Dry throat, thirst, itching, burning, squeezing lump, swelling of the submandibular glands, heartburn and belching - all this can cause a lump in the throat and be the cause of many diseases. In order to make a correct diagnosis and establish the cause of the appearance of pain in the throat of a pressing nature, it is necessary to consult a whole group of specialized specialists. The initial stage of finding out the reasons is associated with a visit to the ENT doctor. If this pathology is not associated with the throat, nose and ears, the doctor will give a referral for a consultation with other specialists. In rare cases, it is worth diagnosing with the help of ultrasound, a CT or MRI. The type of diagnosis will be determined by the doctor.
If none of the specialists found a pathology in their area, the tests and diagnostics did not reveal any deviations from the norm, then the feeling that something is pressing in the throat may be purely psychosomatic in nature. In this case, you need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist. It is worth considering in more detail what to do if it presses in the throat, the causes and symptoms of thisdiseases.

Diseases of ENT organs
The most common cause of a pressing lump in the throat may be a disease of the ENT organs. In this case, a person may feel pain when swallowing, perspiration, sensation of a foreign body, discomfort in the throat area. These diseases can be:
- laryngitis;
- tonsillitis;
- pharyngitis.
If you suspect one of these diseases, you should immediately consult a doctor, as self-treatment does not make any sense, and can lead to deterioration.
Emotional factor
An emotional factor can also act as a throat irritant. Any specialist should deal with this issue before identifying the diagnosis. If the internal organs are he althy, then this unpleasant sensation can occur on a nervous basis. With the onset of stress, danger or shock, the throat can hurt and crush. The condition will occur periodically and pass on its own as soon as the stressful situation passes. There may be worse developments. For example, the occurrence of panic attacks. In this case, a person has a rapid heartbeat and rapid pulse, it is difficult to breathe and presses the throat. The latter state may be present for quite a long time, and the patient has a fear of death. These cases require special treatment, and the doctor should deal directly with the treatment.

The cause of the disease may be inflammation in the throat. It may be small andbegin with a sore throat, and can lead to acute tonsillitis. If you feel severe suffocation, squeezing, then you should immediately go to the clinic, since swelling of the tissues leads to the development of asphyxia. With sore throat, you can immediately gargle with soda. This method is prescribed by many doctors, since soda is an excellent antiseptic and copes with angina at the initial stage better than other means. In this case, the use of antibiotics that poison the body is not required. But be extremely careful, if you are not sure of the diagnosis, it is better to visit a specialist.
Tumor diseases
A pressure sensation in the throat can be caused by a swelling in the throat. Such a disease must be urgently detected at the initial stage, since the tumor can be not only benign, but also malignant. When a tumor is present, the patient exhibits a number of symptoms such as:
- quick fatigue when talking;
- presence of shortness of breath or a state of suffocation;
- appearance of pain in the ears;
- hoarse voice;
- pain when eating;
- bad breath;
- hemoptysis.
These symptoms can be present both in complex and singly. Sometimes a separate symptom may be the presence of asphyxia. In any case, treatment by a specialist is simply necessary, because any situation can and should be cured.

Thyroid dysfunction
With a lack of iodine in the body, thyroid dysfunction appears. As a rule, it increases in size, in humansthe swallowing function is disturbed, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, I want to constantly swallow. A visible disturbance is protrusion of the eyes and loss of body weight. This pathology is called Basedow's disease. When it is detected, the doctor prescribes tests and ultrasound. If the throat is pressed in the region of the Adam's apple, then the treatment requires time for recovery, it is quite possible to completely recover from this disease.
Another reason may be a violation in the cervical-shoulder skeleton. If there is a lump in the throat and pressure in the sternum, as well as pain in the back and head, we can talk about the first signs of the disease. Osteochondrosis is almost impossible to determine on its own, since it has very different symptoms. Treatment of this disease is carried out with medication and with the use of physical activity, which is prescribed by the doctor. A set of exercises is individually selected for each patient. And the presence of a lump in the throat is just a symptom that can determine osteochondrosis.

