Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention

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Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention
Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention

Video: Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention

Video: Follicular tonsillitis in a child: treatment and prevention
Video: Infectious Diseases Overview, Animation 2025, January

One of the most common problems at an early age is follicular angina. In a child, the treatment of this type of infectious disease in most cases is stable, but this does not negate the fact that the symptoms in this condition are quite painful.

The essence of the disease

When a sore throat develops, and besides, in a follicular form, the following unpleasant manifestations make themselves felt: tonsils, they are also palatine tonsils, increase, and purulent follicles form on their surface.

follicular tonsillitis in a child treatment
follicular tonsillitis in a child treatment

The key function of the tonsils is to thoroughly filter all possible threats that can enter the body. But with an abundance of pathogenic bacteria, the palatine tonsils begin to become inflamed, as they do not have time to block all pathogens. A similar process is initially accompanied by symptoms of a common cold. These include fever, sore throat and chills. But after that, more serious consequences are possible.

When follicular tonsillitis appears in a child, treatment is a necessary measure, since the body, as a rule, cannot cope with this form of the disease on its owncapable.

Reason for development

The main causative agent of this disease is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. Such a diagnosis is most often made in those periods when the body is most vulnerable, for example, with seasonal beriberi. It is also worth considering the fact that protective functions can be reduced due to the use of certain drugs. As for the infection process itself, in most cases, the bacteria enter the child's body from another carrier.

treatment of follicular tonsillitis in children
treatment of follicular tonsillitis in children

Sometimes parents prefer to treat children with purulent tonsillitis at home, and if the fight against the disease is not organized correctly, then bacteria will remain in the child's body. Moreover, such a result can be in the absence of visible symptoms after home treatment. And even if folk remedies have helped to achieve visible improvements, without antibiotics there is still a chance for residual exposure to bacteria. For this reason, the treatment of follicular tonsillitis in children should not be reduced solely to traditional medicine.

Trying to protect the child from infection, it is worth considering the fact that one of the parents can be the carrier of the bacteria, so adults need to carefully monitor their condition.

Features of the development of the disease

In order to realize the seriousness of the problem, you need to silently delve into the essence of the destructive processes of which it consists.

Initially, it is worth noting that with angina of the follicular type, in addition to the mucous membrane, the follicles that form the internal tissue are also affectedtonsils.

follicular tonsillitis in a child 4 years old treatment
follicular tonsillitis in a child 4 years old treatment

The next stage in the development of the disease is the fusion of several purulent follicles into an abscess. At the same time, if you pay attention to the patient's tonsil, you will notice yellow spots scattered over its entire surface.

The abscesses described above open up approximately three days after the onset of the inflammatory process. The erosion left after them heals quickly. Then there is a decrease in temperature, although in some cases it may persist for a while.

It is worth knowing that abscesses can appear on both tonsils, and on one of them.


Timely treatment of follicular tonsillitis in children is possible only if the parents quickly recognize the problem. For this reason, it makes sense to pay attention to the symptoms of this disease.

Key signs of the impact of purulent tonsillitis are as follows:

- chills and fever appear;

sore throat follicular treatment in a child 2 years old
sore throat follicular treatment in a child 2 years old

- a sharp pain in the throat makes itself felt, which becomes stronger when you try to swallow;

- sweat is released;

- disturbed sleep;

- ache in the joints and pain in the heart;

- there is a breakdown;

- a headache radiates to the ear;

- the timbre of the voice changes - monotony and nasality become noticeable;

- makes itself felt intoxication of the body: clouding of consciousness andnausea.

Special attention should be paid to intoxication, because with follicular angina this process is very pronounced.

If the disease becomes severe, the child may experience diarrhea, loss of appetite, drowsiness and convulsions. It is important to understand that it is in the first days of the disease that the symptoms will be most pronounced. Obviously, you should not rely on self-restoration of the body with such a problem as follicular tonsillitis in children. The symptoms and treatment of this disease should be evaluated and carried out with the participation of medical professionals.


Parents should understand that timely treatment of purulent tonsillitis is extremely important, since the disease can intensify, and this, in turn, will lead to new problems.

To be more specific, when the tonsils become inflamed, there is a risk of their serious damage if the disease drags on. There is every reason to expect such consequences after 5-6 days of the onset of symptoms characteristic of this disease.

The following processes can be identified as complications, which have a significant destructive effect:

- streptococcal meningitis;

- rheumatism and arthritis;

follicular tonsillitis in children treatment at home Komarovsky
follicular tonsillitis in children treatment at home Komarovsky

- infectious shock;

- sepsis;

- Leinier's syndrome.

Given what a child can experience with delayed treatment, parents should call a doctor at the first hint of purulent sore throat.


After thathow the diagnosis was made, the duration of the course of the disease largely depends on the chosen method of counteracting the inflammatory process. Moreover, when doctors fix follicular tonsillitis in a child, treatment is reduced mainly to the use of antibiotics. At the moment, this is the most effective way to neutralize the inflammation of the tonsils.

For a quick and complete recovery of a child, not only the use of antibiotics is necessary, but also an integrated approach to treatment as such.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the temperature: if it rises to 38 ° C, then you need to call a doctor. This reaction is also relevant for other signs of angina.

