The inguinal ligaments are located at the top of the thigh and are closely intertwined with nerves and large blood vessels. Sprain of the inguinal ligaments is accompanied by severe pain and loss of ability to move, as the legs below the ligaments cease to obey the person. Most often, this injury is received by inexperienced athletes who exercise without first preparing the ligaments for the load.
Causes of injury

Inguinal sprain is a fairly common injury and not only in the world of sports. The main reason is the athlete's violation of the technical performance of the exercise. Especially associated with significant loads, for example, lifting a barbell. Often the injury is caused by intense running or jumping.
Another reason is a genetic predisposition to this type of injury, caused by weak hip joints. Diseases that weakenhip joint. It can be: arthrosis, osteoporosis or arthritis.
Inguinal sprains can be caused by inflammation of the soft tissues in the groin and the ligaments themselves. Sometimes, in order to injure the ligaments, it is enough to lunge too deep, slipping or jumping from a height. The only consolation in this case is that the groin sprain is well treated. The main thing is that therapy should start on time, that is, immediately after the injury.
Types of stretches
Inguinal sprains in women and men have varying degrees of severity. Treatment depends on the exact type of injury. It is necessary to determine the degree and severity of the injury in the first minutes after it was received.
With a mild type, a person experiences slight discomfort in the region of the inguinal muscles, but at the same time does not lose the ability to walk and even run.
When the injury is moderate, the resulting pain prevents the person from walking normally. Sometimes a noticeable hematoma occurs in the region of the inguinal muscle with this type of injury.
In a severe form of injury, the victim is not able to move independently, as the pain is very severe. On the skin in the region of the inguinal muscle, hematomas and edema are clearly visible. With such an injury, it is usually not just a sprain, but a rupture.
You need to understand that left without qualified and timely treatment, sprain can become a chronic disease that causes pain with awkward movement for the rest of a person's life.
Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of an inguinal sprain, even in a mild and minor form, are accompanied by pain. It occurs even after the slightest injury, caused, for example, by prolonged squatting, although in this case it occurs somewhat later. Sometimes even the next day.
In general, pain is a mandatory symptom of this type of injury. It can be sharp, strong, weak, pulling, aching. But always only in one place - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inguinal muscle. This greatly simplifies diagnosis.
As a symptom, swelling and bruising in the joints of the thigh with the pelvis are considered. A hematoma indicates that thin blood vessels have burst in the soft tissues. And the stronger the hematoma, the larger these vessels were, which means the stronger the injury.
Sometimes, skin temperature may rise locally at ligament injuries.
And the last sign of injury is the complete inability of the injured person to move independently.
First aid to the victim

The speed and positive dynamics of the recovery of the victim depends on how he was given first aid immediately after the injury. First of all, you need to lay a person on a flat surface and put a kind of pillow under his head.
Then you need to call an ambulance.
After that, you need to free the victim from excess clothing that makes it difficult to examine the wound. If there are no breaks in the skin, then ice should be applied to the affected area orvery cold object. This will reduce swelling, and most importantly, relieve most of the pain.
The damaged ligament must be bandaged with an elastic bandage so that when walking a person does not damage it even more. The patient must use a crutch, cane, or chair to move around. This is necessary to relieve the sore leg as much as possible.
Injury Diagnosis

To clarify the diagnosis and assess the damage, the injured person undergoes a series of diagnostic procedures. In case of a severe injury, an X-ray examination of the hip joint and inguinal ligaments is performed.
Ultrasound equipment allows you to determine the degree of damage to the inguinal vessels and lymph nodes.
Computed tomography can accurately determine the extent of the injury and its severity. Unfortunately, this equipment is not available in every emergency room. Inguinal sprains in men can be accompanied by injuries to the testicles, so they are also examined by a doctor.
Injury treatment
Self-treatment can complicate and worsen the situation. How to treat sprained inguinal ligaments, only the doctor decides. In severe injuries, accompanied by ruptures of tendons and muscles, the treatment is carried out surgically. Subsequently, patients undergo a long course of rehabilitation, designed to re-accustom the muscles to stretching without tearing. This is done with the help of therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.
Injuries other than tears are treated with medication. The patient receivespainkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by a doctor. For the entire duration of the treatment, the leg muscles in the groin area are fixed with a tight bandage that limits mobility.
Topical treatment

Ointments for sprains of the inguinal ligaments are required, but you need to understand that the type of drug is chosen individually, depending on the patient's condition, the severity of the injury and a possible allergic reaction to the components of the remedy. That is why the ointment is prescribed by the doctor after examining the patient.
Possible and local treatment for sprained inguinal ligaments at home. Such therapy usually takes from 5 to 8 days, it simply cannot be longer. After all, medicinal ointments, if used for a long time, can cause complications.
After the end of the course of local treatment, it is necessary to gradually, increasing the load, engage in therapeutic exercises. This will speed up your full recovery and prevent a recurrence of the sprain.

Modern method of treatment - taping can significantly speed up recovery, while maintaining patient mobility. The tape is glued to the skin over the injured ligament, which allows you to significantly relieve the load on the muscles in the area. The main thing is to follow the instructions for applying. One of the main conditions is the complete cleaning of the hair from the skin. Taping is also widely used in the rehabilitation process, after the main course of treatment.
Prognosis for groin injuryligaments positive. But only on condition that the patient complies with all requirements in the course of treatment. He must keep the muscles and ligaments of the groin in complete peace. If bed rest is prescribed, then it should not be neglected. A frivolous attitude to the grass of this nature will certainly end in a complication or its transition to a chronic form. Resuming physical activity after an injury should be gradual and only after complete recovery.
Traditional medicine
The knowledge accumulated by people over many hundreds of years has helped to identify a number of effective folk recipes:
- Turmeric. The powdered agent is stirred in water until a mushy mixture is obtained. Apply to the affected area for 15 minutes 3 times a day.
- It is necessary to take equal proportions of nutmeg, mint and aloe juice. Use the resulting mixture as a compress for the night.
- Tea with lemon balm or valerian will help relieve pain.
Prevention of this type of injury is a simple but necessary process. It is easier to follow a few rules that will protect against dangerous and painful injury.
First of all, before training, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up all the muscles, including the inguinal ones. If the workout lasts 2 hours, then it should take 40-50 minutes to warm up. This is a very important process.

If a person does not move much due to his professional activities, then he needs to go in for sports. In order for the muscles to acquire their former flexibility,drivers, clerks and people with similar professions need to seriously play sports after work. Enough 3-4 days a week for 2 hours. It could be running, cycling or swimming. This is especially important for men, as poor circulation in the pelvic organs caused by a sedentary lifestyle can lead to impotence and infertility.
Proper nutrition is very important. You can not get carried away with fast carbohydrates, fried fatty meat, hot spices, dyes and preservatives. All this leads to obesity and weakening of the body's immune system. In such a situation, a person begins to suffer from a variety of pathologies, which often leads to injuries. Including sprains and tendon ruptures.
To improve well-being, you need to consume more fiber, these are cereals from cereals. It is very he althy to eat raw fruits and vegetables. You can’t refuse meat, but it should be lean and only boiled. Only a varied he althy diet strengthens muscles, bones and ligaments. Mono-diets and veganism weaken the body, as they do not replenish all the necessary substances and trace elements.
You need to visit a doctor at least 2 times a year to identify hidden inflammatory processes in the body. This is especially important in the cold season.
And last but not least - you can not poison your body with nicotine and alcohol. These substances weaken absolutely all human tissues - from the heart muscle, liver and lungs, to the ligaments of blood vessels and bones.