is associated with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, you need to visit an endocrinologist, as well as pass all the necessary tests.

In order to stop the signs of the exudative form, some experts recommend the use of complex therapy, which includes exposure to borderline rays - "Bucca radiation". Before starting such a session, remove all scales and crusts from the red border of the lips with a solution of boric acid.
It is desirable to combine exposure to rays with drugs that increase the reactivity of the body ("Pyrogenal").
People with exudative cheilitis require at least 3 courses of combined treatment at intervals of 7.5-8 months.
To eliminate all the symptoms of inflammation in this disease, the method of reflexology is also actively used.