Many people have repeatedly felt that they are pressing in the throat area, this phenomenon brings special discomfort. By itself, this condition does not pose a particular he alth hazard. However, in some cases, this unpleasant feeling may indicate the presence of a serious disease of the thyroid gland or throat. In order not to put he althier at risk, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between an accidental manifestation and an alarm signal about a possible illness. But first you need to figure out if there is anysymptoms of this problem or not. Possible manifestations:
- Feeling tight after eating.
- The presence of burning and sore throat.
- Difficulty breathing.
- Feeling bad taste.
- Increased sweating and pressure, in some cases chills.
- Nausea and gastrointestinal upset.
- Pulsating pains in the head.
If you have several symptoms, you should seriously think about the possible causes of its appearance and seek advice from a highly qualified specialist. You should not postpone a visit to the doctor, because only timely treatment will help diagnose a possible disease.
If it presses on the neck and throat, then there can be many reasons. You can try to differentiate your own feelings on your own, but only a doctor is able to establish the final diagnosis and determine the treatment. In order to eliminate life-threatening pathologies, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
First of all, you need to see a therapist. After the examination, the doctor is able to send for an auxiliary study to an otolaryngologist, endocrinologist, vertebrologist or neuropathologist. If necessary, consultation of other medical professionals, for example, a gastroenterologist, may be recommended. A lump in the throat is considered a sign of numerous diseases, and in order to receive the correct and appropriate treatment, it is very important to establish the correct diagnosis. Diagnostic methods:
- Complete blood count.
- Complete urinalysis.
- If necessary, a biochemical blood test.
- Examination of the neck area, cervical lymph nodes, thyroid gland.
- Examination of the cavity, root of the tongue, palatine tonsils (oropharyngoscopy).
- Examination of the throat, epiglottis, vocal and vestibular cords, subglottis, piriform sinuses (indirect laryngoscopy).
- Thyroid ultrasound, test for thyroid hormones.
- X-ray of the cervical spine.
- CT, MRI cervical spine.

