The red throat, the photo of which is posted in this article, indicates the presence of an infection in the body. Moreover, the latter is capable of affecting human organs, including the lungs and bronchi at any stage of development. If such a violation brings discomfort to the patient, then it is necessary to consult a doctor so that the disease does not become purulent or become chronic. In the treatment, you can use all the following medical products with the permission of a doctor.
To rinse the red throat, you can use the "Iodinol" remedy. In order to make a solution, you need to use 250 ml of water. It must be boiled and at room temperature. 15 ml of the substance should be added there. You need to gargle until all the solution is used up. At the same time, it should be kept in the mouth for at least 15 seconds. It is forbidden to swallow the solution and use it in too large dosages, asthe larynx may become irritated. This procedure should be carried out at least three times a day. The course of treatment at this rate is 5 days. After you need to use regular soda or s alt.

The second good remedy that will cure the red throat is Furacilin. As a rule, this drug is sold in sachets. All of them have 2 g of the substance. Each pack is for one dose. About three pieces should be used per day. Dissolve the powder in boiled water. Its temperature should not be below room temperature. Thanks to this, the larynx will not be irritated, and the solution will act as efficiently as possible. It is necessary to use 2 g per 300 ml of water at a time. This drug has a strong bitter taste, but it will be effective even if the disease is already at the stage of severe purulent tonsillitis. The course of therapy is no more than a week.
It should be noted that the above drugs are strong and show the effectiveness of their work on the first day. Therefore, if relief does not come by the end of the course, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to change the appointment or adjust the dose.
Greasing the throat
Chlorophyllipt must be used to treat red throat. It is a natural preparation that allows you to rinse or lubricate the cavity. It should be applied to the inflamed mucous membrane. There is no need to dilute the product, as it is non-toxic and gives quick results.

In order to apply this preparation to the throat, you must use a cotton swab. You should open your mouth wide and lubricate the entire inflamed surface. It is necessary to process the throat at least 3 times a day. The course consists of 6 days. If there is severe pain or suppuration, then it is necessary to repeat this procedure up to 5 times. The course in this case increases to 10 days. It can also be used during pregnancy.
Lugol for lubrication
The second good remedy for lubricating the red throat is Lugol. It is necessary to wet an ordinary cotton swab or cotton wool fixed on tweezers with this spray. All diseased areas should be treated. Such manipulations should be carried out up to 6 times a day. The course consists of 7 days. If the doctor allows, you can reduce the period by 3 days. Wash your hands after using this drug to avoid getting the drug in your eyes or on sore skin.

It should be noted that the described means are quite effective. The result appears in the first two days. If, after three days after the start of using these funds, there is no effect, as well as deterioration, then the treatment should be corrected.
Irrigation sprays
Thinking about how to treat a red throat, you need to pay attention to sprays. A good remedy is Ingalipt. This product contains essential oils. They relieve redness, and also anesthetize the mucous surface. In addition, this spray also disinfects the cavity.mouth. As a rule, it is prescribed along with other means. Experts say that this medicine should be used only at bedtime, but with severe pain, you can use it about 4 times a day. When irrigating the mucous membrane, it is necessary to open the mouth wide and place the dispenser so that it does not touch the cavity. Two injections should be done at a time. It is necessary to use the medicine for no more than 5 days in a row.
Power Spray
Another great remedy is called "Pharingospray". In the treatment of red throat, as a rule, it is prescribed to everyone. This aerosol is quite powerful, you can use it 3 times a day. In addition, it is prescribed for combination therapy in order to get the result as quickly as possible. As in the above case, when irrigating the cavity, the dispenser should not be allowed to touch the mucous membrane. With one dose, two injections should be made. If you want to use this remedy during pregnancy, then you need to check with your doctor. However, as a rule, Faringospray is used only from the second trimester and only at night. In this case, the medicine is prescribed if the pregnant woman really has serious indications for this.

It should be noted that when using aerosols, you do not need to inhale in order not to provoke bronchospasm. As a rule, with a sore throat, this condition is fatal.
Throat pills
Thinking about what to do with a red throat, you need to turnattention to the pills. They are meant to be absorbed. A good remedy is Faringosept. It contains ambazon, thanks to which the inflammation is cured very quickly. In addition, this drug disinfects the oral cavity and completely relieves pain. For 12 hours, the patient must take at least 7 tablets, but you can reduce the dosage if you feel normal. "Faringosept" goes well with aerosols and sprays, as well as rinsing and antibiotics. That is why it is prescribed in combination therapy.
Additional funds
Another great remedy that allows you to cure sore throat is Grammidin. This drug consists of an anesthetic and some other substances. That is why the pain is removed already at the first dose. Adults are prescribed 2 lozenges at least 4 times a day. The minimum course is 1 week, after which this drug must be canceled. These pills should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Thinking about how to treat a red throat in a child, you need to pay attention to the wonderful remedy called Strepsils. It perfectly removes pain syndrome, and also disinfects the oral cavity. It is forbidden to drink more than eight lozenges per day, the therapy lasts strictly 4 days. Do not use this drug during pregnancy.
If the above remedies do not help, then doctors prescribe antibiotics. A good medicine is Ospamox. Thethe drug is suitable in order to completely eliminate the symptoms of red throat. Adults are prescribed up to 3 g per day. This amount must be divided into three doses, the drug should be taken after meals. The maximum course is 10 days, but when compiling therapy, the patient's history must be taken into account.

Another good antibiotic is Amoxicillin. This drug should be taken after meals with a small amount of water. Adult patients are prescribed up to 500 mg of the drug two or three times a day. The duration of therapy should be more than 5 days, but not less than 10. It is advisable when using this drug to additionally take drugs that have a good effect on the stomach.