The temperature during poisoning rises quite often. However, sometimes intoxication passes without this symptom. It depends on specific factors, not always elevated thermometer readings against the background of intoxication are a cause for alarm and require the use of antipyretic drugs. Body temperature is an indicator of the thermal state of the body. Even in a he althy person, temperature indicators can fluctuate insignificantly during the day. Temperature fluctuations from 35.5 to 37 degrees are considered the norm.
But why does the temperature in case of poisoning in an adult and a child still sometimes rise? Let's figure it out.

Mechanism of fever development
Most often, intoxication is accompanied by such a phenomenon as an increase in body temperature. When it comes to food poisoning, the cause of the fever is toxins produced by harmful microorganisms. These are, as a rule, foreign protein substances, an increased amount of which leads toincrease in temperature during poisoning. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the intestines with poor-quality food.
Chemical poisoning
Poisoning from chemicals or natural poisons also leads in some cases to fever. At the same time, the body's defense system begins to fight against the pathogens of intoxication. Against this background, there are violations in the operation of various systems, which subsequently leads to an increase in temperature.
Rarely, but still possible psychosomatic factor in relation to fever on the background of poisoning. A person inspires himself that against the background of poor he alth, the temperature should rise in case of poisoning, which happens in the end.

Causes of fever in case of poisoning
Adults and children have disturbances in the functioning of the body, which lead to the development of diseases accompanied by fever in case of poisoning. These pathologies include:
1. Acute gastritis. With this pathology, inflammation of the gastric mucosa occurs. The inflammatory process is a response to the irritating effect of toxins and various aggressive chemicals on the body. Gastritis is manifested by nausea and severe pain in the stomach. Sometimes there is vomiting. The temperature rarely exceeds 37.5 degrees.
2. Infectious bowel diseases such as salmonellosis, dysentery, etc. They are also accompanied by an inflammatory process, but this time in the intestines. Under the influence of pathogenic microorganismsthere is a general intoxication. They enter the body with poor-quality products or dirt, for example, when eating unwashed fruits. In this case, temperatures can reach 38 degrees. This is a normal response of the body to a bacterial infection and means that the person's immunity is working as it should.
3. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process in the pancreas, which is the first to react to the poisoning of the body. The acute form of the disease is manifested by severe girdle pain in the abdomen. In addition, purple spots appear around the navel. The heat can reach 38.5-39.5 degrees. Treatment of pancreatitis is possible only with surgical methods.
4. Dehydration is the result of profuse and prolonged diarrhea or vomiting. A drop in the level of fluid in the body to critical levels indicates severe poisoning. Symptoms of dehydration can be severe weakness, retraction of the eyeballs, dry and sagging skin. In addition, blood thickens, which leads to malfunctions in the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems.

Temperature in case of poisoning in an adult and a child indicates serious intoxication. In this case, the causes that caused it, as well as the possible consequences, are dangerous.
Fever Complications
The appearance of complications due to high temperature depends on the duration of this phenomenon and on the degree of its severity. The main danger of fever is a systemic disruption of the functioning of the whole organism, namely:
1. Heart and blood vessels: increased heart rate, vasospasm, increased blood pressure.
2. Respiratory organs: increased inhalation and exhalation, their superficial nature.
3. Nervous system: feeling of weakness, drowsiness, headaches, development of seizures in children.
4. Digestion: decreased or lost appetite, dry mouth, constipation.
5. Metabolism: the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates prevails over synthesis.
6. Hematopoiesis: the appearance of ketone bodies, which are an indicator of metabolic disorders.
7. Organs of the urinary system: against the background of a failure in the water-electrolyte balance, there is an increased urge to urinate. Later, sodium builds up and urine production decreases.
8. Vitamin deficiency occurs as a result of the destruction of nutrients.
Next, let's talk about what types of temperature are after poisoning.

Depending on the cause of intoxication, several types of temperature are distinguished:
1. Botulism is accompanied by a slight increase, which persists with a mild, erased or non-specific course.
2. Subfebrile fluctuates around 37-38 degrees.
3. Moderate is the temperature in case of poisoning at 38-39 degrees. Most common.
4. High - up to 40 degrees.
5. Hyperpyretic - reaching 41 degrees.
If the temperature is below normal, it is calledhypothermia. The thermometer in this state does not exceed 36 degrees. Hypothermia can be caused by:
1. Alcohol poisoning.
2. Intoxication with chemicals, poisons, toxins.
3. Drug poisoning.
4. Vitamin C deficiency.