Treatment of psychosomatic pathologies
In 95% of cases of all complaints, squeezing in the throat can be caused by neurosis, stress. This is how the human nervous system reacts, a spasm of the neck muscles appears, which can be accompanied by belching, burning, heartburn, itching, pain and dryness in the throat. After a carefully studied condition, the doctor prescribes treatment for the root cause of the disease. If the throat is pressed in a psycho-emotional state, then drugs with a sedative effect are prescribed. Tinctures or tablets based on motherwort, valerian, various relaxing and soothing preparations, St. John's wort, mint and others are used. In the complex there is an occupational therapy of a calming nature, in severe cases, the patient needs medical assistance. Taking medications such as Nervo-VIT, Novopassit, Grandaxin, Apitonus-P. Herbal medicine and medication will be more effective if the patient will carry out a special treatment together with them.gymnastics, leading to relaxation of the muscles of the neck and relieving spasm in the throat.
With nervous disorders, remedies based on the following herbs help:
- motherwort;
- valerian;
- chamomile;
- St. John's wort.
Any illnesses can appear from nerves and stressful situations, in which most often a person drives himself. If you adhere to a he althy lifestyle, then you will not be afraid of any problems with the throat and other organs.
Calming gymnastics
Inhale and exhale several times into the bag. At the same time, try to breathe with your stomach. That is, to strain the abdominal muscles more, and not the throat. Repeat the exercise five to six times with an interval for rest of five to ten minutes. This exercise allows you to eliminate the tone of the muscles of the neck, has a calming effect.
The impact of lifestyle on pathology
The best cure for disease is prevention! And this is no secret to anyone. To prevent serious consequences, you need to regularly perform several activities:
- Timely treat the symptoms of ENT diseases.
- Do not inhale poisonous substances.
- Timely treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Rinse your nose and mouth regularly with baking soda or s alt.
- Treat thyroid disease promptly.
- Do sports.
- Ventilate the rooms you are in at least once a day.
- Take outdoor walks.
- Eat a balanced diet. You need to enrich your dietfresh fruits and vegetables.
- Don't strain your vocal cords.
A lump in the throat may not always be the cause of a serious illness. It can also be a side effect that comes from the wrong lifestyle, which needs to be balanced and filled with the right habits. The most important thing is not to wind yourself up in advance. If you suffer from somatic pathology, then it is generally contraindicated for you to be nervous and worried. In this case, you need:
- drink soothing drinks, herbal teas;
- add iodine-rich foods to your diet;
- do soothing treatments like massages, baths, yoga, etc.
- pay attention to sleep, develop the habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time.
Treatment of causes that cause pathology
In cases where the causes of a feeling of squeezing in the throat are problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, then the treatment of the disease should be fully aimed at eliminating the root cause. That is, therapy involves the elimination of malfunctions of the thyroid gland. Drugs such as Endocrinol, Iodine Active can help. More severe cases require complex diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
If it presses in the throat due to problems in the neck and cervical spine, then anti-inflammatory, painkillers are used ("Diclofenac", "Ketanov", "Etodin Fort") and plus manual, laser and reflex therapy.
Crushing in the throat due to problems in the esophagus? Then the patientspecial drugs are prescribed for the treatment of the digestive system ("Creon", "Rennie", "Gastal"), plus a diet. If it presses in the throat due to a hernia of the esophagus, then the main treatment and relief of the disease is a surgical operation to remove the hernia. This is the only way to get rid of the problem.
Presses in the throat due to diseases of the ENT organs, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics ("Amicacin", "Gentamicin") or other drugs, as well as gargling with herbal infusions, a solution of furacilin or soda. This will kill the infection, thereby relieving the patient of problems of squeezing in the throat. In severe cases, surgery is indicated.
Pressing in the throat can be due to malignant and benign neoplasms. The main treatment in this case is radiation or chemotherapy. In severe cases, surgery is performed to remove the tumor. In the meantime, the reason for which it presses in the throat has not been determined, it is recommended:
- change lifestyle;
- give up bad habits;
- include more natural foods, vegetables and fruits in your diet;
- diet;
- drink soothing teas and decoctions;
- perform a relaxing massage.
This will help relax your neck muscles and possibly get rid of a lump in your throat forever. The treatment regimen is determined by the results of the data obtained from the diagnostics and studies.
Treatment for lymphadenitis:
- UHF therapy.
- Therapy of the focus of infection (i.e., autopsyabscesses, opening of purulent streaks).
- Antibiotic therapy is also provided.
Surgical treatment. That is, surgical removal of the focus of infection, followed by the use of drug therapy:
"Tubazid"; "Streptomycin" in combination with PAS; "Ethionamide"; "Pyrazinamide"; "Protionamide"; "Ethambutol".
Full course of treatment from 8 to 15 months in the hospital, during treatment, an antibiotic is injected into the affected lymph node, a bandage soaked in anti-inflammatory drugs is applied over the lymph node.

In cases where purulent lymphadenitis is pronounced, it is difficult, then in this case the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics:
- "Penicillin";
- "Augmentin";
- "Amoxicillin";
- "Amoxiclav";
- "Amoxiclad";
- "Cirolet";
- "Azithromycin";
- "Cifran";
- "Biseptol".
The prognosis for the treatment of lymphadenitis is generally favorable. The main thing is to prevent the transition to purulent infection of the whole organism.

There are only 10 simple rules you need to follow that can avoid the feeling of squeezing in the throat:
- See a doctor at the first symptoms of ENT diseases. For an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment, it is also necessaryexpert advice.
- Observe safety precautions when working with toxic substances.
- Monitor the level of humidity in the room. To do this, you can purchase a special humidifier or carry out wet cleaning.
- Regularly visit a therapist and an otolaryngologist so as not to miss important changes in the body and, if necessary, start treatment on time.
- Walk for at least 40 minutes a day, do 15 minutes of light exercise a day, stay active if possible.
- Protect the throat from exposure to very hot and cold food or drinks.
- Observe the basics of proper nutrition and monitor the normal state of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Stop smoking as nicotine smoke can cause itching, coughing and other discomfort in the throat.
- Tune in to the optimal daily routine, this will help minimize stress levels and, as a result, support immunity.
- Pay attention to oral hygiene in the morning and evening to prevent the growth of bacteria.