Increased salivation - is it a symptom?

Increased salivation - is it a symptom?
Increased salivation - is it a symptom?

Why does excessive salivation (or hypersalivation) require close attention? The fact is that it can be a symptom of serious he alth disorders - from kidney problems to gastrointestinal diseases.

Increased salivation? Sometimes it's okay

increased salivation
increased salivation

The norm for saliva is two milligrams per ten minutes. When a person is he althy, he reacts with an increase in salivation to the smell of food - this is the reaction of taste analyzers located in the oral cavity. The more pleasant the smell, the more the secret is released, the faster the appetite flares up - in this way the gastrointestinal tract tells us that it is ready to receive and process food. The glands work non-stop, as they must moisturize the oral cavity, protect the tongue from drying out, as well as the nasopharynx, tonsils and larynx. About two liters of saliva are produced in the human body per day. During the day, increased salivation is the norm. However, during sleep, dehydration or stress, it decreases.

nausea increased salivation
nausea increased salivation

Increased salivation: what could it mean?

Hypersalivation can be a consequence of taking certain drugs, for examplemuscarine, pilocarpine, physostigmine and others. Oversaturation of the body with iodine, poisoning with pesticides and mercury vapor, myasthenia gravis, auditory neuroma, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, nausea - increased salivation can be triggered by one of these reasons. Any disease associated with disorders of the central nervous system, as a rule, is accompanied by a high secretion. But the most common cause of this disorder is hyperacidity, in which the work of the digestive glands is enhanced. Deviations in the work of the salivary glands are divided into groups: associated with diseases of the oral cavity, with deviations in the work of the central nervous system and with irritation of the vagus nerve. In diseases of the oral cavity, salivation may be increased, since the fight against infections penetrating the body begins even in the mouth - it is better to get rid of this rather than swallow it.

why increased salivation
why increased salivation

Glands can become inflamed and swollen, causing pain. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, salivation is also increased: with gastritis, ulcers, benign tumors, the functions of the liver and pancreas are disrupted, which entails a reflex increase in the work of the glands. Hypersalivation occurs when the vagus nerve is irritated, which is accompanied by nausea or frequent vomiting. Menopausal changes in the female body, pregnancy, the initial stage of Parkinson's disease, trigeminal neuralgia can also provoke increased secretion. Paralysis of the facial muscles, as a rule, is accompanied by involuntary salivation. However, notit is worth worrying about the marks on the pillow: nocturnal hypersalivation is not a deviation or a symptom - it’s just that your body wakes up earlier than you. However, if you are concerned about increased secretion, you should consult a doctor who, after analyzing the fluid, will be able to determine the cause of the disorder.