Hypothermia is accompanied by weakness, dizziness and drowsiness, as well as pallor and cold sweat, numbness of the hands and feet, tremor of the fingers, etc.
But most often there is a fever with poisoning and vomiting with diarrhea.
Hyperthermia is a reaction of the body and its way of dealing with toxins. Moreover, an increase in indicators above 38 degrees indicates poisoning of an infectious origin. Thus, the body tries to get rid of harmful microorganisms. With bacterial poisoning, the temperature can rise to 40 degrees. This situation is possible in the following situations:
- Intoxication of microbial origin.
- Poisoning by natural and artificial poisons.
Rising the temperature to high levels is a contradictory phenomenon for the body. On the one hand, it plays an important role in the process of combating infectious agents. However, along with this, such a condition is dangerous, especially in childhood.
If a person has poisoning, diarrhea, fever, vomiting, he needs immediate help.
Actions when the temperature rises
The main thing not to do whenrise in temperature - to succumb to panic. Fever is a symptom, not an independent disease. Therefore, first of all, you should find out the cause of the fever. If the factor that provoked the fever was poisoning, then first of all, detoxification measures should be taken, consisting in washing the stomach, taking enterosorbents, laxatives and establishing a drinking regime.
What to do with the temperature in case of poisoning is interesting to many.
Should bring down the temperature?
The main question that arises for everyone is whether it is necessary to bring down the high temperature. If we are not talking about critical indicators, then you should not rush to lower the temperature. With hyperthermia, the body produces interferon, which has a detrimental effect on infectious agents. Therefore, do not interfere with natural processes. The fever will subside on its own when the causes of poisoning are eliminated.
In an adult or child older than three years, with indicators below 38.5 degrees, it is not necessary to bring down the heat. If the temperature rises more, it is advisable to use antipyretic drugs. Children under three years old need to bring down the temperature starting from 37.7 degrees, especially with a tendency to convulsions.
Hospitalization may be required in the following cases:
1. Readings above 38-39 degrees do not decrease for several days.
2. Convulsive syndrome.
3. Severe condition of the patient.
4. Persistent diarrhea and vomiting.
5. Drowsiness and shortness of breath.
6. Soreness in the areastomach.
7. Oppressed consciousness.
In these cases, the patient requires inpatient treatment.
When the temperature is kept at high levels during poisoning, folk recipes can help.

Treatment with folk methods
If a person feels satisfactory at a temperature above 38.5 degrees, then you should not rush to take antipyretics. Various methods of traditional medicine can alleviate the condition. However, it should be remembered that all these methods reduce the temperature, and do not eliminate the cause of its occurrence. They should only be adjuncts, not primary therapeutic methods.
The following methods will help to alleviate the patient's condition and bring down the temperature a little in case of food poisoning:
1. Body cooling. It can be carried out by wrapping in a wet cloth, rubbing the neck and temples with a piece of ice, compresses on the forehead, etc. It will not be possible to bring down the temperature to normal in this way.
2. Decoctions with the effect of reducing heat. They can be prepared from linden, willow bark, poplar buds, strawberry leaves, etc. All these herbs have antibacterial, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
3. Plentiful drink. This is a versatile remedy for reducing fever. You can drink various teas, including chamomile and calendula-based. Dill water with honey also copes well with heat, but is not suitable for allergy sufferers.
In childhood, hyperthermia is tolerated worse, but undermost drugs are banned. Therefore, the traditional medicine methods listed above can become a panacea. In doing so, remember the following rules:
1. You can not wrap a child.
2. It is necessary to put the child to bed undressed, covering with a thin blanket or sheet.
3. Hands and feet need to be warm.
4. Make sure your child is drinking plenty of fluids.
5. Make a water enema.
Medicated treatment
Take antipyretic drugs only when the thermometer readings exceed 38.5 degrees. It should be clearly understood that taking such medicines will only temporarily relieve the fever and alleviate the patient's condition. First of all, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause of poisoning.

The most common fever reducers are paracetamol and ibuprofen. On their basis, quite a lot of drugs are made, including for children. Preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid and amidopyrine are contraindicated in childhood. In case of poisoning in childhood, you should opt for antipyretic drugs in the form of rectal suppositories.
High temperature can persist in case of poisoning for several days or a week. However, there are cases of severe intoxication, when the fever does not subside for up to a month. It should be borne in mind that the fever will not subside until all toxic substances are removed from the body.