Etiology and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

Etiology and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis
Etiology and symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

Chronic pharyngitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the pharynx, which is characterized by frequent relapses followed by remissions.

Chronic pharyngitis: causes

The etiology of this disease is as follows:

symptoms of chronic pharyngitis
symptoms of chronic pharyngitis

• frequent strep throat or SARS;

• inflammation of the nose, sinuses or tonsils;

• drinking and smoking;

• influence of various chemicals, gases and dusts;

• general hypothermia;

• pathologies of the digestive system (chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis or reflux disease, in which gastric juice enters the throat and irritates its mucous membrane);

• dental caries;

• hormonal disorders, especially with hypothyroidism or menopause;

• Metabolic disorders (such as diathesis or diabetes);

• sinusitis or other lesions of the ENT organs, which are accompanied by the ingestion of pus or other secretory secretions with pathological microorganisms into the throat.

chronic pharyngitis causes
chronic pharyngitis causes

In addition, exacerbation of the disease can be triggered by various intoxications, injuries and even stressful situations that increase the body's susceptibility to any inflammatory pathologies.


The symptoms of chronic pharyngitis depend on its form. If catarrhal pharyngitis develops, then hyperemia and thickening of the pharyngeal mucosa are characteristic. In the hypertrophic form, proliferation of the epithelium is observed, and lymphoid seals also appear. The surface of the mucosa becomes uneven, bright red. Symptoms of chronic pharyngitis may include the appearance of specific ridges - lymphoid structures that occur in the area of \u200b\u200bthe inflammatory reaction. This is typical for the granulosa form of the disease. If there is pallor of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and its shine, thinning of the epithelium and the appearance of a purulent secret of a greenish color, then they speak of atrophic pharyngitis.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in adults and children are not fundamentally different.

The main complaints are as follows:

symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in adults
symptoms of chronic pharyngitis in adults

• sore throat and foreign object sensation;

• dry throat;

• hoarse voice;

• sore throat and discomfort;

• often the symptoms of chronic pharyngitis include an increase in body temperature (subject to an exacerbation of the pathological process);

• the appearance of a mucous secretion, which, as a rule, is expectorated in the morning after sleep.

It would not be superfluous to mention such rather rare symptomschronic pharyngitis like nausea and vomiting. Of course, not everyone has them, but they still occur.


In most cases, therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis. For recovery, it is important to eliminate provoking factors that can irritate the pharyngeal mucosa, as well as treat other chronic diseases that can provoke a relapse.

Highly effective is local treatment, which includes gargling, irrigation of the mucosa with antiseptics and inhalation. For rinsing, you can use a warm isotonic solution, Miramistin, Octenisept, chamomile decoction. For inhalation, take an infusion of calendula, oak bark or sage. The back wall of the pharynx, as a rule, is lubricated with a solution of protargol or Lugol. It is useful to dissolve the antiseptic tablets Strepsils, Faringosept or Septefril.

chronic pharyngitis causes
chronic pharyngitis causes

Complex treatment also includes cryo- and galvanotherapy, laser coagulation and cauterization of Vagotil granules. With atrophic pharyngitis, it is useful to irrigate the pharynx with mineral waters. In severe cases of the disease, novocaine blockades are used, which are combined with the introduction of aloe and the vitreous body. In addition, with chronic pharyngitis, spa treatment in areas with a warm and humid climate is useful.