If it so happened that the doctor cannot arrive during the day, it's time to remember about home methods to combat inflammation of the tonsils. These are the following measures:

- you need to periodically ventilate the room;

- limit active games and provide the child with bed rest;

- food, including cereals and soups, must be chopped (it is better to use a blender) and in general, transfer food to a homogeneous diet mode;

follicular tonsillitis in a child 3 years old treatment
follicular tonsillitis in a child 3 years old treatment

- an abundant drinking regimen is also important.

These principles, by the way, correspond to the recommendations that are voiced under the topic: "Follicular tonsillitis in children, home treatment" Komarovsky, a doctor who is popular with many parents. He also emphasizes the participation of the doctor, since no one without the necessary qualifications will be able to correctly selectnecessary complex of medicines.

How to prevent dehydration

After the inflammation process has begun, the child may not want to take the required amount of liquid. At the same time, giving him only water would not be a very good idea. In the event that it becomes obvious that follicular tonsillitis has begun in a child, treatment before medical examination should include the use of herbal decoctions. It can be coltsfoot, rosehip, oregano, chamomile or hawthorn tea. Such decoctions prevent intoxication of the child's body.

Don't forget about alkaline drinking, which will reduce the degree of pain and irritation in the throat. Mineral water without gas is perfect for these purposes. But hot drinks with follicular sore throat should be banned, as they can damage the mucous membrane of the tonsils.


After many years of studying the problem of follicular angina in children, treatment at home is now defined as an auxiliary measure. The most effective is still the use of antibiotics.

Purulent acute tonsillitis is a consequence of exposure to an infection related to streptococcal group A. In this case, the cephalosporin series of antibiotics will be relevant. Also, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines and vitamins B, C and anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is important to understand that it is almost impossible to provide complete treatment for purulent sore throat without antibiotics.

follicular tonsillitis in children treatment with antibiotics
follicular tonsillitis in children treatment with antibiotics

Every yearThe list of recommended drugs is expanding. But if we talk about the most popular, then it is worth mentioning Cefotiam, Benzpenicillin, Clarithromycin, Cefazolin, Sumaded, Erythromycin, Azithromycin and others. For topical application, the Bioparox spray, which has broad-spectrum antibacterial properties, is quite suitable.

If angina follicularis was diagnosed, treatment in a child (2 years and older) should be continuous and must include a course of antibiotics. It is important to follow this rule, since the infection is able to develop resistance to drugs in a short time. If you interrupt key healing processes and continue them later, the disease can not only remain, but also become more severe.


When the first signs of purulent tonsillitis appear and, as a result, the temperature rises, you need to use drugs that have an antipyretic effect.

One of these funds is children's "Nurofen". A good result can give the use of candles "Cefekton" and other similar drugs. But as for "Aspirin", it is not recommended to give it to children. The only condition under which this medicine can be prescribed is the suspicion of a possible tendency of the child to rheumatism. Sometimes it is also used in the development of purulent tonsillitis.

If the temperature has not reached the level of 38 ° C, then you should not resort to the active use of antipyretics. Instead, it's best to let the child's body overcome the heat on its own. It is worth remembering that large doses of drugscan lead to side effects of the latter, which, most likely, will negatively affect the work of the digestive tract.

When follicular tonsillitis is fixed in children, treatment (antibiotics, antipyretics, etc.) should be regulated by a qualified doctor without any initiative.

Features of local treatment

Continuing the theme of the impact on such a difficult disease as inflammation of the tonsils, it is important to pay attention to the use of local drugs. Without this item, treatment cannot be considered complete.

follicular tonsillitis photo in children treatment
follicular tonsillitis photo in children treatment

This means that you will have to gargle the child's throat with special solutions, carefully controlling the process itself. There are situations when rinsing is a contraindicated measure, in which case it is worth irrigating the oropharynx with a douche. After the process is completed, the child should spit out the remaining liquid.

By the way, when follicular tonsillitis appears in a child (3 years old), treatment should begin only after professional diagnosis, since the signs of inflammation of the tonsils at this age are very similar to the symptoms of mononucleosis.

Returning to the topic of local treatment, it is worth highlighting the most common options for topical solutions:

- "Chlorhexidine";

- beet juice;

- solution of soda and s alt (one teaspoon per glass of water);

- Furacilin tablet diluted in water (100 ml);

- infusions of oak bark, sage and chamomile.

The list of drugs expands slightly when it comes to preschoolage. Follicular sore throat in a child (4 years old) treatment implies the following: the above medications plus aerosols for irrigation of the throat (Gexoral, Miramistin, Bioparox) and lozenges (Antiangin, Septefril, Septolete and etc.).


So, based on the above information, we can draw an obvious conclusion: purulent inflammation of the tonsils in a child is more than a serious problem. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent the spread of infection, especially if there are several children in the family. You need to be aware of how you can avoid the recurrence of this disease.

follicular tonsillitis in children treatment at home
follicular tonsillitis in children treatment at home

For effective prevention of the disease, it is necessary to limit the contact of the patient with other family members. To do this, you will need to provide the child with separate bedding (having disinfected it before) and provide him with his own dishes.

To avoid the occurrence or re-development of the disease will help constant oral care. We are talking about the timely treatment of colds, accompanied by inflammation in the throat. If there are suspicions of caries, treatment should also not be delayed. In addition, it makes sense to organize hardening procedures for children, but only after consulting with specialists.


Given the seriousness of the problem, parents should soberly assess the complexity of such a disease as follicular tonsillitis (photos in children, see the review for the treatment of this disease). The risk of developing seriouscomplications is confirmed by the fact that purulent inflammation of the tonsils in a child is dangerous to ignore.